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Everything posted by Bluebird22

  1. Thank you for sharing, I'm sat having a little blart on the school run
  2. It does ask for teachers info but thats only so that if they are offered a place they can email the tecaher inviting them to come and watch classes. And on the odd occasion they have contacted me if they cant get in touch with the parent.
  3. Associated Luminosity are very very good
  4. The BBO teaching qualification, qualifies you to teach. However you have to complete 18hours of CPD before you can teach and enter students for BBO exams.
  5. I agree with huddsballetmum, I've seen so many students have months of what seems like neverending illnesses, I've sent them home from class, arranged with parents to take time off and seen very little improvement. Then they start their period and everything returns to normal more or less.
  6. I only know of 2 associate schemes that automatically accept children based on other schemes they may attend (the other one still makes the children attend a taster class). Every associate scheme is looking for different things, whats right for Royal or Elmhurst isnt automatically right for every other scheme! Gaining a place on a royal associate programme doesnt guarantee you a place at elmhurst, I think this is a good decision
  7. Just Royal associates this year, not elmhurst?
  8. Do you mean penny sequins? Depending on the fabric you can glue them on using a glue gun?
  9. I've got 13/14 year olds not en pointe as I just don't think their feet are strong enough or suitable for pointe. They dance as hobby or because they really want to act but being able to dance gives them more scope in terms of colleges. I don't think pointe should be a given for every single girl who attends a dance class, nor should it be something that you can have at a certain age or grade. Each child should be viewed individually, I've had 10 year olds go onto pointe and be absolutely brilliant but that doesn't mean every 10 year old should get pointe shoes.
  10. Not sure what style you are after but some of the cirque du soleil stuff works well for dance.
  11. Oo Colman, I'm just doing some research into different learning styles for an assignment. I have a group of male students who still remember en arriere as Harry's Hair, because I told them that Harry was a balding man and the only way they could see his hair was from the back. These may interest you: http://www.danceadvantage.net/remembering-choreography/ https://www.schoolonwheels.org/pdfs/3121/Learning-Styles.pdf
  12. I encourage certain children to study 2 grades one higher than the one they are working on. Some kids are able to adapt and not confuse the 2 grades others find it too bewildering. I have never mastered the art of teaching 2 grades in one class however!
  13. I think someone discusses cecchetti grades/standards on the how many teachers is too many thread, that has recently been bumped!
  14. Barry M glitter dust, and you can purchase an eyeshadow adhesive to keep it on the eyelids. The gold iridescent is lovely. You can get tiny stick on gems too, I saw an ice show a few years ago and the girls had a tiny gem at the end of their eyeliner, which looked really pretty even though it sounds quite tacky!
  15. Is it as part of the survey section? I know they ask for ethnicity and background for research purposes ?
  16. Does her regular dance teacher not offer private coaching or are you after a different opinion? I see my regular private lesson students once a week for an hour although some ask to increase that if they have an exam coming up. Its good to keep reminding yourself what you want to gain from the private coaching, and keep discussing with the teacher. One of my students has always had syllabus private lessons to fine tune the details and really boost her confidence, however we've scrapped them as the focus this year is auditions so we are doing more free work to work on her presentation and technique.
  17. Quite often even kids who have great pirouettes, even being able to do doubles, have to be completely retaught if/when they have a big growth spurt. I've noticed this is more noticeable in boys and leads to huge frustration when their "cool" moves like multiple pirouettes and tour en lair vanish and they need to regain strength and do a lot of basic technique recapping to get the feel for it back into their muscles.
  18. In BBO the pirouette position starts being taught at the Barre in grade 1, and in the centre at grade 3. The first pirouette is in grade 4. I teach lots of turning exercises before that point to get the feeling of turning into the body. I tend to find the ones who have been taught pirouettes in commercial and jazz classes are the hardest to teach because they have been taught in a totally different technique, inevitably they have been told they are amazing and then just won't take corrections or even classical technique on board.
  19. It took an hour for us in the car, however we drove right past the train station it was probably a 30min walk from the school to the train
  20. I took a student to the audition on Tuesday, there were 8 girls auditioning and as far as we can tell there are no other audition dates ? Miss Hurst led the audition class, which made me sit up a little taller as I remember her from my associate days! There was feedback given to each dancer after the audition in a private interview with Miss Simmons, which gave it a personal touch. The teaching faculty seems to be of a very high standard although very small scale and all the students we saw looked happy. There are open days next week I believe. Location is very strange, basically down a dirt track to an industrial estate, so goodness knows where and how the students get in every morning. They offer a teaching qualification as part of the course which I think contributes towards the employment rate, as the also have a non vocational lower school.
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