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Manon, Royal Ballet Winter 2024

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54 minutes ago, Sim said:

Yes, those good old days, when you had to fill in that tiny form, write out a cheque (remember those?!) and provide a stamped addressed envelope for return of tickets.  When you could still rely on the mail.  As you say, Mary, the excitement of opening your returned envelope was so much fun.  I always used to add a little note requesting certain seats, and almost always got what I asked for.  


Even better for me - on the day the booking opened  I could take a slightly different route to work, drop the form through the letter-box of the Box Office in Floral Street at about 08.45, find somewhere nice for a coffee, and stroll into the office slightly late but not conspicuously so. I used to quite look forward to it and got the seats I wanted maybe 4 times out of 5.



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@Jamesrhblack, a number of members have given up their tickets for tonight due to problems with train services but I've asked again (am not going tonight) if there is a gathering at the usual spot- the table at the Paul Hamlyn Hall nearest the staircase. 

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@Jamesrhblack - I will be there this evening. I used to be on the forum many, many moons ago but this is my first ballet in 12 years ( hoping the first of many). Be very happy to say hi ( but equally not offended if not as my ballet knowledge is definitely dated …😁

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6 minutes ago, Beaker said:

@Jamesrhblack - I will be there this evening. I used to be on the forum many, many moons ago but this is my first ballet in 12 years ( hoping the first of many). Be very happy to say hi ( but equally not offended if not as my ballet knowledge is definitely dated …😁

hi, I’ll lurk with intent in that corner of the Hamlyn Hall. Blue jacket, white jumper, glasses and quite possibly a red wine too 🍷

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Tonight's cast list is just up (I'm not going tonight but I'm interested because of Friday) & I'm rather surprised to see Dias as the Mistress. I know the Mistress casting was removed from the ROH's website some time ago but thus far it has kept to what was originally given & originally this cast was Choe. I wonder if she's injured or just unwell & therefore likely to be back on Friday. Also, Masciari as the Beggar Chief is another role debut I think?


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Well, all that was missing from this afternoon’s performance was a flower throw. It had all the hallmarks of final performances (of Manon) by Sarah Lamb & Ryo Hirano. Extended red run and acknowledgment of the standing ovation from an audience who knew it had seen something special. 

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6 minutes ago, Jamesrhblack said:

hi, I’ll lurk with intent in that corner of the Hamlyn Hall. Blue jacket, white jumper, glasses and quite possibly a red wine too 🍷

Hopefully catch you later (short, blonde and most likely in a green dress 😁)

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I am going to be there too.  I shall lurk, and if I recognise you from your descriptions, I will approach.  :D  Can't say what I will be wearing, I haven't decided yet.  But I might also have a red wine if I am feeling rich.  

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9 minutes ago, PeterS said:

It had all the hallmarks of final performances (of Manon) by Sarah Lamb & Ryo Hirano.


A pity for Hirano that his 2nd ever performance of a role could well be his last. It's a shame that he didn't get at least a couple of goes at it. At least Lamb has had several runs of Manon, although 14 performances (if my maths is correct) over 13 years shows how few times dancers ever get to do roles. (Having just looked up the ROH performance database to see how may times she's danced Manon, I'm interested to see she previously danced the Mistress, which I hadn't been aware of.)

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1 minute ago, Dawnstar said:


A pity for Hirano that his 2nd ever performance of a role could well be his last. It's a shame that he didn't get at least a couple of goes at it. At least Lamb has had several runs of Manon, although 14 performances (if my maths is correct) over 13 years shows how few times dancers ever get to do roles. (Having just looked up the ROH performance database to see how may times she's danced Manon, I'm interested to see she previously danced the Mistress, which I hadn't been aware of.)


That database is full of holes, or at least it was the last time I checked. It could be missing a few.

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6 minutes ago, Lizbie1 said:

That database is full of holes, or at least it was the last time I checked. It could be missing a few.


I've just checked it against @Saodan's website which is from 2012 onward & found an extra tour performance so 15.


ROH 7th & 10th May 2011
ROH 3rd & 17th November 2011
Moscow Tour 21st July 2014
ROH 27th September, 5th, 9th & 10th October 2014 (5th & 9th replacing Cuthbertson)
ROH 26th April & 3rd May 2018
ROH 2nd & 5th October 2019
ROH 26th February & 2nd March 2024


Anyone know of any others? Of course she could have also danced the role guesting with other companies. If not then over the course of 13 years she's done 1 performance less than an actor could notch up in 2 weeks of an 8-shows-a-week play or musical, which I know is normal for ballet but at the same times seems rather crazy to me.

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21 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

Anyone know of any others? Of course she could have also danced the role guesting with other companies. 


Sarah Lamb also danced Manon at La Scala with Claudio Coviello as Des Grieux in November 2015. 

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1 hour ago, PeterS said:

Well, all that was missing from this afternoon’s performance was a flower throw. It had all the hallmarks of final performances (of Manon) by Sarah Lamb & Ryo Hirano. Extended red run and acknowledgment of the standing ovation from an audience who knew it had seen something special. 

Great to hear they received a standing ovation and extended red run! Three very special artists - Lamb, Hirano, Hay - and a splendid ensemble. Thank you for the lovely photos, @Rob S

Edited by Emeralds
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Of course, Hirano wasn’t originally cast as Des Grieux. He replaced the injured McRae who, by all accounts, had especially wanted to dance with Lamb - a pairing which looks to have impacted on the overall casting of the Manon season quite significantly.


But it’s lovely that this unexpected partnership has been such a success.

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1 hour ago, PeterS said:

Well, all that was missing from this afternoon’s performance was a flower throw. It had all the hallmarks of final performances (of Manon) by Sarah Lamb & Ryo Hirano. Extended red run and acknowledgment of the standing ovation from an audience who knew it had seen something special. 


Yes - really, really special. I didn't register until the curtain calls that this could be Sarah Lamb's last Manon (and possibly Hirano's too). She looked very emotional, after a superlative performance by both of them.  @Dawnstar has already written so evocatively about this cast that there's not a lot else I can say; but there was something that I'd never seen (or perhaps just never noticed) before, in the third act: at one point when Manon and Des Grieux are in their agonised writhings at the front of the stage, Sarah Lamb knelt up and looked out into the auditorium for a very long time - a really piercing, reproachful, agonised stare - as if Manon was holding us, all of us, in some way complicit in her tragedy. It was chilling, and incredibly powerful. And the end came, with her tiny body wracked with pain and grief, and Des Grieux in the depths of despair as she died in his arms. 


What really strikes me is the trust that dancers must have to produce performances like this. The level of trust in each other, in the rest of the cast, in the stage team, and in the audience - to make themselves so vulnerable, to take such physical and emotional risks, is just stratospheric. What a privilege to witness such trust, and such courage.

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32 minutes ago, Jan McNulty said:

Hello @Beaker and welcome back out of the lurking shadows!

Thank you @Jan McNulty


On the subject of Sarah Lamb’s Manon - one of the most moving performances I’ve ever seen of Manon was a matinee with Lamb/Pennefather. Neither of them were dancers I particularly enjoyed ( I always booked for Watson!) and it was a last minute whim, but oh my it was sensational and definitely one of those special performances that take you by surprise. 

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1 hour ago, BeauxArts said:

The photos are really touching. Thank you.

Indeed.  The emotion on their faces in the first one says it all.  

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@Jamesrhblack @Fonty @Beaker and anyone else wanting to say hello tonight....sadly I have had to sell my ticket for this evening's show, but the 'gang' usually sits by the small set of stairs that go down to the old part of the House.  I do hope if you are all there on either Tuesday or Thursday I can catch you then instead.  But do say hello to whoever is there tonight...we are a friendly bunch!!  Oh, and enjoy.  Gutted I can't be there as I don't have tickets for the 8th.  Can't wait to hear about it.  At least I saw Hayward at the beginning of the run, and she was magnificent.

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21 minutes ago, capybara said:

Of course, Hirano wasn’t originally cast as Des Grieux. He replaced the injured McRae who, by all accounts, had especially wanted to dance with Lamb - a pairing which looks to have impacted on the overall casting of the Manon season quite significantly.


I'm trying to work this out. If McRae hadn't wanted to dance with Lamb then would she have danced with Muntagirov & him with Takada?


18 minutes ago, bridiem said:

but there was something that I'd never seen (or perhaps just never noticed) before, in the third act: at one point when Manon and Des Grieux are in their agonised writhings at the front of the stage, Sarah Lamb knelt up and looked out into the auditorium for a very long time - a really piercing, reproachful, agonised stare - as if Manon was holding us, all of us, in some way complicit in her tragedy. It was chilling, and incredibly powerful.


I'm now trying to think if I noticed that on Monday. I may have been crying too much by that point! Lamb does seem to like her stares into the auditorium in other MacMillans though. I'm thinking of Countess Larish's first entrance in particular.

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1 hour ago, zxDaveM said:

A stunning afternoon; my word, Sarah and Ryo go well together (I reckon). Proper emotional, hefty punch, that's for sure.

Their chemistry was special! I was in tears many times throughout!

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No need to reply to this but just to say I've seen 2 seats (or 5 depending how you view it) come up for the Fri 8 March performance- an unrestricted view orchestra stalls seat at £120 and a balcony box (restricted view) of 4 sears of £196 (£49 per seat). 

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Dawnstar, I think the reason for McRae wanting to dance with Sarah Lamb has a lot do do with overcoming the trauma of his Achilles injury. Just my thoughts, I know but he trusts Sarah, dancing with Akane may have brought back bad memories.

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@Rob S especially beautiful photos of this afternoon - the one where Lamb and Hirano are embracing is so touching.  I saw Marienela Nunez featured a similar shot from the Monday performance on her Insta congratulating them both and saying she knew how much they valued dancing with each other.

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6 hours ago, Beaker said:

Hopefully catch you later (short, blonde and most likely in a green dress 😁)


Really enjoyed chewing the cud with you in the intervals. Thanks for saying hello

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Piling on the praise for Sarah Lamb and Ryoichi Hirano this afternoon now I've sufficiently recovered! It was a superlative performance - one of those moments you just want to hold in your memory forever and never let fade.


Sometimes (and in my very subjective opinion) Manon can feel relentlessly cruel; she rejects love for riches and is subsequently punished through the next two acts with the murder of her brother, assault by the Gaoler, starvation and death. But from the very start, Lamb presents Manon as a complex woman fully in charge of her own destiny. We may not agree with her choices but we can understand them. She is a willing player in her brother's schemes, owning her power in a time when women had few avenues to do so. Lamb's Manon has seen how life can be for those on the fringe of society and is determined to drag herself up into something better, making her ending all the more heartbreaking. 


Act One was a gorgeous start - those backbends alone in the Lescaut/GM/Manon trio deserve a shout-out! - but for me the Lamb/Hirano pairing really came into their power in Acts Two and Three. You felt every ounce of his desperation when he was pleading with her to come back and her spiralling loss of control, contrasted with how easily she could manipulate the other men in the crowd. Even when she was being thrown between them you got the sense she was deciding exactly where she ended up - not so with DG. The façade breaks, and it's all downhill from there. 


The final pdd in Act Three was just breathtaking. My jaw dropped at the speed of the twists - she was a blur! It must be wonderful to have such a solid partnership that they can pull out all the stops on only the second time Ryoichi has ever performed the role. I had tears in my eyes from start to finish. When he threw her up into the air one final time and she came down limp and lifeless... it'll be a while before I stop thinking about that final moment.


The standing ovation was long and loud and well-deserved, and I was so glad to see Ryoichi get bouquets as well! There was a very sweet moment where he presented Sarah with a flower, in response to her usual tradition of presenting her male partner with a flower. 


I sincerely hope it's not the last we'll see of these two in Manon, but what a way to end if it was. Together they created something really special.

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After the reactions from today's and last Monday's performance, I think it's very clear that today's performance must not be Sarah Lamb nor Ryoichi Hirano's last performance as Manon and Des Grieux. I've been to a lot of performances of Manon (even the Guillem, Mukhamedov, Acosta, Cojocaru, Rojo ones) and I've yet to come across a standing ovation.  I've always thought Ryoichi could do ardour and passion well, and am just surprised it's taken so long and an injury substitution for him to get his opportunity as Des Grieux. The audiences - and the box office - clearly love them (both their performances were sold out quite early). Manon has been very, very successful at the box office. It needs to come back within 2 years- with Lamb and Hirano as one of the scheduled pairings. 

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