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Everything posted by Bluebird22

  1. No currently the year 7s are separate I believe (think there is only 5) do bear in mind my information comes second hand from an 11 year old desperate for pointe shoes!
  2. No MA is year 7 so 11 nearly 12 for most I believe. There are quite a few already on pointe, however my student is currently only on Demi pointe
  3. MA year 7 Birmingham have been told to aim to be on pointe by the end of the second term
  4. I'm quite certain one of my students was a little mariinsky last year- from memory I think it was a white long tutu with a black waist sash and choker. Another student was a lady in waiting and she had a terracotta colour coat and skirt with a funny feathered headdress. I also had a silver swan/Spanish dancer and a Hungarian dancer (can't remember what she wore though)
  5. Not sure if it's already been mentioned but I think there should be some discussion about what is actually included in the teaching qualifications. I can only speak from my experience of two examining bodies but the difference in what is required to qualify is huge. On one course I have to complete safeguarding training, DBS check, first aid training, child development etc etc, whereas on another although the examining body recommends DBS checks and safeguarding policies for the school overall, the actual individuals qualification involves learning and demonstrating the teaching of the syllabus. I've heard a lot of colleagues saying that the second is the easier and cheaper way to qualify, which it is, but I feel it misses a lot of the "other" elements of teaching. Being able to teach a small sample group of hand selected students a pre-learnt syllabus for 20 minutes doesn't really compare to sitting in seminars about safe guarding and child development, as well as numerous observation classes. all teaching qualifications were not created equally
  6. I understand under leotards but this was under shorts- I'd imagine the seam would cause some irritation!
  7. I think a lot of parents are conditioned to think this is normal. And teachers use the "this is how it is in the real world, I'm just preparing them" excuse all to often when parents "dare" to question it! Some of our students attended a workshop at another school and they were all told to remove their knickers before they went in for class- which our girls found really strange!
  8. I second the soup suggestion, especially in winter. I love a good sweet potato soup with Thai spices, for about £5 I can make enough soup for lunch for a week. There are some wonderful soup flasks available too so you can take soup with you as you go about your day. I think mine is a thermos one cost about £10 from Asda and holds enough for me to eat lunch and still have a little left for a late afternoon snack. Saved us loads of money on day trips out as we haven't needed to pay for expensive coffee shop lunches or restaurant meals. Frozen diced chicken is a favourite in our house too as its so quick to use and can be added to anything, pasta, fajitas, grilled sandwiches. Equally frozen sliced peppers.
  9. It gets extra confusing when you have a pupil who is on the SWL for WL summer school
  10. Short Wait List was what I was aiming for
  11. My little pupil is SWL Birmingham too and hasn't heard anything either. The little girl who declined her place got in off the SWL too from what I've gathered. So much movement on these lists and places still, so many butterflies still flapping about in my stomach
  12. My boys call it the snoot face, comes across quite well for performances at least. Hard to describe, sort of like you've just caught a whiff of an exotic smell maybe ?
  13. Just heard of a Birmingham MA turning down her place in favour of a year 7 vocational place! I'm crossing everything and I'm on tenterhooks all over againfor my little student on the SWL but if anyone has already heard from them in the past 2 days and wants to put me out of my misery it would be much appreciated
  14. As she's only 8 a fun exercise is lying on the floor feet against a wall and "jumping" off the wall. I think they use this in swimming lessons to practise pushing off. Works just as well for ballet jumps the further away from the wall they jump the higher the actual jump. It's good fun, my students love it.
  15. I stayed in hotels alone from age 16, no one ever batted an eye lid. Travelodge, holiday inn, premier inn, London, Birmingham, Manchester. That said we are talking 9years ago a lot can change!
  16. Are you still 1st Sunday of the month next term?
  17. Dr Dance we had a show all last week so my students decided not to tell me I could come and watch at Midas so I would actually take a day off! Gutted to have missed it though, I love watching, not just to see my students but to steal helpful hints and tips from other teachers. I'll drop up I am email towards the end of next year so I can try and sort coming to watch the last session if you decide to open it up again! I went to the SYB watching day and stayed for all 3 sessions. A few years ago Royal sessions in Birmingham were on a Sunday during the renovations so I got to watch the classes then too.
  18. Had a really wonderful time watching the associates at Graham Fletcher today. It's so nice to actually have the opportunity to watch once in a while. The class was really fast paced and Graham is so comical. I can honestly say after watching Graham teach he has gained even more admiration from me. He is fantastic and the improvement in my students has been incredible. Really wish associate programmes would put on a special class on a Sunday so teachers can have the opportunity to watch. It's so different actually sitting a watching a class, you can sit back and see just how far your students have come. I'll stop gushing now...
  19. Really? Oo the intrigue I didn't realise you knew me, nevermind my pupil !
  20. I just had one student apply so just waiting on hearing for a year 11 boy... I hate the waiting!
  21. Oh fantastic news, well done Outofmydepth! So pleased for your little DD
  22. Hi, This is the first year any of my students have applied for the Cecchetti scheme and I just wondered how it compared to the bbo scheme MIDAS Graham Fletcher or Moorland? One of my students has had a few offers and needs to narrow it down ?
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