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Everything posted by BadBallerina

  1. I haven't personally tried them but they're a bit of a marmite shoe - love them or hate them! Teachers I have don't recommend them (and fitters) because they cover all your feets flaws so don't allow you to work on them but just covers them up. They are supposed to be very comfortable though! Just my opinion x
  2. I asked this question at a Q&A at Central and was told that there were more non-vocational starters than vocational which was reassuring!
  3. Does anyone know what the Tring auditon entails? Im undecided about where to apply but everything's looking very busy already so I'm trying to whittle it down, thanks
  4. I'm 16, and only managing 12 hours a week (it's as much as I can get in my city including associates 3 hours away) Ive only just done my advanced foundation (what a disaster!) so I would say your dd is doing a lot of hours. Speaking to people at vocational schools seems they're doing about 25 hours a week, in my dreams!
  5. I'm at the ballet west summer school now and im absolutely loving it! This week there are about 22ish of us, split into two groups. Class was split by level but the teachers asked some people what level they wanted to be in/try if they were in between. Some students (especially younger ones) stay in the big house, this year im staying in a chalet, 2 mins walk away from the house which is also nice. Teachers are lovely and generally very helpful (although a lot of attention has been spent on one girl with amaaaaazing feet which a bit annoying!) but lots of personal corrections. Such a friendly and open atmosphere. We've had ballet, contemporary, pointe, rep and contemporary pieces as well as body conditioning which was very sore but really worth it! The teacher encourages you to do all of it and not give up, I wouldn't be able to do the workout without him pushing!! Any more questions, just ask!! BB x
  6. Aberdeen has some good adult classes at Danscentre but I don't know what times ( I think most people only do 1 or 2 classes ) and it's still a long way!!
  7. Finally, I heard yesterday that I have got a place as a Scottish Ballet Senior Associate for next year!!! Worth the wait and they were very helpful! BBx
  8. Still no letter for me today so I tried to phone but they're shut! Will just have to wait but that also means postponing the decision of continuing with Ballet West associates which would mean staying overnight in Glasgow once a month in a year with Highers x
  9. No news for me today but most of my friends have heard - a mix of yes and no's x
  10. No feedback as far as I'm aware and I didn't get a letter today, they said they would send them out Monday I think so should arrive tomorrow. Was hoping it would be a yes letter today because it's my birthday but I'll take a yes any day of the week x
  11. Haha thank you! I think it went quite well but everyone was of a fairly similar standard so it's quite hard to tell! There was a lot of people in my audition (35!) but we had the loveliest Peter Darrell studio! All of the scottish ballet dancer bags and shoes were strewn around the side which was kind of nice and reassuring to see, just made the whole experience a bit more personal in an odd sort of way! The class was taught fairly quickly but the individual combinations were very simple, only time for one excercise on pointe which really showed up some peoples weaknesses , results out the week of the 13th so good luck to everyone else too!
  12. A boy at my school does a very little bit of pointe to help him to use his feet more and there's another boy who's working abroad now who has been required to do pointe in productions (not sure if it's classial/neoclassical)
  13. I'm about to do my first Scottish GCSE equivalent on Thursday and am feeling a little ill prepared and it is difficult to juggle the amount of school work and dancing every day. I go to a very good academic, private, all girls school and sometimes the teachers expect you to be able to do things for the next day so generally I go into school an hour early and work before people get there and then again at lunch, work at dancing in my breaks, it is really hard but it can be done! I managed to get all A*'s in my mocks but not without a lot a lot of hard work, nothing comes easy for dancers!
  14. I also went last year aged 14 but didn't find IT so enjoyable. By all means the classes were good, fairly hard as I was only intermediate but there didn't seem a huge gap between me and other Adv 1 girls. I found pointe really tricky (hadn't done a whole lot before) so pirouettes and a ménage of poses were a challenge! The bit I didn't enjoy so much was the social side, especially in the first few day as I knew no one else there and was in a room with a Japanese girl who didn't speak much English. There were definately cliques of royal associates etc but after a few days I'd made friends who Im still in touch with this year!
  15. Ive put old pointe shoes through the machine as well inside a large sock and seems to work just make sure to squish them and keep moulding them as they dry, otherwise you end up with hard shoes all over again! x
  16. Not sure which week but a friend has just got a place for the older group from the waiting list x
  17. Almost sure all are invited to auditon. I'm auditioning for Senior Associates this year and have several friends in mids/seniors who love it! Good luck x
  18. Don't forget things can change, a lot of it depends on the work dd is putting in. 2 hours of not trying maybe be much less useful than a good 45 minute class. Last year I felt I was way behind, only doing my Grade 6 and Intermediate Foundation (aged 14) however this year I only auditioned for Central and got a final audition and am on the waiting list. Don't let DD be discouraged by where she 'should' be! x
  19. I once got 98% in an early grade and friends teacher (an examiner) had given someone 100 who then went off to RBS. All RAD graded exams though
  20. Certainly is although I hope to do classes in Glasgow every weekend which takes about the same time given that I would get the train and she would fly! we're so far from anywhere we've got used to travelling now! x
  21. No, she is travelling every weekend. A boy from the school also did this a few years ago x
  22. A friend from my Dance school here in Scotland has also got a place!
  23. I know to an amazing boy from Tring who has just been offers Riyal Ballet US and ENBS!!! It's that scary time when all your friends get offers for me right now x
  24. The applications for Advanced Associates 2016/17 are going to be out in the coming weeks, and my teacher suggested I apply. Wondering if anyone has any experience of that diction last year or of the programme?
  25. Results from last Sunday came today (so fast I'm very impressed ) and I got finals im so excited, how much harder do you think finals will be than prelim?? x
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