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Royal Ballet: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Autumn 2017

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I was at the rehearsal Tuesday - so here are some photos:


Gemma Pitchley-Gale, Akane Takada, Paul Kay, Kevin Emerton
© Dave Morgan. 
Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr



Mariko Sasaki, Micah Bradbury, Leticia Dias
© Dave Morgan. 
Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr


Akane Takada, Alexander Campbell
© Dave Morgan. 
Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr


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Set from DanceTabs: RB - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Courtesy of DanceTabs / Flickr

By kind permission of the Royal Opera House

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A few minor issues last night - Ed Watson had a bunny-tail malfunction in the opening scene (and even if he hadn't, nobody would have seen it pop out as the black cloth was hanging too low over his bum...), the rose on the tree refused to stay red for even a split second to register with the audience before it turned white again, and was it my imagination or was there a (female, red) dancer missing for part of the Cards number?


Not much to say about the performance, but I really enjoyed it.  It was mostly the original principal cast last night, with notable updates including Laura Morera's hilarious Queen of Hearts (Zenaida Yanowsky having been announced, and then de-announced due to injury) and Fernando Montano's Caterpillar.  But I'd seen them with other casts before.


I was there with somebody who had never seen it before, and I told her as few spoilers as possible - just made sure she'd watched a good Rose Adage on YouTube in advance... she absolutely loved everything about it.

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A stunning, beautifully danced and winningly acted debut as Alice from Anna Rose O'Sullivan last night. Huge congratulations to her.


Joseph Sissens, another first-timer, made a big impact as soon as he came on stage as the Magician and morphed into an excellent tap-dancing Mad Hatter.


Others essaying roles for the first time included (I think, although I am not an Alice connoisseur!): Helen Crawford as The Cook, Ashley Dean as the Dormouse (very nice!), Teo  Dubreuil as The Fish, Harry Churches as The Executioner, and Leo Dixon as a Gardener. There were also some new lead flowers and leading cards but these dancers are not, alas, named on the cast sheet.


It was a good, buoyant show all round with massive applause at the end, especially for Joseph Sissens, Alexander Campbell (White Rabbit), Steven McRae (Jack) and Anna Rose who received a great big pile of bouquets and a rapturous reception.

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I enjoyed the dress rehearsal but have not commented on it as it was a rehearsal. However I would love to know the names of the three gardeners, they really impressed me. Now, having read forum comments I am really looking forward to seeing Anna Rose Sullivan and so many of my favourite dancers in the matinee on the 14th and watching my eight year old great grandson being lost in a magical world. He enjoyed Nutcracker last year so I know he will take in a ballet where he knows the story. I love the music, it tells the story so well. Overall my personal view is that the ballet could benefit with a little pruning, but that is a very minor criticism! Love the dress rehearsal photos, thank you.

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The Gardeners at the rehearsal were:  Calvin Richardson, Giacomo Rivero and Joseph Sissens - I think. Last night (28th), they were David Yudes, Calvin Richardson and Leo Dixon - I think. However, I wasn't sitting very near the stage and the caps do tend to change dancers' appearance.

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Many thanks for the reports and photos of last night - must have been fabulous.  I too am very much looking forward to Anna Rose's matinee performance on the 14th,  as well as tomorrow's cast.  I'm not sure I'd let Jillykins' gardeners loose on the pruning.

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A stonking performance from Anna Rose O’Sullivan on Thursday. Assured, colourful, and beautifully danced. It must be such a tough role; on stage most of the time and always on the go dancing or acting, but she took it all in her stride. I find that Anna Rose is one of those rare dancers who can project a character all the way up to the amphitheatre.


She fully deserved all her flowers including the bouquet Laura Morera tried to steal during the curtain call! I’m very jealous of those who have tickets for her other performance. Hopefully this is the first of many lead roles. She has certainly earned more opportunities. Kevin…


Joseph Sissens was an impressive Mad Hatter, such great characterisation. I felt his tapping was a little unclear initially, but I think this was mostly due to the portable stage. He was on fire in act 3.


McRae was as strong as always and the perfect partner for a debut. Campbell carried off the idiosyncratic choreography for the White Rabbit well. Morera looked like she had a whale of a time as the Queen of Hearts, staying in character all through the curtain call including having a tantrum when she didn’t get any flowers. Edmonds was a fine caterpillar and got warm applause. Avis and Crawford were a good double act as the Duchess and the Cook.


There were a few prop issues, most notably in the trial when the plate of tarts fell off its plinth as the Mad Hatter took one. Full marks to Alexander Campbell who got up, picked up the plate, moved back to collect the tart from the dormouse, then picked up the fallen tarts one by one, without missing a beat and staying in character the whole time with rabbit steps and frustrated tail wiggles. It almost looked like it was supposed to happen!


A fantastic performance from all involved.

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A very enjoyable Alice matinee with Francesca utterly enchanting as ever.  Tierney Heap was a fearsome Queen of Hearts, with Benn ‘leading’ the reluctant cavaliers.  I liked Tristan Dyer’s Jack and James Hay’s White Rabbit and it was very good to see Calvin Richardson’s Hatter after the Insight relay - I thought he was particularly strong when leading the ensemble work.  It is a fun piece, great production and engages the audience, young and not so young.  Special mention to Koen Kessels and the ROH orchestra - and very well received by the audience.  It strikes me that the Royal Ballet have begun the new season pretty much where they ended last season.  How fortunate we are as there seems to be an abundance of talent throughout the company - all the smaller roles made a real impression and the corps de ballet cards all come up trumps.  I’ll look forward very much to seeing Anna Rose in her second performance, with Laura’s Queen of Hearts, and then the cinema relay.  Again thanks to bangorballetboy for fabulous curtain call photos of the afternoon's performance on Instagram.


But I'm also pleased to have picked up my Anastasia DVD - a diet of Alices might be too much sweetness and I don't think extra insulin would work.

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Can only confirm what JohnS said in the previous post. I had never seen Alice live before, only the cinema broadcasts which I don't think did it justice. it made far more impact seeing a live performance and Francesca in particular was splendid. I'd forgotten what a physically tiring role it must be as Alice is hardly ever off stage and is heavily involved with the dancing much of the time; how do the Alice's remember everything as well as how do they keep going? Tierney Heap was splendid also, and there wasn't any noticeable disturbance from the many children in the audience so I hope they enjoyed what was probably a first balletic experience for many. There was certainly plenty of clapping and cheering at the end though I thought some of the performance response was rather muted. Koen Kessels goes from strength to strength with his ballet conducting; I wish he could conduct everything but I know he has  international commitments as well. we're lucky to have him as indeed we are lucky to have many of the up and coming young dancers at the RB though the list of injuries just at the start of the season is worrying. Does anyone know what is wrong with Marcellino? Tristram Dyer was a very engaging Jack but I was looking forward to seeing Marcellino and wish him a speedy recovery from whatever injury he has. All in all a very successful visit, especially as I was in the right side SC near the stage so could see most of the action close up. Though be warned if anyone has booked seats in this area you are right next to the brass section and it is very noisy!

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I'm sure all performances of Alice have a happy atmosphere, last night's did, I've seen Yuhui Choe before, she is ideal in the role and can be herself and doesn't really need to act, this time Matthew Ball was her Jack, thought he was charming, a very good partner and danced beautifully too! I also especially liked Nicol Edmonds as the caterpillar, and Alexander Campbell as Lewis Carroll. I find the first act a bit tedious but love the second and third acts, like the way the whole stage is used in the Flowers Waltz, this is my favourite section, and the final scene is perfect, really capturing the magic of the book, other sections like the Rose Adagio make me squirm, but good to see it again!

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First time of seeing this production, and wasn't disappointed. I agree with Beryl and thought it the perfect role for Yuhui Choe who I always enjoy watching but for me really encapsulated the character of Alice with the right balance of inquisitive, determined and loving. So impressed with the choreography and designs, particularly the Cheshire Cat and Caterpillar, very inventive! I've not seen Matthew Ball in a principal role before, what a revelation! His solos were fantastic and I really enjoyed the court room PDD.  Fabulous score, and found the amount of humour well balanced. I had been looking forward to seeing Paul Kay as the Mad Hatter but Calvin Richardson gave a spirited performance (his second of the day!). On entering the auditorium I commented how lovely it was to see so many children sitting down to watch. I'm afraid by the end of the evening my patience with the two very young boys sat next to me had run dry during loud talking, fidgeting, banging the tier ledge, and some rather unpleasant smells! Can't blame them - they're doing what small children do when they are bored - but a bit of a shame, I think I just got unlucky! For that reason I'm excited to see the cinema relay as hope I will be less distracted. One final thought - I found it particularly heartwarming to see Yuhui Choe and Alexander Campbell (cast as Lewis Carroll/White Rabbit) dancing together again, I used to always book their performances and never understood why they stopped being paired together - can anyone enlighten me? 

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Don't start me on Alexander Campbell and his partners.  I believe we are being seriously deprived of the Campbell/Hayward stellar partnership. SO disappointed they are not together in Alice now, Giselle later on and also previously, The Dream.

There is no doubt he is a perfect partner for anyone really, but connection is all, and there are some partnerships which have that extra "something" "IT"


I saw Alice last night and he was partnering Akane.  All was fine but no real emotional connection. She danced extremely well and so did he, but.........


I particularly enjoyed Laura Morera as the Red Queen - Rose Adage, was priceless with a very expert cavalier team including Gary Avis, who all played it to perfection.  I do wish they would put more detail in the cast listing in the programme. These 4 were not mentioned. 


Some parts of Alice mean my attention drifts. Love the Cheshire Cat and also really enjoyed James Hay as the White Rabbit.


The audience seemed very happy at the end  

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On 03/10/2017 at 20:32, JennyTaylor said:

Don't start me on Alexander Campbell and his partners.  I believe we are being seriously deprived of the Campbell/Hayward stellar partnership. SO disappointed they are not together in Alice now, Giselle later on and also previously, The Dream.

There is no doubt he is a perfect partner for anyone really, but connection is all, and there are some partnerships which have that extra "something" "IT"


I saw Alice last night and he was partnering Akane.  All was fine but no real emotional connection. She danced extremely well and so did he, but.........


I particularly enjoyed Laura Morera as the Red Queen - Rose Adage, was priceless with a very expert cavalier team including Gary Avis, who all played it to perfection.  I do wish they would put more detail in the cast listing in the programme. These 4 were not mentioned. 


Some parts of Alice mean my attention drifts. Love the Cheshire Cat and also really enjoyed James Hay as the White Rabbit.


The audience seemed very happy at the end  

I think he is quite versatile and has quite a few partners. And  by versatile I mean the right height for many of the smaller ballerinas. He is extraordinary with Hayward though. Their Lovers Leave rehearsal was just palpable. Why I don't know...just the way it is I suppose. Sometimes performers, like everyone else I guess, just click on the right level. I do have fingers crossed for Manon and Swan Lake later in the year. Surely. Surely.

On 01/10/2017 at 18:23, Riva said:

 One final thought - I found it particularly heartwarming to see Yuhui Choe and Alexander Campbell (cast as Lewis Carroll/White Rabbit) dancing together again, I used to always book their performances and never understood why they stopped being paired together - can anyone enlighten me? 

He got made principal. Now dances with the principal girls. Sad but I think that is it. There is definitely more so list men who partner principal girls than the other way around.

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How wonderful to watch ballet through the eyes of a child! I can’t assess performances because to my eight year old it was all perfect. He did find the music a bit loud at times and covered his ears! Anna Rose was a delightful, magical Alice and we loved her relationship with Campbell’s white rabbit. I felt that McCrae was a bit mature for the knave but he danced beautifully. Overall a wonderful mix of drama, dancing, music and technology. A perfect introduction to the world we love so much for such a mixed audience. Jacob enjoyed it more than Nutcracker but he is a year older. I really enjoyed Laura as Queen of Hearts, I do think she deserved a bouquet! This was such a special day for three generations in my family. Looking forward now to mixed bill next Wednesday, alas no children!

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A fabulous matinee, and what a celebration for Anna Rose and the Royal Ballet.  The curtain came down a fraction early at the close so we were deprived of Alex’s final twitch of ear - perhaps the curtain controller was as keen to applaud as the audience.  I have no idea how Benn as King of Hearts managed to keep his head buried in the newspaper during the wonderful Anna Rose/Steven pdd - resisting a peek a testament to sacrifice in the name of art.  Laura’s Queen was imperious and lovely to see her balance in the tarts adage.  And what strength across the entire cast - everyone on the cast list derives a mention and then all those who don't even appear on the published sheet, lead cards and gardeners or should I say painters, and the corps.  I was also very impressed by Tom Seligman’s conducting - a great asset for the Royal Ballet as conductor and also when giving pre performance introductions.


But the matinee rightly was a wonderful opportunity for Anna Rose and how richly she deserved the stunning bouquets and applause.  A tremendous talent, quite delectable, and I’m sure Alice will be the first of many lead roles for her.

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And Laura, still in character during the curtain calls, cross because she didn't get a bouquet!  As Jillykins said, she sure deserved one!  Agree with the comments above;  it was a brilliant matinee and a wonderful example of ensemble dancing.  The entire cast was on great form and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  

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On 10/3/2017 at 20:32, JennyTaylor said:

Don't start me on Alexander Campbell and his partners.  I believe we are being seriously deprived of the Campbell/Hayward stellar partnership. SO disappointed they are not together in Alice now, Giselle later on and also previously, The Dream.

There is no doubt he is a perfect partner for anyone really, but connection is all, and there are some partnerships which have that extra "something" "IT"

Write in to Kevin O'Hare? If he doesn't know what the audience thinks how can he correct it? 

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2 hours ago, Don Q Fan said:

Write in to Kevin O'Hare? If he doesn't know what the audience thinks how can he correct it? 


Hmmmm. Directors often see things differently from their audience and Kevin may want to be nurturing partners of a similar age (among other considerations).

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5 hours ago, capybara said:


Hmmmm. Directors often see things differently from their audience and Kevin may want to be nurturing partners of a similar age (among other considerations).


Very true, capybara. But if age is a consideration he should perhaps remember some wonderful partnerships of dancers with a bigger age gap than Campbell and Hayward - obvious recent examples being Cojocaru/Kobborg and Rojo/Cope (and Muntagirov/Klimentova from outside the RB). Oh and I have a vague memory of Fonteyn having a reasonably successful partnership with a (much) younger dancer. :) 

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On 10/10/2017 at 23:46, Shya100 said:

I do have fingers crossed for Manon and Swan Lake later in the year. Surely. Surely.


Well, actually, I was hoping that Hayward would be revisiting Manon with Ed Watson (preferably fully fit this time, which I don't think he was last time) - although I have a feeling that he may be paired with Osipova this time around :(  (Hey, both would be nice if scheduling allows : ) )

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I saw Alice on Saturday night with the Stix-Brunell/Muntagirov cast. I had seen it last time around at the cinema, but never live before. I really enjoyed it and the effects came over just as well live as they had on the cinema screen. Acts 2 and 3 in particular were fantastic. A friend with me commented that there was so much going on that everywhere you looked on stage there was something to watch, some little detail  - I think it's the kind of thing you could watch again and again and still see something you hadn't noticed before. I am in fact taking my mother-in-law to see the cinema broadcast tonight so it will be interesting to see what I notice this time!


Beatriz Stix-Brunell was just perfect as Alice. Her sunny, lively personality seems made for the role, and her dancing is well up to the mark as well. Muntagirov was lovely as Jack/the Knave, but had too little to do really, until the act 3 solo showed off his beautiful lyrical dancing, his easy graceful leaps and acting skills (he really is more than just a danseur noble). Itziar Mendizabal was the Queen, and brought the house down - deservedly - with the Tart Adage! A great actress as well as a lovely dancer.


I enjoyed James Hay's White Rabbit - he captured the twitchy fussiness perfectly.


A good time had by all!


Edited to add that I think the Muntagirov/Stix-Brunell partnership works beautifully - they have real chemistry and appear to enjoy dancing together. I'd like to see them cast together a bit more (I know they are cast in the Winter's Tale).

Edited by Balletfanp
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