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Nicola H

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Everything posted by Nicola H

  1. I think Janet has hit the issues on the head fully square on. Not a lot to add to that
  2. not talking adage or rep though ... it;s actually an argument that varying music can be used for barre and the 'exercises' part of centre work etc as long as it meets the needs of the exercise ...
  3. if the music fits does it really matter ? for barre and centre the primary requirement is that the tempo matches the speed of the exercise ....
  4. Hard to tell , maybe dancer 1 is form over function and your DD is not as technically perfect but has 'sparkle' and presence ...
  5. you may know of another unless you spotted my posting style on TSR under my old nick and profession ... TSR is a interestign place and i think it's utility is increased by the parents and graduates who joined as applicants / students and stayed.
  6. calamine or foundation is used to make the material look a bit more matte
  7. there's some right muppets out there ... despite going to secondary school in Lincs , i was in the island of sanity around Lincoln, so went to one of the suburban Comps 11-16 and after a massive fall out with the head of sixth at said suburban comp went to one of the 'up hill' sixth forms .... at the school i went to 11-16 the officially unofficial 'grammar stream' was where you found the performers ; musicians and singers, dancers, MT types , it was also where you found the sailors in the main ...
  8. Phone triage is quite effective. Some GPs are very good with this and if it means you get the right appointment all the better.
  9. Travelodge is heavily demand managed in it's pricing - the croydon central and Walthamstow travelodges are suprisingly convenient for central London as croydon central is literally round the corner from east croydon NR and Walthamstow is bang on top of Walthamstow tube which combined with even without Night tube nature of London's public transport ...
  10. I was down in that there London Last week and had some time to kill so popped down to south Ken rather than run the risk of spending even more money around covent garden , Soyuz are tiny compared to the command module of Apollo , but the Soyuz programme has tended to be more aobut gettign people places rather than being a base of operations
  11. Contact in teaching has been made an issue thanks to over zealous interpretation of policies aobut unwated contact , it;s not just been schools and youth stuff that has had this, in the modern ' fluffy' military world of recruit training ... you'll often hear " stand still i'm going to touch you " in a variety of settings, whether that;s an inspection , on the drill square or in a teaching - to forewarn the student that they are going to get a physical correction . Touch can be very useful in teaching a physical skill as if you can 'set' the position or posture correctly it's far more striaght forward to reach that point even compared to working with big mirrors etc. The point about the ease of teaching those who display talent is a valid one - an accusation often laid towards PE teachers in schools as well , then there is the fact that in other subjects in school , becasue the rules require study of the subject higher than as -level teaching those who don;t 'click' with the subject at KS3 or GCSE can be a challenger for some teachers ... Hopefully in teaching dance there shouldn't be the issue of teaching the unwilling to be there learner like there can be in school or workplace training.
  12. If you have information that someone poses a risk to children you report it via the whistleblowing processes in place or directly to the police / social services if you are happy to be named if/ when it comes to court etc . one of those whistleblowing processes is via the website drdance meantions in their earlier post upthread. If it were a colleague in a work place or member of staff then there;s either internal whistleblowing processes or you go via the nominated lead person for safeguarding / HR / or the ultimate boss ( of whaever title s/he holds) ...
  13. this is back the the HIGNFY use of 'allegedly' as a 'protection' against defamation claims ... or the good old news of the world exposes , once the juicy stuff began the crayoner 'made their excuses and left' having got enough to crayon the story ...
  14. key phrases for many things ...
  15. That is a good question but the fact they talk about 'beginners' and 'beginners -improvers' classes from other professional practice suggests that it may well be suited to beginners - but there;s no real calibration ( hell there isn't for the kids doing grades between the different awarding bodies - see numerous threads)... how 'high' or 'low' the ultimate answer would be to drop them a message and ask. (looking at their site it sounds like a really good course, starts counting pennies)
  16. It's all about the attitude that the management team have towards the issue. Some are afraid of being seen to set a precedent by allowing students 'time off' to attend Summer schools ( whether that is performing arts stuff or sports ) and perhaps more pointedly don;t have the confidence to be able to assert themselves that it is acceptable for Tom to spend a week out to sail with the national coaches on the RYA's equivalent of a 'Summer School' , for Dick to spend a week at a ballet summer school or for Harriet to have a week of MT at a summer school and how the educational basis of this is defensible vs those who want to take their children out of school early/ return late becasue it saves a few (hundred) quid ...
  17. the key takeaway message message, i think, from reading your reply is not that you buy the Bloch ones because they come in a pretty packet with Bloch on, but because they suit you, your feet and how you dance ... vs the exact same widget that costs 69 p from an old school ironmongery , 3 quid in a yacht chandlers / Tack shop and 10 gbp in in a 'specialist' 'alternative' retailers ...
  18. Exactly and fundamentally the point I was making. Online sources unlike the press aren't necessarily bound by the conventions and legal reporting restrictions ( the arguments over whether they are adequately strict while reserving the public interest is a whole different kettle of worms ) This BBC news article from a few years ago talks about media reporting and it's impact on Jury trials http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8519995.stm
  19. and if identifying schools / studios and adults the laws of defamation may come into play , nd in worse case scenarios it could damage the integrity of evidence against someone under suspicion of offences under either children protection elgislation or plain simple offences against the person ... ( as alluded to in previous discussions about bullying and 'over enthusiastic correction' - save the the over enthusiatic correction for risk aware and consenting adults ... ;-)
  20. Hopefully (normal) schools will still have the attitude they had 20 some years ago , while my experience is not with dance summer schools, it was with a very close analogue in sailing - a regional youth race training week ... School were happy to sign off that absence as authorised as it was ' other education' - how much the presence of the Senior national coach at the wek had to do with that , i'm unsure. iti;s not as if it;s trying to avoid higher holiday prices is it
  21. DrDance exactly... it is not behaviour that should be tolerate in the teaching of YP at all. What grown ups do to each other with full understanding of risk , awareness and consent is a different matter but it still shouldn't feature in normal teachin...
  22. Price loading of specialist items is nothing new... if you can find something with an industrial application , a leisure application and an 'alternative' applcation the price loading ca be three to 5 times each shift in market.
  23. Afaik Gandolfi also have a shop which is attached to their factory / warehouse in Northants.
  24. Not about the specific organisation, just an observation of two decades working in professional settings including roles with Strategic aspects.
  25. This discussion seems to be about those with a little knowledge questioning management decisions and operational governance of an organisation and there does seem to be a fixation on the Job Title of the individuals involved.
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