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Everything posted by Colman

  1. Best to contact the RAD and ask, I think. I’d got the idea that they had stopped along with the adult workshops they were doing there but since they started associates in Belfast we ran up there instead of flying over. There’s no sign of them on a search, but that’s not necessarily a sign of anything much with the RAD.
  2. I've seen it suggested that the early announcement is for the sake of publicity for the Japanese tour.
  3. Do what now? Next you’ll be suggesting they should know how to feed themselves or use public transport before they’re 21.
  4. Thanks! We're already booked on the Dublin one (we did it last year, it was lots of fun) but we hadn't seen this one somehow.
  5. Partly that, partly improving understanding what they’re doing with partners, partly increasing flexibility for when a choreographer does asks for boys on pointe. They also force you to get the right muscles working: much harder to cheat with your quads when you’re on pointe.
  6. I've never seen a site so quick to close conversations, hide comments or chide people for saying the wrong thing when others can say whatever they like. It's your site, do what you like, but let's not pretend that it's some sort of bastion of openness.
  7. Some of that is in our own heads though. I can't handle Nunez as Lise or Juliet, because it looks to me like some passing Queen took a wrong turn on the way to reclaiming her kingdom from a pretender and his army with her bare hands. Relatively few others seem bothered.
  8. I'm just savouring the irony of people defending absolutist free speech from the appalling modern scourge of Political Correctness (otherwise known as not being rude and abusive to people weaker than you) on a site where conversation is tightly controlled to avoid offending the people who are doing the complaining.
  9. Which is why the recommended minimum fat levels for women are far higher than men. None of these things are fixed in stone either - some individuals will be able to cheerfully have a couple of children at low fat levels that would render most women infertile and unhealthy. Trying to emulate them is a really bad idea for most people.
  10. Is there a gentle way for me to ask what problem you’re trying to solve here? Is she eating sweets excessively by some objective measure? These conversations are difficult, especially because so many of us have more-or-less disordered relationships with food. I’m all in favour of educating the kids about nutrition - to the extent that anyone has a good handle on it - and advice from a nutritionist might be useful, though I can’t imagine how I’d introduce my son to that without giving the impression there was something wrong with him.
  11. It was fun: we did it before Christmas. A very beginners barre and some not too challenging rep - one of the party dances from Nutcracker being the theme that day. We were in the Floral Hall. It’s light entertainment and the level varied from people who’d never danced to some pretty serious dancers. You’ll get one of the dancers teaching you and piano accompaniment and you can say you danced at the Royal Opera House in London on your CV. 🤪
  12. I think it’s one of those things that teachers have OPINIONS on. My policy is do what I’m told by my teacher until I eventually work out what’s going on myself.
  13. I have spent no more than a couple of hours over a couple of sessions in the new Opera House (which I think is a huge improvement) and have ended up giving ladies directions to the toilets every time while I waited near the gents for one of the boys to return from a trip. I'd swap "essential" for "useful" there - people see the obvious toilets in the corner and don't see the ladies at all even outside busy show times when the sightlines are clear.
  14. I’m sure I’ve heard of her making similar remarks before but I thought it was more in the sense of the boys catching up with the girls after an era in which they had been very much secondary (apart from a few famous standouts) rather than assuming the lead in some sense. Perhaps that the pace of improvement in women’s technique has been slower than that of the men’s (which is inevitable if you think the men started from a lower base).
  15. It's a question of how sure are you? We were pretty sure, but not sure enough to not have a contingency in case he couldn't handle it. It was a great experience for him though. Early in the week he was sending us messages in the evening, by the end he didn't bother …
  16. If you're close enough, and you think you might be being over-cautious - you could send her residential and rescue her on the off chance she can't handle it. That was certainly our strategy last year.
  17. My wife took the week in London while he was in residential as a holiday so she’d be nearby if there was a problem: we really weren’t 100% sure how he’d deal with it. (She spent the week wandering around museums and ballet classes and apparently is doing the same thing this year even though there’s clearly no need at all …) (The Battersea TravelLodge is cheap and nearby.)
  18. Our just-eleven year old boy did it last year and enjoyed it immensely. They’re looked after pretty closely. First thing he said when he came out was “can I go for two weeks next year?” Depends on the child of course: I’m not sure we’d have sent him the year before, but purely because of his personality and emotional development.
  19. Yep, slow and methodical is the way to go. (My spotting problem is that I learned to do it in karate, where you’re moving your head sharply to acquire your next target, so it’s too violent a movement. Inhibiting that on slow movements makes me forget to spot and/or fall over. So I can spot pretty well on enchaînés or fast diagonal turns and fall over on pirouettes. <le sigh>)
  20. I suspect that you’re probably right and there probably isn’t a user story in there for the balletomanes unless there happens to be one in a senior position on the development team. Even any ROH reps aren’t going to represent those users, because they won’t have experience there.
  21. I believe that going as far as you can with good form, hold it there, slowly increase over time is pretty much the only solution to that one. Currently starting doing something similar to try and stop overusing my quads. <le sigh>
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