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Everything posted by Colman

  1. And sometimes everyone has to wear chicken suits or dress up as a duck. The point is not treating white as default skin colour for ballet.
  2. I think the point is that the uniform is meant to blend the lines of the legs with the line of the arms. Inclusion depends on how the rules are written. If one boy wears a different uniform from the girls will he not feel part of the class? If the uniform rule is “closest match to skin colour” then that seems fine. Not that I’d know. Not even hand washing seems to keep tights pink for very long.
  3. It's one of the issues female dancers of colour bring up. Pink tights tend to look dowdy and grey on darker skin. Pink shoes disrupt the length of lines. They're special order shoes, though if a shop wanted to keep stock I suspect Freed would send it. It is not just for ballet black members. Hopefully other manufacturers will follow suit and/or already have shoes available. They are exam legal for both RAD and ISTD (who, I've only recently realised, don't actually have a mandatory dress code, last time I wear white shoes for an exam …). RAD are selling tights of those colours and expect to have soft shoes in those colours soon too. Representation matters: seeing people like you doing something makes it easier to do, easier to get comfortable with. Having a relatively easy way to get shoes that match your skin tone matters. (About as easy as getting boy's gear if you live in Dublin. <sigh>) And the time it really matters is when they're at their most vulnerable in their early teenage years going shopping for pointes. 🙄
  4. They sell DVDs too, though the connection of those to the syllabus is sometimes questionable.
  5. Yes, I don’t see how this makes any partisans happy, especially those who travel long distances occasionally and had booked in the hope - because it’s never more than that! - of seeing a particular dancer.
  6. Slightly above eye height is my habit, but I’m really bad at it. Eye height is the ideal, I think, but then you’d end up trying to spot on your own reflection in most studios which works badly. The notes for that exercise say “head to 1 on count 6”, so I’d read that as them expecting your head to be spotting to 6 (the direction you end in) and needing to be moved. The girl in the video seems to do it the other way (possibly both ways) ending pirouette with head to 1 and turning it to 6! I rather suspect it doesnt doesn’t matter much. I believe the theory is spot to where you’re going, but it’s the sort of thing you’ll cheat in choreography and teachers will have different opinions on.
  7. There are certainly 720p - reasonable quality - recordings of the TV broadcast banging around on video sites if you search.
  8. I was around, was waiting for the DVD and missed the whole discussion! Time to explore, uh, other channels, I guess.
  9. What works on stage doesn't work in a film - clearly can't. Hopefully he's adapting the original where possible and adding new stuff as needed rather than redoing the whole thing in his own style, but who knows? Even the filmed version of the stage musical that's available was an adaption.
  10. Until everything is signed off it’s not certain. Who knows what was going on behind scenes, who was in for the role, what the politics were, etc? It’s quite possible it moved from outside chance to actually happening quite quickly. It’s also possible the ROH was horribly cynical, but that doesn’t seem like a very fair first assumption. Hayward as Victoria? I may need a little lie down.
  11. It is quite different, and I wouldn’t even try seriously until you’re a good few years in - mixing styles early is generally a bad idea. A few classes isn’t going to do any harm, just don’t take the style corrections to heart during the other board classes. Im trying to separate out into three styles: ISTD (very plain (at the level I’m doing anyway), emphasis on technique), RAD (more ornamented, more emphasis on dancey) and workshop-with-professional (often very ornamented, emphasis mostly on the dance). On the the other hand, switching styles is a skill you need anyway, so it’s all good for you.
  12. I've recently fallen into a Grade 5 class (my son was doing it, I was sitting outside for the duration, it's a hodgepodge of an older group who won't be bothered by me, there's an adult lady in there anyway, so what the hell) and it's certainly an interesting curriculum. Don't think I'll do the exam - I'm working through the ISTD exams - though it's always possible my teacher will get that evil glint in her eye.
  13. There are lots. RAD often run half day adult workshops, En Avant Ballet run one and two day things. Some of the serious people around here seem to do some workshop pretty much every weekend!
  14. You’ll have to imagine the look of horror on my face as I consider the idea of being the one dropping her.
  15. Who'd want to be famous for dropping her though? Or worse, damaging her?
  16. I’m now imagining some sort of foot-long tactical comb in black metal with built-in taser.
  17. I’m fascinated to know why people are so attached to intrusive security measures that wouldn’t have stopped any recent attack and generally only have the effect of lining up people nicely for anyone planning carry out the sort of attacks that have been happening. Is it possible that they’ve done a threat analysis and come to the conclusion that it’s pointless? That they do have security staff watching for people acting suspiciously instead?
  18. You really do need them: barefoot is too sticky for ballet. They do feel weird to start with - the soles are in a strange place.
  19. Colman

    Room 101

    Lucky Brexit is coming up or you'd have to work out how to bill EU citizens for institutions that they're helping fund. <sigh> Tourists also pay taxes, incidentally.
  20. Monday morning in Pineapple? My wife did a few daytime classes there over the summer, sounds like about the right level.
  21. I can imagine colleagues who aren’t interested in doing the curriculum exams doing these after a few years of basics.
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