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Everything posted by Colman

  1. I’m finding the discussion about tap shoes confusing. Here’s Bloch’s tap shoes: http://uk.blochworld.com/tap-shoes Some are clearly designed as feminine (strappy, little heels) some are unisex (most of the lace up).
  2. The bambi stage is hilarious to watch, probably annoying from the inside, but nothing to worry about: I’ve watched a couple of youth ballet dancers go through it and on to professional training. He’ll just have to work through it until muscles and prioperception catch up with bones.
  3. The shots are surely the video director's fault, rather than the poor camera operator, who isn't going to have much influence.
  4. I took it as an amateur doing bad reviews. But the technical assessment is useful, because the hyperactive cutting drives me nuts.
  5. The Wear Moi leotard built in ones are the only comfortable ones I’ve found. The 10 year old agrees. Update: have just realised (by finding a photo on the Dr Dancebelt site since none of the shops like to show the back of dance belts for some reason) that their dance belt is the same as the built in ones in their leotards. I shall be ordering one as an experiment shortly.
  6. All dance belts are evil. The standard issue thong ones are fine, worth checking the point where the thong meets the waistband is finished neatly, so whatever you can find in stock.
  7. They’re not on the schedule yet for this year. I assume they’re running them again. Once a month in Elmhurst. We combined them with adult classes and workshops for my wife or I and made a day of it, but we were flying from Dublin.
  8. Yes, I know the technical argument, I was just sort of hoping it didn't make enough difference to the viewing experience to be worth the extra cost.
  9. My Ashton Blu-ray arrived the other day and I have, sadly, concluded that it's worth paying the extra for Blu-ray. <sigh> Another money sink.
  10. Wear moi do some nice boys leotards and shorts. The zipped ones make a nice change and are comfortable as both I and my son can attest. Bloch do boys tap shoes in basically same sizes as the girls’ ones, so check the sizing and then order. (The girls shoes are the strapped sandal type. What the Americans call “Mary Janes”) RAD run boys associates classes one a month in some places - our 10 year old has done them in Elmhurst - that don’t require auditions and so on.
  11. I'm looking forward to the inevitable ballet version of the Lord of the Rings. There are plenty of orc, troll and goblin roles that would suit me perfectly.
  12. My wife stayed there for a week while the 10 year old did the residential RAD summer course (while she spent the week wandering around London exploring the world of drop-in classes and doing tourist things). I joined her for last few days. Cheap, moderately cheerful! The family room we got for last few days had a bath, which might be of interest to a dancer.
  13. Travel lodge Battersea is reasonably convenient. 15 minute walk. Wouldn’t exactly describe it as a gem, but it’s functional.
  14. I suspect that this is to counteract a drop-off in lucrative foreign applications, especially since the funding environment in the U.K. is likely to become even more difficult in the future for the same reasons I suspect that non U.K. applications are down.
  15. I have no idea: I generally view normal as some distant land from which I get the occasional report. Seems weird to me though.
  16. Since I've just had reason to use this I'm going to bump this thread to remind people of the option.
  17. I get the impression that there are guidelines that prevent the dancers from talking too much about injuries except when it's positive news. I can't think of any of the pros I follow being downbeat except in retrospect, even when their normal social media personality would suggest they would. Not so much pressure to be upbeat as pressure to be quiet when they're not upbeat.
  18. That's an aesthetic issue, and something that changes over time. I suspect there's a general drift towards a more athletic physique and this is reflected in the ballet world. Given the choice between stronger dancers who aren't going to be shattered by the demands put upon them and their fitting some weird ideal from the 1970s, I'll go with the athleticism. The ideal has changed before, will change again.
  19. My point is precisely that my view is based mainly on the reactions here, for which "almost undiluted praise" seems like a wilfully false description. (Also, I live in Dublin, which makes ROH trips a touch expensive and I had to choose between our end of year show rehearsals or the cinema broadcast. I'll catch it when the DVD arrives and/or when it's next revived, hopefully.) You seem upset that people don't dislike it as much as you feel they should, and seem have concluded that the only possible reason is that they're too scared of the Forum Police to say what they really think. I have run out of patience with the "brave truth teller with unpopular opinions" stance.
  20. Oh *please*. Just stop. For what it's worth - and I haven't seen it - the view I got from here was that it was a good effort with some very good bits and some problems that will hopefully be sorted out when it is revised for future productions. A sense of relief that it wasn't awful. A lot of joy at some brilliant performances. Not sure how I got that from 34 pages of undiluted praise.
  21. Likewise. Tai chi and ballet have made a big difference over the last decade or so. And I almost always wear shoes with precisely zero support. And weigh over 100kg. I have a sneaking suspicion that feet are one of those things our lifestyle and tools have gone down completely the wrong path on.
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