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  1. An update on the earlier discussion about the failure to update information on the website. Melissa Hamilton is now listed as a Principal dancer. Unfortunately, when you open up the biog. It begins “ Melissa Hamilton is a first soloist….” Words fail me !
  2. Thank you for such a helpful reply. I did have a look at an old thread on here regarding dvd recordings and the various short extracts you can view on YouTube. I did wonder whether the Cranko foundation might have relaxed their view of streamed performances but it would appear not.
  3. Is this due to the same restrictions from the Cranko estate that governs streaming / DVD releases?
  4. Yes, I have and made a similar comment about it reflecting their image to the world.
  5. It is a bit shoddy that 14 days into the new year they can’t make the time to correct the listing of a dancer, particularly if it’s a promotion to the highest level. As for the whole of the casting for an imminent performance disappearing, they really need to get their act together. They don’t seem to grasp how much people value and rely on this information and how badly it represents them to the world outside the London bubble.
  6. I’m wondering when Kevin O’Hare will get his Knighthood. I know Sir David Bintley didn’t get his until his departure, but I think other directors have had theirs whilst still in post. Perhaps that’s because Sir Frederick Ashton and Sir Kenneth Macmillan received theirs having already had senior awards as choreographers. Not sure about Sir Anthony Dowell or Dame Monica Mason . I think Kevin has significantly added to the strength and development of the Company, so hopefully it will be awarded while in post. I am so please for Marianela Núñez. Listening to her on Desert Island Discs, I’m sure more than a few tears and shrieks of joy were heard (by her cats) when she received the news!
  7. This was my first sight of this production, (apart from the memorable Agony & Ecstasy episode) so a highlight of my Christmas viewing. . I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, particularly the ‘ white acts ‘ where the sheer number of swans alone must make for a memorable experience to see live - although I imagine pretty noisy during the mass exits! I enjoyed the bird’s eye view and wasn’t too distracted by the frequent editing between shots. I thought the corps were excellent ( I can’t remember from the documentary where they recruit the extra swans from, but they certainly seemed to be well rehearsed) , and credit to Derek Deane in the way he has staged /choreographed this to fit the space.I also enjoyed seeing Lee and Haw. There must be considerable challenges to dance in this space both in terms of the sizes of the stage and to project an emotional connection. Altogether a lovely Christmas treat which I now want to see live.
  8. Thank you so much Jane S. I have just searched for this and found that it’s part of the New York Public Library digital collection https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/87437fd0-4b52-0133-4044-60f81dd2b63c Unfortunately it appears it’s not available to view. online.
  9. As well as dance transmissions you would like to see again, I’d like to add those dance documentaries which Include snippets of performances that appear to have never been transmitted. One in particular is part of the excellent Omnibus documentary on Sir Frederick Ashton from the late 1980s . It includes a wonderful clip of Symphonic Variations (see below at approx I hour 4 mins ) with Dowell, Sibley, Jenner and Penny. The only full performance from roughly this era is a rather grainy black & white one from the QE2’s Silver Jubilee in 1977. Where on earth is this gem ? - it so deserves to be seen.
  10. Thank you so much for all that you and the whole team do to make this Forum such a well informed and polite environment to be a part of. I’m sure I speak for many of us here in saying we don’t take this for granted, particularly with all the checks and balances which you have to show due regard to in order for us to enjoy the lively debate conducted on these threads. Seasons greetings to all of you.
  11. Yes, if you look at the length of the 23rd Dec. programme it looks about right for a whole performance.
  12. Bringing this thread back on track, I’m wondering how this promotion might affect the number of times Melissa will guest with Roberto Bolle and the tantalising thought they might dance together in London.
  13. There’s a wonderful pic of Melissa by dancersdiary (Andre) which captures the emotion I think we all feel here. https://www.instagram.com/dancersdiary/p/DDfK5BZAeyQ/?hl=en
  14. What a lovely Christmas present for Melissa ( and all her fans). I wonder when she was told. Along with quite a few folks here, I thought it too late for her to get this promotion. Her route through has been remarkable and in some ways unconventional and she has shown a determination to succeed which many younger dancers can take inspiration from . I am so happy for her.
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