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Everything posted by LinMM

  1. Thanks for video Amelia. I think her speed is very exciting and much more “edge of seat” than the fouettés which I know are technically demanding to keep centred etc but nevertheless can sometimes seem a bit pedestrian. What I also notice in these old films and indeed from the Vaganova museum in St Petersburg is the much more delicate pointe shoes worn with much smaller balancing tips! Talking of Susan Hampshire earlier in the thread didn’t she once attend Elmhurst Ballet School in the days when it was in Camberley? I might be muddling her with Jenny Agutter but I’m sure it was Susan who went there or maybe both of them. Lovely to hear she is so enthusiastic still at 86!!
  2. I was trying to add above but couldn’t for some reason …..and that’s a lovely Photo Dawnstar 🙂
  3. “Beige undercrackers” has just made my morning 😂 Am about to meet up with friend( going to LBC event) who went to gala yesterday will be interested in what she thought of it all.
  4. Very well explained Sebastian Thankyou. I would say though that I did not find Balletbloke’s comment particularly rude ….though probably better to have said “can you” rather than “you’ll have to” If one wanted one could spend time investigating the phrase and gaining an insight to what it might mean in the context of Swan Lake but sometimes just easier to ask what was meant by the poster!!
  5. But Ballet bloke did ask Geoff exactly what he meant by his phrase “non idiomatic emotionalism” I was hoping for a direct reply too which didn’t come!! Not that anybody “has to” explain what they post of course and one can just accept haven’t a clue what they are on about but it’s nice to get an explanation ….especially if it’s easy for the poster to explain with their further knowledge of the ballet originators etc.
  6. I think the only time I’ve been moved to tears watching Swan Lake is from the sheer beauty of the quality of the dancing from a couple of dancers but not from the more “human emotion” level as you might feel more in Manon. Though that beautiful lilting music right at the end during which in the previous production Siegfried and Odette were being carried up to the heavens and to their “afterlife” in a magnificent swan could almost do it sometimes! Am not so keen on the end of this production I prefer the more magical ending.
  7. Ooo thanks Helen Helen that’s really helpful! I can see quite a few of seats I like sitting in are all available on both days….so far!
  8. Thanks Richard LH It’s going to be difficult to know what to book first on 27th!! I don’t suppose you can tell me how May 15th Winters Tale is looking …only if you have a mo!
  9. Beryl H …is that the June 25th performance? I’m hoping for that one at public booking …does availability look okay still?
  10. I believe Francesca Hayward said something like this that she loved Manon because it was like starting her dancing career all over again so obviously there’s something about actually dancing this role which gets to the depths of one’s being.
  11. Fingers crossed it isn’t the big C Michelle but even this is treatable. I believe if it’s caught early it’s completely curable. So hoping that’s the case for you. I hope we can meet up before November!!
  12. The other student who impressed a lot last summer was Francesca Lloyd. Also Katie Robertson who is also graduating this year..as far as I know. But anyway back to Dresden and all the luck to Milda as Lilac Fairy!
  13. I knew about Caspar but didn’t know Milda had won this award for some reason didn’t take it in…very remiss of me 🙄 On that visit to RBS last year Milda impressed me as did a younger student who will only be graduating this summer I think her name was Francesca? Well they ALL absolutely impressed me lol ….but these two in particular seemed to draw the eye a little more!
  14. Thanks Fiona M for the info re Milda Luckute. How lovely to see she is dancing Lilac Fairy already in her career probably not a chance she would have had so soon at RB. I saw her both in class as student and in RBS Linbury performances last June and she really caught my eye especially when in class when full all round talent was on display.
  15. Honestly Sim what do I know about anything pretty much these days!! I was just looking to see when I last saw Fille and guess what it was on Oct 7 th 2016 ( far too long ago) and guess who was dancing : Sambe’ and Hayward!!!! I even wrote a review on the Forum lol!!! Considering I really enjoyed it and thought they were lovely together you would think I’d remember I’d seen them!! So here’s to seeing Sambe’ and Hayward AGAIN in Fille then….mind you 8 years ago is definitely too long to have seen this ballet!!
  16. Not that I’m a cricket fan in any way but interested to read that among other things he has a role in a cricket club in U.K. to help promote more girls to play cricket. A friend in Oz told me his dad was the cricket teacher/coach at her son’s school in Sydney. So nice to see Alex has kept that passion going too.
  17. I know they are expensive but in your case especially if daughter is with you could you not treat yourself to the stalls Circle seats? It is rather a special occasion! I usually like sitting in the Balcony but A.16 is a bit too far round on the side for me (anything beyond about A.23 really) as people do tend to lean forward and not just the people sitting next to you ..further along the line so difficult to say anything and of course people will want to try to get more of a view if they can when there is too much restriction. It’s the same on the other side of the Balcony too where anything beyond about A.63 can get problematic. To me it would be a shame to have come all this way to see favourite dancers and then annoyingly they are just out of view for parts of the ballet. If you were just going to ROH for the experience of being there this would not matter so much but as your daughter is an aspiring ballerina it would be such a treat to enjoy it all!!
  18. There are some nice piccies of Magri and Corrales in Swan Lake in the Gramilano article in the links for the 9th March
  19. As we only get 30 mins to edit our posts is it possible for the Mods to correct the spelling mistake in the title of this thread? Hope OP doesn’t mind this request but know you can’t always change things after 30 mins
  20. I was 62 when I returned to ballet in Brighton after a 21 year gap! I joined a grade 5 class to warm up on with initially the idea of actually doing the grade 6 exam once I joined that class. But my old love of performing returned and in the end joined a performance group up in London rather than continue with pursuing the exam route. Then in my 60’s started classes again with an old teacher in London from 30 or so years ago!! So full circle. I didnt mind still doing an odd syllabus class though even if didnt want to take the exam but in the end it’s time often deciding choices as you can’t keep up everything! But if you can recover from your injury Peanut 68 then it’s definitely possible to do the next exam when you are 60 though I think pointework is more difficult at this age and very glad to give it up!! Taking the grades 6 and 7 exams should defo be an option though.
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