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BBC Young Dancer 2015

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That's how it looked.


I must say that, unused as I am to assessing dance students, I liked Jenny and Hamish best, because I thought they communicated really well with their audience.

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I thought Jenny would win, but am very happy with Archie because I loved his second solo. As I am lucky enough to speak French I understood the words of the song and he interpreted them with wit and feeling. He was up there with professional dancers I have seen in this piece.

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I am enjoying the series. I hope they don't 'cut' the dances in tonight's final - it has been irritating at times. I would have also liked to see a round at a time rather than focus on a dancer's total contribution to the competition.

Edited by Odyssey
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I completely agree with you after months of looking forwards to this last night we only got 35 minutes of dance and 25 minutes of waffle.  When so little classical dance or contemporary is on the non 'Sky' channels I was very disappointed.  I know we can watch on catch up but it is not the same and doesn't give the dancers enough exposure so we can see all their dances.  This is surely a rare programme for lovers of dance, there are millions of us surely and then we have to put up all the cooking and house hunting programmes we get stuffed at us - grrrrrr!!


Archie was just superb and IMO the most outstanding dancer last night, showing just how good ENBS teaching is.  Jenny was lovely and did very well not coming from the big schools and I felt she could have snatched a wild card along with the last girl from the Indian Dance finals although Connor was fabulous.


I wonder how these dancers were put forward, by themselves or as the best in their schools?   If these students were the best from the schools I wonder how successful they would be at The Prix as we see so little input from the UK?

Edited by pas de chat
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Should be very interesting tonights final ,how do you compare someone who has just about finished their training to someone who hasn't begun , I guess it will be all about the performance on the night whatever style, can,t wait !

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All great talented dancers. Am I right in thinking that no girls other than South Asian category, where only girls competed, have gone through to finals?

Yes, both wilcards went to boys according to Twitter. If I'm honest, I'm disappointed to see only one girl in the final.

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Do you know who choreographed this piece Sim?

It's sort of in the same vein as the Prix de Lausanne "Greek" piece and I loved it.

It's by Ben Van Cauweanberg (sorry I have guessed the spelling as no time to check now), with music by Jacques Brel. It's called Les Bourgeois.


It is Daniil Simkin's party piece, and Sergei Polunin has danced it as well. There are probably clips on YouTube.

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Having seen Daniil Simkin do that piece so wonderfully, I probably did lose some of the impact from Archie's interpretation.


If anyone who attended the pre-final open day at Central is reading this, I am right in thinking that Sayaka was the girl we watched in a Ballet Central rehearsal? At the time I was captivated by her and I thought she was exquisite last night too. Maybe her choice of choreography didn't show her off to the full.

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I feel that Archie was stronger technically in his classical piece than the other two boys and shone in his contemporary piece. Sayaka was really lovely but I don't feel that her choice of classical variation showed a full enough range. I too would have chosen Archie as the winner. Personally, I feel that one of the judges should have been a woman.

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Apologies if it has been said before, but I feel this has been set up to produce a male winner. And I speak as the mother of a male dancer who loves all encouragement to male dancers. The poor girls have put in years more training than the boys and it's not being reflected in the results. I also think the last asian dancer should have had a wild card. The asian girls, like the ballet grils have been training since they were 3. None of the boys have!

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Perhaps if they run the competition again they should have male and female categories. Seem to remember the last ybdy was all/ mostly male winners too.




Looking at the YBDY 2000-2014 list of winners: out of 15 winners 8 were boys. Looking at the overall 2nd and 3rd prize winners, boys are a majority too.  

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Please will someone put me out of my misery. What is Ben Van Cawenburgh's brothers name? It was niggling at me for the rest of the programme.


I agree entirely that the right person won and that the programme contained far too little actual dance.

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I think that's unfair to say the boys have had less training and therefore shouldn't have the results. They all seem to have started at a very young age and fully deserved their spots. Length of training and hard work is not necessarily reflective of ability and talent. I think the right person won and showed that he is ready for a professional contract.

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I agree, Harwel, but I do also think that a ratio of 5 boys to 1 girl in the final is wrong - just as it would be were there 5 girls and one boy. I rarely watch Young Musician of the Year but would be interested to know if the final of that is similarly weighted?

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I don't think this has been deliberately weighted to have more boys in the final.  It just seems that at present boys training is stronger.  Over the last few years, looking at published Graduate success lists from the top UK Vocational schools, the boys have generally done better than the girls. Now though some schools are no longer putting names alongside the Graduate destination.  One has to wonder why.

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I am enjoying the series. I hope they don't 'cut' the dances in tonight's final - it has been irritating at times. I would have also liked to see a round at a time rather than focus on a dancer's total contribution to the competition.


I was annoyed at the cuts, too.  Apart from anything else, I wanted to see how Jenny would do the gargouillades!  Given that classical solos don't tend to be very long, it's a shame they couldn't all have been shown in their entirety so that we had a full idea of the dancers' performances.  As it is, they might all have fallen over 2 seconds after the cut - we just don't know.


Having seen Daniil Simkin do that piece so wonderfully, I probably did lose some of the impact from Archie's interpretation.


If anyone who attended the pre-final open day at Central is reading this, I am right in thinking that Sayaka was the girl we watched in a Ballet Central rehearsal? At the time I was captivated by her and I thought she was exquisite last night too. Maybe her choice of choreography didn't show her off to the full.


Regattah, that was my problem too, and partly why I mentioned that I'm unused to assessing students.  I've seen Les Bourgeois danced several times, by several very highly-regarded dancers, and that's bound to affect my appreciation of it in this case.


I agree that Sayaka's choreography didn't really give her a wide range to show - the two pieces were rather similar in style.

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I've been very disappointed by the poor lighting and the severe cutting which means you hardly see any dancing - I don't know who the series is aimed at - not enough to entertain those with knowledge of dance and not enough to catch the imagination of a newcomer.


And I also agree that the unequal ratio is an issue.


Think I'll go and do some gardening - the sun has come out - won't be watching the final.

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I'm so glad that Connor won as he was my choice of winner. He was strong in all three of his dances. Generally, I preferred the solos choreographed for the dancers; the one for Harry was my favourite. I'm pleased that all the dances were shown in full.

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Thoroughly enjoyable evening- inspiring and amazing talent and so nice to see work specially choreographed for such a lovely dancers !

Best of all it should raise the general awareness of the skill hard work and commitment involved in dance training !

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I said to my hubby that Connor should win, and I am thrilled that he did....and he was a wild card and the youngest! Well done to him and all the other wonderful finalists.

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I thought they were all amazing and really raised their game from the earlier finals. What an inspirational group of young dancers. Shame they fluffed the presentation and I would like to have heard a bit more about why they chose Connor, he is incredibly talented and still developing, it will be very exciting to see how he progresses over the next few years.

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My dad only watched the final (with me) both of us were surprised that boys were judged with girls - we can't think of any other physically demanding field where male/female compete against each other


I suppose the argument is that it is an 'art' but to be frank top male athletes will always out perform top female athletes and so are not put into competition with each other.  I don't think musicianship is a fair comparison as the ability to play an instrument is not defined my physical strength


Can anyone think of a physical situation where men compete against women? My Dad and I would like to be wrong

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