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Happy New Year from The Mods

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Dear Forum Members (and lurkers!),


I can't believe it's that time of year again where we look back as well as forward.  I would once again like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your amazing contributions to this forum over the past year.  As always, there has been much for me to learn, and to ponder.  Please keep up the good work;  at the risk of sounding like a broken record, without you there is no forum!  


I also want to extend, as Chair of the committee, my heartfelt thanks to all of my fellow moderators, who give their time unflinchingly, often dealing with difficult situations.  As you are aware, the forum is monitored 24/7, 365 days a year.  This would not be possible without the dedication of these individuals.   Our passion for ballet and dance drives us to try to make the forum the best it can be.  We don't always get things right, but we do our damndest to ensure that everything runs smoothly.  This includes making some tough and sometimes unpalatable decisions, but we have to consider 'the greater good'.   We want the forum to be a place where people can debate, learn and share experiences in an environment where they feel confident to do so.  If we feel that this is compromised in any way, we will take action to improve the situation.  However, on the whole the forum works very well, and this is thanks to a communal effort by you and by us.  


I would particularly like to thank John, Ian and Janet for the sterling work they do putting up the links every single day of the year.  I have done this in the past, and I can tell you it takes hours to scan the world for ballet/dance articles, put them into format and upload them in a coherent way.  The daily links are a great resource on this forum and I hope that if you don't already, you will take time to look at them in 2019.  


Some of you might have noticed Ian's posting on December 24th in the 'About BalletcoForum' area.  The forum has just turned 7 years old, and we still have all of the original moderators on board.  This says a lot about our dedication to the forum and to all of you, so that we can share our love of dance in a welcoming and fertile environment.  Long may it continue!


So, from all of us to all of you, a very Happy New Year, and best wishes for a healthy, fun and dance-filled 2019!


Simonetta (Sim)

Chair, BalletcoForum Committee

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always enjoy the forum, and an impressed by the way it is run. Having seen some (no names) where unpleasant comments are allowed full rein, it is good to see one where the monitors actually monitor. Thank you for all your dedicated work. And Happy New Year to all users of the forum, and much good dance in 2019. I am making a good start with Patineurs etc on 2 January.

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You make the New Year for so many (including myself) so joyous in so many ways by just being here.  Thanks so for picking up the reigns of a sleigh that once appeared to have come to the end of its natural life and for continuing to steer it so assiduously.  The journey was  - and continues to be - at its best - an oasis of considered and potential joy.  Bless you all.  

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Can only echo Bruce's heartfelt words! It was only when the previous forum came to an end that I realised how much enjoyment it gave me and how much a part of my everyday life it had become. Living a long distance from London I depended on it so much for news and information and just the shared experience of chatting to fellow enthusiasts some of whom have become friends. When the new forum opened it was as if a light had returned to my ballet world! Long may the current forum continue and many, many thanks to the moderators who make it all happen and the happiest of new years to you all. 


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I'm so grateful to Balletco forum. The breadth and depth of experience and knowledge about this art form here often surpasses that in the major UK media organisations. Since discovering the forum, I would not rely on crtics' reviews in those outlets to learn about current and past ballet performances - I trust the information here more, and it's often better quality IMHO. 


It's wonderful that the mods give so much time to maintaining the forum - I do find it mind boggling the detailed daily links that are provided.


I am happy to help in any way to keep this forum thriving. On New Year's day, I am raising a glass to all who contribute. Cheers!

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Wishing the dedicated BCF Mods a very Happy New Year and a huge thank you for the sterling and amazing work you all do in running the Forum.  It is a unique platform for us balletomanes to share and learn from.  You all do a marvellous job and I look forward to reading and contributing to posts during 2019. 


To the Mods and the ballet devotees - Every happiness for 2019 and enjoy all your ballet outings in 2019!



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Second and third all the above comments. Thoroughly enjoy keeping up with the UK and European ballet worlds through this forum and Dansomanie - and on BcF I don't have to rearrange my brain in order to read! 


Huge thanks to the mods as I know from my own experience how hard it can be at times. 


Also thanks to all lovely members with whom I have and hope to continue to interact and share enjoyment and memories.

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A little late too, only having just seen this. Happy New Year to the moderators! This forum is a joy to those of us who can only dream of attending performances abroad, and your hard work in holding the fort and keeping the peace, and your warmth in helping / welcoming this newcomer is much, much appreciated :) Best wishes for the new year!

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6 hours ago, Buddy said:


I think that it's the Royal Ballet ?

Really?  It must be very old as I don’t recognise any of the dancers.     The set looks a bit different and the music sounds different too.   

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1 hour ago, Sim said:

What on Earth is it?

Part of an online virtual world in which  "residents" can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in both individual and group activities, build, create, shop, and trade virtual property and services with one another ! Go for it, Sim !


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On 10/01/2019 at 10:00, Buddy said:

Happy New Year !




On 10/01/2019 at 11:08, Sim said:

Thanks Buddy... I can’t get enough Fille!  What company is this?


On 10/01/2019 at 13:34, Buddy said:


I think that it's the Royal Ballet ?


On 10/01/2019 at 19:35, Sim said:

Really?  It must be very old as I don’t recognise any of the dancers.     The set looks a bit different and the music sounds different too.   


Actually that's The Australian Ballet. 1994 recording, David McAllister and Fiona Tonkin (current AD and ballet mistress) as Colas and Lise. Lanchbery arrangement, Ashton choreography, Lancaster sets and costumes. Not done by company since 2004.

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