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The Royal Ballet: Mayerling, London, April/May 2017

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I have to say I find this ban on male dancers receiving flowers on stage downright WEIRD. I have never heard of such a thing. I have had flowers presented on stage to my favourite male dancer in Toronto, Stuttgart, and at the New York State Theatre (when Stuttgart Ballet was on tour there). Why does this rule exist?

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I have just spent some proper time reading through the last few pages of this fascinating thread.  May I say that it is a masterclass in how to disagree with each other in a polite, rational and intellectual manner.  Because of this, I have been able to relax whilst reading everyone's differing opinions and outlooks, which in turn has taught me a lot and also given me much food for thought from all angles.  


THIS is how it's done.....thank you all! 

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On ‎03‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 09:33, bridiem said:


I really hope that's not the case. If people only post when they concur with the majority, we're not really sharing our experiences and opinions as a group - which is the whole point of this forum. I know it can take a certain amount of courage to voice minority views, but it's really valuable and important! I for one very much appreciate it when someone expresses a different viewpoint, and sometimes it makes me review my own opinions.

Completely agree and I thought long and hard about what I wanted to say about the last Rudolph I saw, whose interpretation, given a few more days to think about it, I really didn't like. From a personal perspective, visits being finite, I always book for the particular ballets and casts I want to see, so it's happily rare that I'm not pleased with what I see. If I watch the same dancer in Don Q, for example, I'm ecstatic, so I had to go and see him in Mayerling - it was a must see. 


I vote with my feet on the ballets I don't like, and simply don't book for them. I have my preferences for dancers, so given a choice, I always book for my favourites or a new exciting partnership (Hayward/ Campbell for example, who transformed the Sleeping Beauty for me). Hence, I'm generally positive on these pages. Others may do the same - I don't know, but it could explain the general positivity you mention.


These pages are all about opinions and two people can feel very differently about a performance/ dancer they have just seen. Neither is right or wrong, it's just how it takes them personally on the day.


I hope that helps       



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3 hours ago, Tatiana said:


Hi! Replying a little late, sorry. I was excited to see Mayerling despite how much I disliked Anastasia, which is the only other Macmillan proper I've seen, but it did end up disappointing me. I think my problem with Mayerling, (and Anastasia, for that matter,) is that it felt very much like performance art theatre and not dance. Far too many characters, all dressed too similarly, lots of static scenes and heavy staging. Even knowing the historical context very well, I found it hard to follow, and it failed to really grab my attention until the last act.

I do think it was a beautiful spectacle though, especially the costumes, and of course the cast (when they actually got to dance...) were absolutely wonderful. It's just not something I'd go and see twice.


Thanks, that's interesting- I have heard other ballet lovers say this. Reading the thread, it strikes me that most of the comments are about drama, rather than dance, and one might almost think it was a play being discussed. That is a compliment to the dancers' acting skills, as I said before. But it is also indicative of why it is not my favourite ballet, i.e. because the drama rather than the dance seems to get the upper hand and I find some of the drama very unconvincing and at times repellent.


The beautiful costumes do deserve a round of applause ( apart from the bad bustle tussle) - I agree- the gorgeous velvets especially.


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From Today's Links today.  I don't know what Exeunt magazine is, but is this supposed to be serious criticism?  I am astonished that anyone would think this foul-mouthed, generalising load of tosh is even worth posting up.  Appalling.  In my opinion.  I wonder if she will have to apologise for causing offence to someone or other, as so often seems to be the case today.  Imagine if someone had written the same words about an ethnic/religious minority? Or the 'working class'?  There would (rightly) be a huge fuss.  It would seem that some targets are perfectly acceptable, others aren't.  Anyway, that's for another forum.  I just hate hypocrisy.  I also think the RB deserves much better consideration than this rubbish.






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4 minutes ago, Sim said:

From Today's Links today.  I don't know what Exeunt magazine is, but is this supposed to be serious criticism?  I am astonished that anyone would think this foul-mouthed, generalising load of tosh is even worth posting up.  Appalling.  In my opinion.  I wonder if she will have to apologise for causing offence to someone or other, as so often seems to be the case today.  Imagine if someone had written the same words about an ethnic/religious minority? Or the 'working class'?  There would (rightly) be a huge fuss.  It would seem that some targets are perfectly acceptable, others aren't.  Anyway, that's for another forum.  I just hate hypocrisy.  I also think the RB deserves much better consideration than this rubbish.







Parts of this 'review' sound more like the trolling comments that regularly appear under articles, rather than what is supposed to be a serious article itself. Clearly Exeunt doesn't have an editor; or not one worthy of the name. 

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10 minutes ago, Sim said:

From Today's Links today.  I don't know what Exeunt magazine is, but is this supposed to be serious criticism?  I am astonished that anyone would think this foul-mouthed, generalising load of tosh is even worth posting up.  Appalling.  In my opinion.  I wonder if she will have to apologise for causing offence to someone or other, as so often seems to be the case today.  Imagine if someone had written the same words about an ethnic/religious minority? Or the 'working class'?  There would (rightly) be a huge fuss.  It would seem that some targets are perfectly acceptable, others aren't.  Anyway, that's for another forum.  I just hate hypocrisy.  I also think the RB deserves much better consideration than this rubbish.







It seems this reviewer has form: http://exeuntmagazine.com/reviews/40953/

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I'm sure that if she were to ask them, the ROH Press Office would be glad to give Ms Winter a seat in the amphitheatre along with us plebs as an alternative.  She might prefer that to a £100-odd orchestra stalls seat.

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6 minutes ago, alison said:

I'm sure that if she were to ask them, the ROH Press Office would be glad to give Ms Winter a seat in the amphitheatre along with us plebs as an alternative.  She might prefer that to a £100-odd orchestra stalls seat.


Quite. And whatever she may feel about the ROH audience (as a block, clearly), personal (and ageist) abuse is not an acceptable response. This reviewer clearly goes to the ballet primarily to fight the class war rather than to review the performance.

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Will be reporting back on Tuesday's performance later which in the end was lucky enough to get a very good stalls circle standing ticket on the day.

It was well worth it for Ed Watsons performance alone ....overall some wonderful dancing and acting in this ballet but felt strangely unmoved at the end and I don't think it will ever be a favourite of mine but a little more later.

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31 minutes ago, bridiem said:


Parts of this 'review' sound more like the trolling comments that regularly appear under articles, rather than what is supposed to be a serious article itself. Clearly Exeunt doesn't have an editor; or not one worthy of the name. 

I emailed Exeunt editors this morning to complain about various elements of this review: ageism, publishing parts of a private conversation, defamatory comment on an audience member, reviewing audience and venting a torrent of personal bitterness instead of focusing on the performance, and finally the undermining of some valid general points by such graceless writing. It seems unbelievably poor work which has the potential to damage the professional standing of reviewers. Impossible to understand how it apparently bypassed editorial control.


Maybe Exeunt will take note if others have time or inclination to complain as well. 

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My guess is that "Anna Winter" invents these overheard conversations because she has a personal agenda of some sort, perhaps she is to be pitied, life can't be easy when you are saddled with such a chronic inferiority complex.


Below the line comments about dancers on you tube can be stomach churning with the hate and obscenity displayed, looks to me as if one of those posters has been recruited by exuent as a reviewer.  I'm reminded of Alistair McCauley's vicious attacks on dancers in Ritz magazine, though he of course spared us the bad language.  I imagine Ms Winter will follow a similar career trajectory.

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Josephine, please let us know if you get a response.  Is this supposed to be a serious magazine?  I don't know, so am just trying to find out what exactly it is?



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1 hour ago, Sim said:

From Today's Links today.  I don't know what Exeunt magazine is, but is this supposed to be serious criticism?  I am astonished that anyone would think this foul-mouthed, generalising load of tosh is even worth posting up.  Appalling.  In my opinion.  I wonder if she will have to apologise for causing offence to someone or other, as so often seems to be the case today.  Imagine if someone had written the same words about an ethnic/religious minority? Or the 'working class'?  There would (rightly) be a huge fuss.  It would seem that some targets are perfectly acceptable, others aren't.  Anyway, that's for another forum.  I just hate hypocrisy.  I also think the RB deserves much better consideration than this rubbish.







Anna Winter has a chip on her shoulder (self-professed if you see her review of Strapless).  If anyone happens to disagree with her opinion they are upper class toffs, or brayers from Kensington or similar; she has mentioned this in her last three reviews of RB pieces.  Personally, I find her reviews pretty poor, watery and with little substance.

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Btw. press tickets for the RB are rarely given to other than the major newspapers/magazines and you will frequently see the major critics sitting in a block, not always in the stalls either.   That means Ms Winter either is possessed of the means to afford to buy her own stalls tickets (putting her in the moneyed class she despises), or, as I suspect, she sits elsewhere and fabricates her class war conversations.


Rather than contacting her employers who are probably aware of her drivel, wouldn't it be a better idea to complain to the RB press office?  I doubt they would be happy to discover the RB being tainted by her foul mouthed rants.


As a footnote I should add I've sat in the stalls myself and my working class credentials are impeccable.

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I must say I am very surprised that the ROH continues to provide her with any press tickets at all, especially the posh ones which she is obviously very happy to take, despite the awful people she always seems to sit near.  As Alison says, maybe she should come and stand or sit with us plebs, just to educate her about the real make-up of the average ROH audience.  If I were head of press, I would not be giving any tickets at all to someone who repeatedly insulted the audience, who pay good money in good faith that they can watch a performance without fear of being ridiculed, insulted, private conversations reported and reduced to cultural stereotypes.    If she or the 'magazine' are paying for her posh tickets, then I suppose there is not much that can be done about it.  

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47 minutes ago, Sim said:

Josephine, please let us know if you get a response.  Is this supposed to be a serious magazine?  I don't know, so am just trying to find out what exactly it is?




Thanks Sim - I'll report back if they respond! As far as I know, Exeunt is a strictly online publication of quality(!) reviews. I have enjoyed reading some of their output over the years, which is one factor in prompting complaint today, as it seems sad (as well as inappropriate) to see their name behind such unprofessional work. Their list of contributors does include some dance writers who are highly regarded I believe: 


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Exeunt has been defending her "brilliant writing" on twitter.  I pointed out a couple of less than brilliant phrases plus the nasty ageism and they tweeted back that it was just "online, informal" writing and that they were "not the Sunday Times, nor would they want to be" then promptly deleted their tweets.  I would ignore them - they have the right to write whatever they like but their stuff is not sufficiently interesting or well written to garner an audience without 'controversy' driving the page views. Let's not give them the satisfaction.

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32 minutes ago, MAB said:

Rather than contacting her employers who are probably aware of her drivel, wouldn't it be a better idea to complain to the RB press office?  I doubt they would be happy to discover the RB being tainted by her foul mouthed rants.



I did consider copying ROH into my email, but thought I'd wait to hear from Exeunt first (if of course they decide to respond). I would expect that the RB press office is aware of her output already. It seems to me relevant to raise the issue with her employers because of the context of potentially tainting the professional status of reviewers by publishing such abysmal writing and immature content.

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In the days when we used to regularly visit the Royal Opera House, we had to sit in good seats because my husband and dds simply would not have been able to see. Despite going regularly for a number of years, I never once heard any remarks that resembled those the writer mentions. I cannot believe that if people there behaved like that, I would not have heard them. Usually people were simply happy to be there and absorbed in their programmes or with their families and guests.

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28 minutes ago, Lindsay said:

Exeunt has been defending her "brilliant writing" on twitter.  I pointed out a couple of less than brilliant phrases plus the nasty ageism and they tweeted back that it was just "online, informal" writing and that they were "not the Sunday Times, nor would they want to be" then promptly deleted their tweets.  I would ignore them - they have the right to write whatever they like but their stuff is not sufficiently interesting or well written to garner an audience without 'controversy' driving the page views. Let's not give them the satisfaction.

You are so right, Lindsay.  I guess we should now get back to the positive side of Mayerling which is the wonderful performances we are seeing.  My apologies:  this deviation was entirely my fault and started by me....but it just made me so angry.  Anyway, as Lindsay says, it isn't worth expending any more energy on!


Back to the peformances please.....many thanks everyone.  

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I attended the evening performance on the 2nd of May and I have to say that Mayerling more than lived up to my expectations. I have always wanted to see it - and it was the first time that I've ever seen Natalia Osipova in the flesh. Although I was way up in the Amphi - her performance as a young girl, who perhaps found herself trapped in a situation that she helped to create but wanted to fulfil the suicide pact more than willingly - came across vividly - especially in the last desperate Pas de Deux.


Edward Watson has always been one of my favourite dancers and he more than lived up to my expectations. His portrayal of Rudolf was heart-breaking and his attempts at trying to get through to his mother- was very moving. Zenaida was stunning as the Empress - she came across as a woman who wanted to be a mother but felt constrained by the strict etiquette as well as her own personality.


As someone who studied history at university - I am more than delighted to see that this ballet is more closer to the actual events than most other portrayals.


The other dancers were stunning and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  

Edited by CHazell2
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1 hour ago, Sim said:

I must say I am very surprised that the ROH continues to provide her with any press tickets at all, especially the posh ones which she is obviously very happy to take, despite the awful people she always seems to sit near.  As Alison says, maybe she should come and stand or sit with us plebs, just to educate her about the real make-up of the average ROH audience.  If I were head of press, I would not be giving any tickets at all to someone who repeatedly insulted the audience, who pay good money in good faith that they can watch a performance without fear of being ridiculed, insulted, private conversations reported and reduced to cultural stereotypes.    If she or the 'magazine' are paying for her posh tickets, then I suppose there is not much that can be done about it.  


Her language is simple appalling and totally unacceptable! Shame on the magazine that published such a review! 

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5 hours ago, toursenlair said:


I think this comment would come as a big surprise to the dancers in Mayerling.


To clarify - not that there wasn't some breathtaking dancing in the performance, it's just that there was also a lot of... well, standing around. And posing. Not an attack on the dancers by any means, just not my thing.

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7 hours ago, Sim said:

From Today's Links today.  I don't know what Exeunt magazine is, but is this supposed to be serious criticism?  I am astonished that anyone would think this foul-mouthed, generalising load of tosh is even worth posting up.  Appalling.  In my opinion.  I wonder if she will have to apologise for causing offence to someone or other, as so often seems to be the case today.  Imagine if someone had written the same words about an ethnic/religious minority? Or the 'working class'?  There would (rightly) be a huge fuss.  It would seem that some targets are perfectly acceptable, others aren't.  Anyway, that's for another forum.  I just hate hypocrisy.  I also think the RB deserves much better consideration than this rubbish.







I emailed a complaint to the magazine this morning but haven't had a response as yet.

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Back to the ballet.  2nd performance from the Thiago/ Lauren cast and as ever, it went up a notch (if that's possible) from first time round.  How I love Itziar Mendizabal's Larisch.  She is so feisty and really commands the stage. If we were judging body language then it's 11/10. Every gesture cries allurement and come and get me - and Mary.  Thiago gave another super multi faceted performance. So many emotions, expressions; every gesture means something. It's gripping.  His partnering and pdds with Lauren were superb. I don't think they have danced together too often in the past, so this is a fascinating partnership. The final pdd in Act 3 has now left me breathless twice. They really go for it. It makes you realise how much strength the male dancer needs for this part, having also just performed a searing solo.  


The Tavern scene was so much happier than a previous cast - much more in the Irek mould. I think if you don't get differentiation in Rudolf's demeanour, then there is no contrast when it gets dark.  To play it dark all the way through doesn't provide such an emotional ride for the audience. Thiago has a gleam in his eye in this scene which I love before he descends later in the act. Claire Calvert is an extremely acceptable Mitzi and has an empathy with Thiago which adds depth to the scene.    


I take everyone's point about the female corps parts in this scene and being a feminist, it does grate. However, it's a ballet of it's time and has to be taken as such.  I've been told by dancers how much they enjoy the Manon brothel scenes, so let's hope the same is true of Mayerling.  


Having seen Yuhui Choe as Stephanie twice, I'm still not sure if this is her role, particularly the Act1 pdd. To me, she seemed too controlled in her dancing. I'd be very interested in other opinions. In Act 2 there was superb disdain for the hat. 


The whole cast pulled off a marvellous performance tonight. I always look for Gary Avis (Emperor) and Bennet Gartside (Middleton). We had Ryoichi Hirano as the lead Hungarian Officer - big treat, plus Matthew Ball, Nicol Edmonds, Valentino Zucchetti. Great speed of attack in tavern scene.  Why is Eric Underwood wasted in the role of Count Hoyos??


I've also noticed that the opera singer Catherine Carby appears to be having a whale of a time - flowers every night. That's really nice





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