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8 hours ago, JNC said:


I think casting can have a really big impact on how you enjoy a ballet, more than you might expect! So I would always try and catch different casts to see if they illuminate something for me. 


For example Manon with Alina Cojocaru earlier this year (ENB) made me believe I loved the ballet Manon. But dare I say, the recent run with the various RB casts hasn’t really done it for me - there have been some great performances (Ball as Des Grieux was great for example) but nothing for me really touched what Cojocaru brought to the role. I like the ballet still but it has gone down a little in my estimations.  I think if I had seen the Hayward/Campbell/Corrales/Magri cast, that would have hit the spot for me.


Whereas I saw Cojocaru in January & found her in conjunction with Joseph Caley less moving than Alison McWhinney & Francesco Gabriele Frola, who I saw 2 days earlier. Though admittedly I think that was more due to Caley not really doing it for me compared to Frola rather than the performances of the two ladies. (I better not start on the relative merits of the 5 RB casts I've just seen as this is the wrong thread for Manon!)


I really enjoyed the triple bill yesterday, my first time seeing the pieces. I think this may partly be because, while I have loved my Manon repeat-viewings in the last month, it was nice to watch some rather less emotional ballet for a change & not end the performance as a sobbing mess!


While I generally prefer ballet to have a plot, I really liked Concerto, though I don't think I'd want to see a full 3 acts of that style. I was very pleased I managed to see this cast, especially Hayward & Hamilton. I thought Hamilton & Brændsrød were beautiful in the second movement.


I enjoyed Enigma Variations, as a series of vignettes. Nimrod, the only music from them I, and I suspect most people, know, wasn't at all what I would have expected it to be. After seeing Avis & Whitehead playing a pair of deeply unpleasant 18th century characters during the past month, it was nice to see them yesterday as a couple of decent Edwardian chaps instead! It was the first time I'd seen Arestis dancing en pointe & her partnering options when she was younger must have been quite limited, given she was noticably taller than Avis when en pointe & he must be nearly 6 foot. I thought all the different vignettes were good except for not being quite sure about Hinkis as Dorabella. I found myself wishing it was Hayward instead, who I'm only going to see in the cinecast, as I felt Hinkis seemed to lack lightness.


Having not been very keen on the Bolshoi's Raymonda when I saw their livestream last week I was a bit apprehensive of what I'd think about the RB's Act III but I found it far more enjoyable. Even the music sounded better! I think it helps when you know who more of the dancers are, for instance in the variations where I was watching dancers all of whom I know from seeing in other roles, rather than several "identikit" Bolshoi dancers who I couldn't properly tell apart. I was surprised at how little Muntagirov had to do; his solo was noticeably shorter than Osipova's.


It was nice meeting up with some of the other forum members in the intervals. At least I know my posts on here are read: 3 people asked me how my cold was! (Still going is the answer, but I managed to avoid any mid-performance coughing.) I confess to particularly enjoying the gossip about which dancers are/were dating each other, though there were so many couples mentioned that now I can't remember who they all are!


I'm hesitating over posting any photos with @Rob S's wonderful examples on the previous page but as he hasn't posted any on here for yesterday's Concerto and, by my standards, my Concerto ones seem to have come out okay, I'll try posting the link to them.



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What a terrific evening at the cinema. So glad to have seen Concerto (which I missed on Saturday) which I thought was fantastic. The lighting was a bit too dark for Engima but i think I "got it" this time. Raymonda was a splendid way to finish.


Off to the general rehearsal of Sleeping Beauty on Wednesday. I may be a bit ballet-ed out !


I would also just say how impressive the general presenting, interviews and behind the scenes videos are for the screening - and what a lovely guy James Hay is !


Edited by MJW
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Just got back from my local cinema's screening of the triple bill of Concerto/Enigma Variations/Raymonda Act III and it was really good,  mum and me enjoyed it immensely, The Royal Ballet looked in fine form.



I love the Shostakovich music used by MacMillan in this ballet, and the choreography fit so well, Anna Rose O'Sullivan and James Hay were great in the first movement, lots of energy, and Yasmine Naghdi and Ryoichi Hirano were spellbinding in the second movement, her lines are so beautiful and elegant, top quality and finally Maya Magri was also fab in the final movement, my mum really liked the ballet too.


Engima Variations

Really enjoyed this too, I've never seen it in full before, mostly know it through odd clips, photos etc. so to see it properly was a real treat, loved all the characters and it resonated with me as my ladies choir I am a member of have been performing a couple of Elgar pieces this year (Fly Singing Bird Fly and The Snow), so no escaping this composer! Matthew Hay was really good as Troyte and Francesca Hayward was lovely as Dorabella, brought the music to life. 


Raymonda Act III

Well what is there to say but WOW a riot of Hungarian and Byzantine scenery and costume, plenty of white and gold, Vadim Muntagirov and Natalia Osipova were superb, I sometimes like Osipova and sometimes don't and in this she really was in her element, commanding the stage and Vadim, well he was brilliant as usual, could of watched him dance all night, also special mention to Fumi Kaneko, Meghan Grace Hinkis and Claire Calvert in the variations, lovely dancing. Itziar Mendizabal and Reece Clarke were great as the Hungarian couple. Again great music, very lush.


Real treat seeing so many of my favourite dancers, and two ballets I've never seen before so that was cool, hope it comes out on blu-ray!


It's nice to see the Royal Ballet with strength and depth, they have a great company of dancers. 

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Rather a thin [cinema] audience- what a shame! They don't know what they were misisng.


Osipova was worth the price of admission alone- her expression during her stunning hand-clapping solo was priceless!


Edited by alison
For clarification
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Enjoyed the cinema broadcast very much, particularly as I'd not felt well on Saturday afternoon and hadn't been as involved as I'd hoped i might have been in the performance.


Of course, one will have preferences (I'd have had Hayward with Hay in Concerto for a start and felt O'Sullivan was being ever so slightly "cute to camera"), but Naghdi was sublime (and I liked Hirano in this), whilst Magri made something almost impossible look almost easy. Lovely to see the splendid Kate Shipway interviewed and receiving a well deserved bouquet after Concerto too.


Enigma Variations works well on screen, with added detail. I still feel the tone of the work can seem uncertain and need to revisit my David Vaughan re Lady Mary Lygon. I preferred Avis, Arestis and Whitehead for Nimrod, and (just) Campbell, as slightly neater, to Ball as Troyte (both turning right not left I think), but Hayward was absolutely blissful as Dorabella (why not Gasparini for this in other casts? Much as I love her I just can't imagine Naghdi in this - I appreciate she's out of it now -  although it's always good to see artists working against type).


I loved Raymonda: the glow of the Glazunov score matched by the glory of the set. Mendizabal (now there's a character principal in the making: will we see her Carabosse this time round?) and Clarke were fantastic as the Hungarian Couple (I still think he will make Principal as a Prince but it's good to see him being tried in a wider range of things to build stage presence, rather like Ball doing Tybalt) and the female soloists much surer than on Saturday afternoon, with, for me, glamorous Ms Kaneko and dazzling Ms Stix-Brunell (who had another busy time), stand outs (although Magri had been rather stunning on Saturday afternoon: she's really growing on me as an artist and dancer with a real individuality of manner and style). For individuality, Osipova is probably unique, and I though, however charismatic, she was at her most wilful with phrasing this evening. As the other half remarked on Saturday, "there are two sorts of virtuosities: she likes to show it's difficult, Muntagirov makes it look effortless. I know which I prefer." 


Great to see Alfreda Thorogood, Gary Avis, Christopher Carr and Wayne Sleep in interview, but still not entirely convinced by Darcey Bussell in such scripted environments. Still a lovely evening and a pity that my local cinema in Rye was more than half empty. 



Edited by Jamesrhblack
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4 minutes ago, Jamesrhblack said:

For individuality, Osipova is probably unique, and I thought she was at her most wilful with phrasing this evening. As the other half remarked on Saturday, "there are two sorts of virtuosities: she likes to show it's difficult, Muntagirov makes it look effortless. I know which I prefer." 


99% of the time I agree entirely- and Muntagirov is to me the finest dancer currently to be seen- but, I must say that in this piece it was that very contrast between them  that added a certain something to this performance, which I didn't get live last week- not sure why, but some chemistry seemed to click and I found Osipova irresistible and the whole Raymonda performance delightful!

Ballet heaven in fact.


Yasmine Naghdi and Hirano  were sublime in Concerto, as many have said- it bears saying again but it was also wonderful to see James Hay and Anna Rose O Sullivan close-up on screen giving it their all- a fine pair they are;

Laura Morera gave a peerless performance which it is so good to have filmed, but I did miss Gary Avis  as Elgar. ( It was nice to see him interviewed but he didn't get the chance to say that much- there is still too much superficial 'It's amazing' chat to my mind.) It might have been Francesca Hayward's first time as Dorabella but she is made for the part and Ashton would surely have loved that performance.


- and Reece Clarke and Itziar Mendizibal an exciting Hunagrian couple- goodness,  such an impressive range and variety on stage tonight.



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I saw the live screening in Wimbledon - the cinema was pretty well full. What a brilliant performance of these three magnificent works! The company now on top form in all three. I loved Anna Rose O'Sullivan and James Hay in the first movement of Concerto, and Naghdi and Hirano were unbelievably beautiful in the second, with Mayara Magri bold and bright in the third movement. Seeing Enigma Variations close up was wonderful - every nuance and detail clear, and a really moving performance. Christopher Saunders was touching as Elgar, with Laura Morera intensely musical and quietly dramatic as his loving wife. Hayward was a scintillating Dorabella and Acri a thrilling George Robertson Sinclair - so fast and nimble! The general rejoicing on the receipt of the telegram, before Elgar has seen it, was so beautiful - all his friends rejoicing, dancing, rising, spinning, in the knowledge of the happiness he was about to be given - their selfless love and artless affection distilling the whole essence of the ballet. And Raymonda was absolutely brilliant, with Osipova a less mysterious but more exotic princess than Cuthbertson, and Muntagirov beyond perfect as Jean de Brienne. Dazzling all round.

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I agree with most of the comments above about the cinema screening. It was a fantastic evening! Though I have no ballet expertise, these are my immediate thoughts:


Concerto: I loved this, particularly Yasmine Naghdi. She was exquisite.


Enigma: My least favourite. I had watched the online rehearsal with Avis and Arestis, and think I preferred that partnership. After the beautiful simplicity of Concerto, I found the Enigma costumes a little fussy and bulky, and felt they hid the beautiful lines.


Raymonda: I didn't think I would like this after reading some of the posts, but was pleasantly surprised! I loved the mix of classical and Hungarian dance, and I loved the music, set and costumes. Muntagirov was beautiful to watch; he jumps so effortlessly, as if he was on springs. I liked Osipova much more in this than in R and J. The role seems perfect for her.

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Approximately 10 in our cinema tonight, I think, worrying. I loved the show, another opportunity to see this marvelous programme. The whole cast of Concerto were fantastic but the performance belonged to Yasmine Naghdi - what more can be said of this wonderful ballerina? Her musicality, her artistry and her phenomenal technique is always a pleasure to see. Enigma Variations was a showcase of the acting ability of the RB. I was so pleased to see Romany Pajdak again, she is perfect in this role it really suits her calm, romantic persona. In fact Romany was gorgeous in every ballet tonight , I can't wait to see her in more solo opportunities, it was exciting to see her partnered with Cesare Corrales in Raymonda. Another notable performance came from Hannah Grennell in Concerto & Raymonda. And Reece Clarke was excellent in Raymonda. The whole cast of Raymonda were brilliant though, especially Vadim Muntagirov as usual. One moment I thought was particularly lovely when the camera caught Isabella Gasparini with a big smile on her face as she watched Osipova in her solo. Just magic.


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My brief thoughts which mainly echo the above:


Concerto - really fantastic. O’Sullivan and Hay spot on, perfect technique and real energy in tune with the music and each other. Naghdi - sublime! Good to see her solid and back on stage after her injury. Hirano a good partner but didn’t bring anything ‘extra’ (which I’m not sure the role requires anyway to be fair).


Enigma Variations 

Sorry to the Ashton fans but this one did nothing for me. It felt like a serious of unconnected variations but there is meant to be a plot - which is difficult to discern. I wish I could have enjoyed it and ignored a plot but (cue the unpopular opinion) the choreography just didn’t do it for me, so I couldn’t appreciate it and forget about the plot. Hayward was of course lovely as expected, as was Morera but this is one piece I wouldn’t see again - if even Hayward can’t get me to like it there is probably no hope! (Before I get destroyed by those Ashton fans I did enjoy and appreciate A Month in the Country!) 



Clarke and Menzibal great as the Hungarian couple. The variations by the four female soloists were solid but, I’m sorry to say, none had a particular extra special something that blew me away (which may be the choreography to be fair?). Muntagirov of course pulled out all the stops and the corps really worked well together in synchrony. But the piece belonged to Osipova - she was in her element, nailing the technique, doing the dramatic flourishes, bang on time to music and fully in control of tempo and really projecting personality. Sorry but I can’t imagine anyone beating her in this role - well it’s personal preference of course and I’ve not seen anyone else, but to me Osipova now is the definitive Raymonda. 


Overall a bit of a mixed bag. Highlights definitely Osipova and the second movement Concerto (Naghdi). Rising stars to O’Sullivan/Hay/Clarke. I’m glad I’ve seen it all once but I wouldn’t rush to get another performance in this run. I think it was a good mixed bill in the sense the works are varied and there’s something for everyone, but to me it did feel a bit all over the place, but it was great to see so many principals and first soloists and others in one night - so you can’t complain! 

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Just got home after attending tonight performance. A real treat. Originally I booked 2 performances last week but could not make them for a very busy working schedule myself and illness. I got to this one. Only got 3 hours! And what a wonderful night!


Concerto: love Shostakovich, wonderful dancing of the leading roles. the middle piece is nice, the 1st&3rd parts is a little "chaos" to my taste. I would say that I would prefer if shorten into a 20minutes work.


Enigma: No it is not for me. Although I found it "interesting" and watched "carefully" but I doubt if I would attend another performance of it. (Maybe just sitting outside at the bar) The music is okay, but unfortunately it is put in the middle of the great Shostakovich and the wonderful Raymonda. :( I would say that "a month in the country" will be a better choice to put in the middle for the cinema screening. Francesca Hayward Laura Morera perfect. Ball managed that interesting solo. 


Raymonda: I watched La Scala version and loved Raymonda. So I was very looking forward to RB version and  it is WOW! Natalia and Vadream are beyond my word to describe. It will be quite a lot of pressure on them. Because in this version Act III, the leading pair actually does not have very long stage time and the other solos are also very compatible. In traditional full length Raymonda, Raymonda has very demanding solos in the first two acts. Besides the leading pair,  Fumi Kaneko also stood out. 

The costume , music and dancing are wonderful. The tile effort on the floor looks very beautiful from Balcony. However I was really worried for a moment (especially that famous ariation pour quatre danseurs) because it looked very slippy, it was possible to see the reflection and shadows! (I am being silly lol)

To be a bit picky, I don't know if it is the angle problem from my seat or not. It seems that Natalia Osipova was almost late for the 2nd "bell" turn with male soloists in Grand adage but she saved it. And Hinkis did not control some steps in the last part of her solo that well. Hope either my eyes lied to me or they will make it up in the DVD. 




Edited by HelenLoveAppleJuice
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11 minutes ago, JNC said:

 Hirano a good partner but didn’t bring anything ‘extra’ (which I’m not sure the role requires anyway to be fair).

I think that his role is mainly supporting and he did a fantastic job of all those difficult lifting. 


11 minutes ago, JNC said:

but to me Osipova now is the definitive Raymonda. 


I already started a debate of her vs Sylvie Guillem with my friend. We watched a video clip of Sylvie Guillem on youtube. And Osipova also posted saying that the Raymonda crown for her was worn by Guillem, what a coincidence! 

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27 minutes ago, bridiem said:

I saw the live screening in Wimbledon - the cinema was pretty well full.


The Odeon, or the Curzon?  Pleased to see it if it's the Odeon - it was always one of my fallbacks if I couldn't get in elsewhere, until the prices went almost stratospheric.


There were maybe a dozen or so people in my cinema, but then it's fairly new for them, so no time to build up a following.

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5 minutes ago, alison said:


The Odeon, or the Curzon?  Pleased to see it if it's the Odeon - it was always one of my fallbacks if I couldn't get in elsewhere, until the prices went almost stratospheric.


There were maybe a dozen or so people in my cinema, but then it's fairly new for them, so no time to build up a following.


The Curzon. (I don't know if it was on at the Odeon too.)

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9 minutes ago, cackles said:

The Odeon in Wimbledon was very empty unfortunately - I didn't do a head count!


I assumed that the Odeon would be cheaper than the Curzon, but I see it's actually more expensive. Maybe that partly explains the emptiness!

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Prices have indeed gone up there quite sharply - not sure if they are now more expensive than central London Odeons, as is the case with certain other suburban ones.  Anyway, perhaps this ought to go back on the "Dance in cinemas" thread rather than this one.

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Very much enjoyed last night’s cinema relay in Keswick but gave Raymonda a miss as an early start for Sleeping Beauty General Rehearsal.  I shall look forward to seeing it on a DVD given all the comments above.


Loved Concerto and thought all the leads excellent - wonderful to see Yasmine Naghdi back and such an accomplished PDD with Ryoichi Hirano.  A real fizz to the outer movements.  In the cinema there’s inevitably a concentration on the soloists and there’s not much opportunity to appreciate the overall perspective but the ensemble looked much tighter than in earlier performances.


I thought Enigma worked really well in the cinema.  Fabulous to see such great actor/dancers, Laura Morera outstanding, making every moment count, every gesture and glance conveying their character.  And after Nimrod, pure joy to see Francesca Hayward’s effervescent Dorabella.  I have a slight preference for Gary Avis (who to me avoids any suggestion of self pity) and Alexander Campbell (who in the theatre I thought was absolutely spot on at the end).  Enigma plays so well to the Royal Ballet’s strengths and I certainly went home delighted with the first two Ballets.


I enjoyed much of the interval pieces and thought Darcey Bussell on good form.  Not so sure about her co-presenter who seemed ill at ease when not presenting although I did welcome her explanation of the Enigma telegram etc which I think adds to the understanding.

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Wonderful evening at the ROH last night. The Shostakovich piece is one of my favourites and the ballet was terrific, especially Naghdi and Hirano.

i enjoyed the music and dancing/acting of Enigma but not the piece itself. I don’t like Two Pigeons or Month either. Hayward was delightful as Dora Bella, so light and quick.


I find with these mixed bills that the one piece I really want to see is at the end and so it was yesterday. 

Fabulous Raymonda - costumes, music, choreography and wow dancing. When Osipova and Muntagirov arrived on stage - you knew ballet royalty had arrived- no question. Great individually and together. What a high to end the evening on.

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I missed it very sadly as our younger Labrador had a minor operation and wasn’t very happy afterwards so I didn’t want to leave her and wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on the cinema relay. It sounds as though we missed a treat. I knew that would be the case but our dog comes first. 

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I echo everyone else’s pleasure at the wonderful dancing last night, especially Naghdi and Hirano in the second movement of Concerto.  Naghdi’s lines are exquisite and I found myself almost hypnotised into a wonderful feeling of tranquility by the beauty of the dancing, the music and the lighting.  


I enjoyed Enigma but unlike Month and M&A I’m not sure it’s something I’d rush to see again - partly because trying to work out what was happening in “Nimrod” distracted me from the music.  Was Nimrod in love with Pajdak’s character? Did he and Elgar then have a slight disagreement which Lady E mediated?  The dark screen in the cinema didn’t help but I was a little confused.  


Morera was wonderful though and I thought Acri, Clarke, Hayward, Ball and Mendizabal all danced beautifully.  A delight as always to see Gasparini dancing beautifully with a joyous smile. 


I loved Raymonda.  Osipova seems born to dance this role and Muntagirov showed us yet again that normal laws of gravity do not apply to him.  Stix-Brunel and Calvert were excellent, as were Mendizabal and Clarke (the latter must surely be promoted next year).  Lots of very busy dancers last night, some dancing in all three ballets yet still looking fresh by the end which is truly impressive.


I don’t mind Anita Rani but to be honest, if Ore is unavailable, why don’t they use Kristen McNally alongside Darcey? 


Our cinema was about half full and as usual for triple bills or non-Tchaikovsky ballets I was the youngest there, surrounded by older people who I assume are hearing-impaired as they talked loudly to each other even when the music started or dancers were onstage.  😳 Mind you, more and more people of all ages seem to think our local cinema is their personal living room these days so I shouldn’t be surprised. 

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I had hoped to see this last evening with some friends - however there was a problem with the feed and we all went home very disappointed.  Will try to see the encore on Sunday.  Sounds as though it was a wonderful evening.  I do hope they release a DVD of the event.



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2 hours ago, Anna C said:

 I enjoyed Enigma but unlike Month and M&A I’m not sure it’s something I’d rush to see again - partly because trying to work out what was happening in “Nimrod” distracted me from the music.  Was Nimrod in love with Pajdak’s character? Did he and Elgar then have a slight disagreement which Lady E mediated?  The dark screen in the cinema didn’t help but I was a little confused. 


The Nimrod variation does seem to be decidedly ambiguous in possible interpretations. From what I'd read about it beforehand I thought it was supposed to show mutual friendship between the two Elgars and Jaeger. My mother, seeing it last night without having read up about it beforehand, thought that Lady Elgar was trying to decide between the two men! Also, having seen Morera & Gartside in Manon less than a week ago. it took a bit of metal adjustment seeing them doing such different roles only a few days later. I thought Hayward was lovely as Dorabella, much better than Hinkis.


Concerto I didn't like as much in the cinema as I did seeing it in person. While usually I'm a fan of close-ups, because there's no real acting/characterisation required in the piece I thought the close-ups actually detracted from it & it was better viewed from a single, uninterrupted perspective. I also, and I'm aware I'm probably in a minority of one here, preferred Hamilton to Naghdi in the second movement.

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I went to the screening last night with a poorly hubby.  I volunteered to leave after Enigma but he gallantly insisted on staying to the end, trying to contain his coughing.  Valuable though a cinema screening is it makes you view the performance with different eyes from a live show.  This being the case I am not sure that my opinion of Concerto is that valid, but here goes.  The second movement was excellently danced but it didn't get me the same way as when I saw with BRB.   On that occasion I thought Jenna Roberts and Tyrone Singleton were just sublime.  It had something extra.  That may be down to my adoration of Mr Singleton but there you go.


The  movement I would like to single out was the third with Myara Magri just sailing through its huge demands.


I first saw Enigma Variations in the 80s, led by Derek Rencher and Monica Mason.   I must confess that I didn't get it at all.  As time went on I saw Sibley as Dorabella and things began to drop into place.  When I moved to Worcestershire my appreciation of Elgar really started to blossom, not least as I had a few seasons listening to the CBSO.  I think it was 1993 when BRB acquired the work, coached by Michael Somes not long before his death,  that I really started to value the work.  Our Elgar was Desmond Kelly and he was just fabulous.


Kevin O'Hare was Troyte and I was very pleased when he reminded me that he also appeared as Elgar not long before he retired.  To be honest I didn't think that much of Christopher Saunders and, being so close, I must concur with the view of an earlier poster that I felt that the way her looked at his Dorabella was slightly uncomfortable.  One of the drawbacks of this type of viewing.


I was very taken with Matthew Ball bounding through Troyte and Francesca Hayward as the only brunette Dorabella I have ever seen.  I also looked at Luca Acri as George Robinson Sinclair with different eyes, greatly helped by Wayne Sleep's explanation of some of the details of the role he had reintroduced.


However, the whole performance was remarkable for the truly tremendous Laura Morea as Lady Elgar.  I am so pleased to have seen her in an Ashton role, and one she so obviously understood.  I never saw Beriosova in the role but I felt, accurately or otherwise, that I had seen the nearest thing.  She was Alice Elgar as she would like to have been, to partially quote the bon mot about Monica Mason being Alice as she actually was.  It should never be forgotten that Elgar had all his major successes during the time he was married to her and that they ceased with her death.  She was his true inspiration and I really felt that with Morea.


So, on with Raymonda, something of a favourite of mine.  I was very curious to know how Natalia Osipova would fit into the Nureyev version.  I will just say quickly that I saw Nureyev dance in this production towards the end of his career.  He was no Vadim Muntagirov by that time!  So, would Natalia clap or not clap.  No, apparently ballerinas are not supposed to make a noise.  It looked a bit odd without the slap as she was so imperious in the role.


My favourite bit of the ballet is her demi-solo when Raymonda starts at the back with her slow relevè passes progress to the front of the stage.  The Russians do it differently, starting at the front of the stage and moving backwards very fast.  I prefer the Nureyev version and I once saw Sylvie Guillem (in the wrong tutu, her loss) take it so slowly you could have done your shopping list between each balance, but it was so exciting as she accelerated forward.


I was very taken with Osipova although I do prefer my Raymondas to be more radiant and less triumphant.  However, she danced with palpable authority which is difficult when the character has so little opportunity to show off.


As for Vadim, there are no words.  I feel so privileged every time I see him.

Edited by Two Pigeons
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