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Manon, Royal Ballet Winter 2024

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59 minutes ago, Rob S said:


Gary makes his mark within seconds of stepping out of his carriage, no other GM can compete really, and he's the best gaoler too. After Saunders' GM is injured in the sword fight and 'goes after' Lescaut...I was left wondering how he'd do as the gaoler....I came up with Mr Barrowclough from Porridge

Oh dear! That did make me chuckle! 🤭😂

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52 minutes ago, Rob S said:


Gary makes his mark within seconds of stepping out of his carriage, no other GM can compete really, and he's the best gaoler too. 


Gary Avis is excellent but Derek Rencher created the role of GM for MacMillan & was marvellous for many years.


The most 'interesting' interpretation of the part I've ever seen came in a show back in 2003/4 with Sylvie Guillem & Laurent Hilaire where act 2 party scene came with a very prominently performed slow lick of Manon's shoe to emphasis a foot fetish, it was very sexually graphic & much talked about in the interval, but very definite dramatic 'choices'!!

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On 24/02/2024 at 00:24, Dawnstar said:

I could also do with half a dozen pairs of eyes & a slow-motion replay option for the ensemble scenes!


Me too - in this ballet above all.


14 hours ago, Missfrankiecat said:

fairly standard interpretation of Manon [total innocence and pure love defiled by machinations of men]


I would hope that isn't a "standard" interpretation: Manon is far from innocent, and I'm not sure how pure her love is.


13 hours ago, Jamesrhblack said:

Re “purity defiled,” I’m not sure there is much “pure” about Manon as a character. There’s a good reason she is being sent off to a convent and it doesn’t take her long to elope with a young man she has just met, stealing the money entrusted to her care by an admittedly foolish older man.


Yes. Her parents have already recognised her nature - I think there's some suggestion in the novel that she may no longer even be a virgin - and realised that the only way to save her from herself is to send her into a convent.  (Unfortunately, they seem to have had a bit of a blind spot about her brother, who I believe is supposed to be accompanying her to said convent?!)



I agree with Richard LH that there were a couple of tiny, almost nervous, wobbles on arabesque in his first solo - I was so convinced by his acting that I was even prepared to consider they might be deliberate because I read his opening not as confident wooing but as diffidence slowly losing his self consciousness as the sincerity of his love overcame his shyness.


To me, it makes a lot more sense to do it that way - or even seeming to make it up as he goes along.  When I watched the original DVD with Dowell I thought the solo - although gorgeously danced - smacked more of someone smooth and self-assured rather than an inexperienced young man.  And, from the novel, I think that Des Grieux is inexperienced with women: he's of good family - he is a Chevalier, after all - and is studying to enter the priesthood, so probably has had little exposure to women - and certainly not the sort he encounters in the courtyard in Amiens, or later on chez Madame!



I was particularly moved by the sense of his humiliation and degradation at being pulled into cheating at cards and it struck me that in many ways it is Des Grieux not Manon who is purity defiled in this story. 


Oh, absolutely it is.  A young man of good reputation, until he falls for Manon and ends up cheating, lying and committing murder (we assume) for her.  (Note also that, despite the fact that it's the name of Manon which appears in the title of the ballet, and two operas, the focus of the original novel is Des Grieux: the title is Histoire du Chevalier des Grieux, et de Manon Lescaut - that comma seems to me to make Manon seem almost an afterthought.)  In recent years, though, I've not had much sense of the shame and humiliation he feels at having to cheat.


12 hours ago, MildConcern said:

I always feel her sexual liberation very keenly, and there is an eroticism to the bedroom pdd when she dances, a young girl discovering adult pleasures. 


Or perhaps not discovering them ...

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12 hours ago, OnePigeon said:

As a slight divergence, I can’t help but feel that Muntagirov is woefully underused in this country.  His dancing is sublime and he has a special and unique style and artistry that screams out for being showcased. If I was a choreographer I would be falling over myself to get a chance to create something on him, or if I was the AD of a company I might be pushing to ensure his talents are fully utilised and celebrated.


I've often wondered whether choreographers are intimidated by just how good he is ...

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7 hours ago, alison said:


I would hope that isn't a "standard" interpretation: Manon is far from innocent, and I'm not sure how pure her love is.


Yes. Her parents have already recognised her nature - I think there's some suggestion in the novel that she may no longer even be a virgin - and realised that the only way to save her from herself is to send her into a convent.  (Unfortunately, they seem to have had a bit of a blind spot about her brother, who I believe is supposed to be accompanying her to said convent?!)





Personally I don't think the story works at all if Manon is portrayed as an innocent young girl having to choose between her one true love and material wealth.  I think it works much better if she is portrayed as a bit more worldly, with brother and sister both in pursuit of the good things in life.  As a bonus, she has a handsome young man on the side who will do anything for her, and whom she fancies like crazy!  A win win situation for her....until it all goes wrong.  

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4 hours ago, AnneMarriott said:

I seem to remember from one of Vadim's interviews that he chose not to dance in any contemporary works to avoid injury associated with the physical demands which are so different from classical choreography.  

I'm totally with those who think Vadim is very underused so he dances more abroad than at the ROH.  Next part of the season seems better with 2 goes at Swan Lake (not that the Prince has that much to do) and then debuting as Leontes.  Then there's the Ashton if we ever get casting.  I've hopes he will be debuting Oberon as The Dream is in every RB performance.  If it's with Fumi that would be a bonus though I wish they'd get rid of that awful strawberry blonde wig. It always looks strange on dancers you know have dark hair and seems completely unnecessary. 


Re new choreography,  I know Vadim explicitly stated he didn't want to dance very modern choreography but does that mean that one of the greatest classical companies in the world can't come up with a classical (or possibly neo classical) choreographer to create something for him? If so, it's rather a reflection of the state of ballet choreography today. I'm sure Zucchetti or possibly even Wheeldon (though I have to say I'm not a fan of Wheeldon and would prefer Zucchetti) could create something for him but presumably Kevin would have to commission it. There is actually a very short piece Zucchetti created with Alice Pennefather on Ball/Hayward filmed at Petworth house, East Sussex that would be wonderful on Vadim so if he can do that I'm sure he can create something original. It used to be on YouTube but can't find it now.


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4 hours ago, AnneMarriott said:

I seem to remember from one of Vadim's interviews that he chose not to dance in any contemporary works to avoid injury associated with the physical demands which are so different from classical choreography.  

He did indeed, which is exactly my point.  This tunnel visioned focus on creating and commissioning contemporary works at the expense of almost anything firmly within the classical idiom means dancers of Vadim’s gifts have to just dance choreography created on another dancer’s body a long time ago and never have something tailor made for their particular skills and attributes, of which there are so many.  If I was a dance taste maker I would be seeking out and encouraging different styles of ballet, including new works in the classical style.  But I digress, back to Manon....

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I was going to say myself, new choreography doesn’t have to mean contemporary, and Vadim has given stunning accounts of various neo-classical works.

He does mention in his book that Michael Clark wants to choreograph something on him (now that would be interesting!) but given busy schedules who knows if or when we will ever see it.

Edited by Balletfanp
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I forgot to mention when I wrote about Friday night (I was so in the moment, even the next day!) how lovely it was to say hello to so many forumites.   Hopefully we can repeat on Tuesday night!  :)


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Well unfortunately another triumph it looks like I will be missing. I seem doomed to have a winter without any ballet ( either watching or doing!) 
Having not had a sign of a cold for over a year…. I’ve now got a really bad cough and cold which has come on over the weekend!! I can’t see it improving enough in time for me to come up to London tomorrow and not cough consistently throughout the performance 😬 so looks like sadly I will be missing tomorrows Manon. 

My aim now will be to make either March 7th Swan Lake for Corrales return or March 8th Manon for Hayward ( my original first choice) but now also Campbell’s final performance ….or even both!! Though realise getting a ticket for March 8th is probably going to be rarer than finding fairy dust! 
I can see my top price rule may now be just about to go out of the window 😳


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3 minutes ago, LinMM said:

Well unfortunately another triumph it looks like I will be missing. I seem doomed to have a winter without any ballet ( either watching or doing!) 
Having not had a sign of a cold for over a year…. I’ve now got a really bad cough and cold which has come on over the weekend!! I can’t see it improving enough in time for me to come up to London tomorrow and not cough consistently throughout the performance 😬 so looks like sadly I will be missing tomorrows Manon. 


So sorry to hear this, LinMM! I hope you can get to the 7th and/or 8th performances.

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Many thanks for all these posts and I’m very much looking forward to Tuesday’s second performance of the Fume Kaneko cast. Before then it’s the first performance of Sarah Lamb’s cast, including James Hay/Meaghan Grace Hinkis as Lescaut/Mistress.


I’ve been meaning to add a comment on the second Hayward/Sambe performance which I thought was outstanding. Sambe in particular was much more secure and his first solo was fabulous. Hayward was mesmerising throughout. I thought Campbell and Sambe were really well matched. Lescaut’s domination of Des Grieux at the end of Act 1 seemed much more powerful. In the cinema relay with Clarke, the height difference didn’t do Clarke any favours at all and, as others have said, I think Clarke and Hirano might have provided better balance.

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3 hours ago, LinMM said:

Well unfortunately another triumph it looks like I will be missing. I seem doomed to have a winter without any ballet ( either watching or doing!) 
Having not had a sign of a cold for over a year…. I’ve now got a really bad cough and cold which has come on over the weekend!! I can’t see it improving enough in time for me to come up to London tomorrow and not cough consistently throughout the performance 😬 so looks like sadly I will be missing tomorrows Manon.


Oh dear, that's very unfortunate timing. I hope you recover soon.


1 hour ago, JohnS said:

In the cinema relay with Clarke, the height difference didn’t do Clarke any favours at all and, as others have said, I think Clarke and Hirano might have provided better balance.


The problem is Hirano was filmed as Lescaut in 2018 & the RB seem to try to only film dancers once in a role so that probably ruled him out for this time around. What they really need is more taller Lescauts as, apart from Sissens debuting, I think every other Lescaut this run is a similar height to Campbell, whereas every Des Grieux apart from Sambe & Campbell is on the tall side.

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On 25/02/2024 at 22:14, jmhopton said:

I wish they'd get rid of that awful strawberry blonde wig. It always looks strange on dancers you know have dark hair and seems completely unnecessary. 


AusBallet's Japanese Titanias (Ako Kondo and Yuumi Yamada) wore the wig but Benedicte Bemet did not, in the three performances I saw last November. Last time they did it, Miwako Kubota, Ako Kondo and (definitely not Japanese, also not dark haired) Madeleine Eastoe wore it, but at least two others (both dark haired) did not.


I reached out to the company both times, but have not yet received an acknowledgement let alone a reply regarding whether the wig is a choice or an imposition.

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5 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

the RB seem to try to only film dancers once in a role so that probably ruled him out for this time


ROH Shop:


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

2011 Lauren Cuthbertson/Sergei Polunin

2017 Cuthbertson/Federico Bonelli



2007 or 2009 they can't make up their minds Miyako Yoshida/Steven McRae/Gary Avis

2016 Cuthbertson/Bonelli/Avis

2018 Marianela Nuñez/Vadim Muntagirov/Avis


Swan Lake 

2009 Nuñez/Thiago Soares

2018 Nuñez/Muntagirov 


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5 hours ago, JohnS said:

Lescaut’s domination of Des Grieux at the end of Act 1 seemed much more powerful. In the cinema relay with Clarke, the height difference didn’t do Clarke any favours at all and, as others have said, I think Clarke and Hirano might have provided better balance.

tonight we can look forward to James Hay subduing Ryo Hirano… 

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I had a similar thought @PeterS and I’ll be very interested to see how it plays tonight. I didn’t think the Hirano/Hay height difference was as pronounced as  that between Clarke/Campbell. There’s opportunity to see Richardson/Hay next week and of course Campbell/Zucchetti on 2nd & 8th.

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Found a last minute SCS for tonight and jumped on train.  Persistence rewarded! If it was returned by anyone out there -thank you! Or do the box office randomly  hold some back for on the day? Very excited either way, came to rehearsal but was sitting way up in the amphi.

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19 minutes ago, JohnS said:

I had a similar thought @PeterS and I’ll be very interested to see how it plays tonight. I didn’t think the Hirano/Hay height difference was as pronounced as  that between Clarke/Campbell. There’s opportunity to see Richardson/Hay next week and of course Campbell/Zucchetti on 2nd & 8th.

It’ll be terrific to see Zucchetti dance a substantial role again

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6 minutes ago, Chris R said:

Found a last minute SCS for tonight and jumped on train.  Persistence rewarded! If it was returned by anyone out there -thank you! Or do the box office randomly  hold some back for on the day? Very excited either way, came to rehearsal but was sitting way up in the amphi.


Maybe someone whose trains are up the spout?

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8 hours ago, LinMM said:

I can’t see it improving enough in time for me to come up to London tomorrow and not cough consistently throughout the performance 😬 so looks like sadly I will be missing tomorrows Manon. 


Sorry to hear that, hope you get a ticket for the 8th! I'm grateful for your consideration to other audience members re the cough, some audiences aren't as considerate!

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42 minutes ago, PeterS said:

tonight we can look forward to James Hay subduing Ryo Hirano… 


I guess that may have worked better with the originally cast D.G - Steven McRae.


If funds/timings had allowed I would have booked for tonight - wishing Hirano good luck for his debut as D.G, and the whole cast of course!

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