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34 minutes ago, Richard LH said:

Thanks for confirming that @Sim.

Drawing a couple of discussion points together, and going back  to the King's visit, I hope his reported "foot tapping along to the music"  was suitably discrete and not a distraction for those nearby!

It's something I find myself wanting to do with catchy and familiar ballet pieces, but probably not a good idea...I know l would be annoyed if a neighbouring attendee started it!


I've never been disturbed by anyone foot tapping.  But I have encountered a fair few people who sway in time to the music.  Quite often sitting right in front of me......

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A number of expensive tickets (3 figures) for the last performance of this seem to have appeared on the ROH website.


EDIT: Yes, they're still there, even if the website had decided to go back to claiming Takada was still dancing :( 

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1 hour ago, alison said:

A number of expensive tickets (3 figures) for the last performance of this seem to have appeared on the ROH website.


EDIT: Yes, they're still there, even if the website had decided to go back to claiming Takada was still dancing :( 

The website is showing Osipova/Clarke for me on the 17th....and Hinkis/Acri on the 11th as before.

Edited by Richard LH
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4 hours ago, art_enthusiast said:


That's good. One thing I was curious about is how experienced Magri is as Kitri, given that she has had 2 slips so far in the run - not that this is a big deal at all to me, I was just interested in the possible reasons for it (I thought it might be the stage floor, as I think was discussed earlier in the thread). I believe she debuted in 2019, wondering how many performances she got? Not sure. I know she has done the PDD frequently for galas.


I  think it might be the Blossom jinx. I can't watch any sports or 'my team' or player will lose. Mayara slipped on the 2 occasions I was there...


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The several mentions above of how many full Kitris Mayara Magri has danced and whether that's enough for her to feel okay doing a cinema relay (I think the consensus was six) have struck me as interesting.


As many will know, AusBallet is live-relaying a very short Ashton programme on 21 November. Marguerite will be danced by Amy Harris. It will be just her fourth performance of the role.

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17th November is now Sold Out again. 


I was very disappointed to see what I perceive as negative comments to my earlier post on ticket availability. 


I put this information up in good faith with the aim of trying to be helpful to anyone who was looking, as I have been for the past week. 


Perhaps, I did help someone out there - who knows. 


The reaction I received including one comment from a Moderator, will make me think twice in future. 


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7 hours ago, JennyTaylor said:

17th November is now Sold Out again. 


I was very disappointed to see what I perceive as negative comments to my earlier post on ticket availability. 


I put this information up in good faith with the aim of trying to be helpful to anyone who was looking, as I have been for the past week. 


Perhaps, I did help someone out there - who knows. 


The reaction I received including one comment from a Moderator, will make me think twice in future. 



I'm sure the reaction was not to your helpful post, Jenny, but simply to the price of the tickets - a continuation of previous reactions to this issue.

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8 hours ago, JennyTaylor said:

17th November is now Sold Out again. 


I was very disappointed to see what I perceive as negative comments to my earlier post on ticket availability. 


I put this information up in good faith with the aim of trying to be helpful to anyone who was looking, as I have been for the past week. 


Perhaps, I did help someone out there - who knows. 


The reaction I received including one comment from a Moderator, will make me think twice in future. 


It was helpful to me, Jenny, thank you, but nothing was left by the time I looked.


I’m sure the the reactions were to the price tags. Whatever one’s budget, it’s difficult to swallow just how much ‘the best seats’ cost now.

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14 hours ago, Fonty said:

But I have encountered a fair few people who sway in time to the music.  Quite often sitting right in front of me......

I can’t stand swaying, unless it’s due to a medical condition. It’s especially annoying in the Stalls circle because if someone starts swaying around it can block your view and then impacts the whole row!


I understand people may have problems sitting still in general, but that’s what relaxed performances are for!

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6 minutes ago, art_enthusiast said:

I can’t stand swaying, unless it’s due to a medical condition. It’s especially annoying in the Stalls circle because if someone starts swaying around it can block your view and then impacts the whole row!


I understand people may have problems sitting still in general, but that’s what relaxed performances are for!

Was there a relaxed performance of Don Quixote?

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9 hours ago, Sophoife said:

The several mentions above of how many full Kitris Mayara Magri has danced and whether that's enough for her to feel okay doing a cinema relay (I think the consensus was six) have struck me as interesting.

How many times had Fumi danced Aurora before she did the cinema relay in place of Cuthbertson at very short notice? 

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@JennyTaylor you have completely misinterpreted the posts.  No-one is being negative towards you personally.  The comments were all a reaction to the high cost of the available tickets, which as Bridie pointed out is an ongoing theme on the forum these days.  


Furthermore, when I responded to Dawnstar's comment, it was to sympathise with wanting to go but not being able to afford the available tickets because they were way too expensive.  It was no slight on you!

It is much appreciated when anyone points out ticket deals or availability.  

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10 hours ago, JennyTaylor said:


I was very disappointed to see what I perceive as negative comments to my earlier post on ticket availability. 


I put this information up in good faith with the aim of trying to be helpful to anyone who was looking, as I have been for the past week.



It wasn't your helpful post that the 'negativity' was about Jenny, more the increasingly unavailability of shows due to ticket price increases for many of us. So please keep posting any tips you find - as you say, it may have helped someone who doesn't have to be ultra careful with their spending 🙂

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27 minutes ago, NikkiB said:

I’m finally getting to watch Beth in tomorrow’s matinee and getting into Paddington around 10:30am but I believe now some of the tube stations will be closed due to the demonstrations 😩 keeping my fingers crossed I make it.


Unless there's been more news since I last looked you shouldn't have a problem on the Bakerloo line from Paddington to Piccadilly or the route I take, Elizabeth line to Tottenham Court Rd and then walk from there.

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I'm very sorry that my comment yesterday came over as rude. I too have been checking the website for tickets on a number of occasions recently & it is depressing to me when the only ones that appear are way out of my price range. It means I have just had to tackle a stressful Friday rush where, while I have managed to get tickets, they're not exactly in the particular position that I was after. I don't know how other people find Friday rush but I find it so stressful that I feel anxious for hours beforehand & am now shaking with adreneline in the aftermath. Hence I really wish I could afford to buy any available tickets rather than be confined to only a handful!

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18 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

I'm very sorry that my comment yesterday came over as rude. I too have been checking the website for tickets on a number of occasions recently & it is depressing to me when the only ones that appear are way out of my price range. It means I have just had to tackle a stressful Friday rush where, while I have managed to get tickets, they're not exactly in the particular position that I was after. I don't know how other people find Friday rush but I find it so stressful that I feel anxious for hours beforehand & am now shaking with adreneline in the aftermath. Hence I really wish I could afford to buy any available tickets rather than be confined to only a handful!

I find Friday Rush stressful too, @Dawnstar I don’t think there’s any way of avoiding that.

The combination of wanting/needing a ticket so much, the ever-present technical hurdles, and an element of competition with the clock is a very potent one.

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25 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

I'm very sorry that my comment yesterday came over as rude. I too have been checking the website for tickets on a number of occasions recently & it is depressing to me when the only ones that appear are way out of my price range.


It didn't, Dawnstar, don't worry.


It seems I'm fated not to catch Osipova's Kitri: my computer suffered a BSOD with only about 5 minutes to go until Friday Rush today, and by the time I'd got it up and running again it was well past 1 pm :(  Hey ho.

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Re the stressometer scale: I did National Theatre public booking yesterday with random place allocation from the waiting room, highly specific tickets in mind and the knowledge that there would be a massive website jam due to Michael Sheen’s upcoming Nye (Bevan).

Placed at 1,651 in the queue, I exited the website a lengthy 3 hours and multiple refreshes later. Happy days, eh?

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@alison I don't know what a BSOD is but it doesn't sound good. I think if my computer declined to work just at the time of Friday rush then it'd find itself being thrown out of the nearest window!


@Scheherezade Were there any tickets left after 3 hours of queuing? I think the only theatre website I've had to queue for that long on was the RAH for Proms bookings some years ago.

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5 hours ago, Rob S said:

How many times had Fumi danced Aurora before she did the cinema relay in place of Cuthbertson at very short notice? 


Three according to @Saodan's website (the ROH performance database not having got that far yet). Two she was scheduled for plus one replacing Takada.

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13 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

@Scheherezade Were there any tickets left after 3 hours of queuing? I think the only theatre website I've had to queue for that long on was the RAH for Proms bookings some years ago.

There were. But only 1 solitary ticket that I wanted (first three rows of the stalls at £20) amongst all of the very many Nye performances and the same problem that we so frequently come across when booking at the ROH - the tickets having already disappeared in the time it takes to click on the seat and then add it to the basket. I think the general rush was to hoover up whatever was left of those particular seats for that particular show, although no such problem with the rest of the season’s offerings or, indeed, for other tickets for that show. 

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