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  1. Add Elm to this list - a few join having done Adv2 and with YAGP experience.
  2. From what my DC has heard this does not seem to be the case. One dancer being made a senior company offer from her first NYB audition and another who was there last year having a waitlist for the intensive. The days of favourites and not getting featured roles until you were known to them have long gone under the new management and ethos and this is now a very much more inclusive organisation. Hope waitlist places come up for those still in limbo.
  3. DCs friend didn’t go to other finals after accepting WL but have seen this year at least one DC announce accepting WL and then attend further finals and subsequently announce three offers.
  4. YDA do not have an Upper school so they put a lot of work into supporting pupils get into their next step schools. The four MDS schools have pupils who continue in the school or apply elsewhere either because they don’t want to stay at the particular school or wish to change to a school with a different focus. There will be some who choose not to continue pursuing vocational dance and focus on academic education and some who may not be offered ongoing funding. Changes in family circumstances may also have an impact on decisions. Those from RBS WL who are not offered Upper and wish to continue will usually be successful in getting a place at another vocational school. There are changes from year to year at all of the schools. What your child wants age 10/11 may not be what they aspire to at 14 or 16. As parents and guardians we sometimes have to make practical decisions about their future. Some pupils don’t fill their potential for all sorts of reasons. Everyones path is different and while looking at where pupils from each school go to for Upper can give you some indication of where your DC might go in five years can’t be the focus for now. No one year group is the same and each DC has their own experience and life trajectory.
  5. There was an audition clash between NYB and something a few years back (can’t recall what just that DC’s friend said a number of other DCs had to decide which to attend) and they were unable to change the audition. Hope you get this resolved. DC loved NYB although I see the format has changed and no gala at Sadler’s Wells.
  6. We have never used professional photos and had a number of Royal intensives offers and wait list places over the years. Some photos were assisted by teachers, some by me and some by dancing friends. Please don’t be put off by not spending the money on glossy photos and put the money into funding training.
  7. We know a DD who auditioned every year she could and didn’t get in until her last opportunity and was cast in a lead role. Is this comment also levelled at EYB and NYB?
  8. We were still considering applying and are always last minute. Just looked at all access points to the form but it keeps coming up that applications are closed.
  9. This has been an issue before and apparently while the number of days vary the actual hours of dance for each course should be the same. I never went to check between the two years this happened to us do can’t confirm but this was on the web site at one point a few years ago.
  10. Definitely some there with little or no English when DC has been there. There are usually a few who speak the same language and between them they get through.
  11. Sorry no - if they are interested in making an offer you will be contacted. DC has been at WL when this has happened but nothing ever came of it and no actual offers from those she knew. Even they didn’t get feedback.
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