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Everything posted by Pixiewoo

  1. And as a volunteer in a classroom, it isn't just the child who misses some lessons each week, it is the whole class who can suffer, IF, the teacher then has to spend lesson time going over something the class has already been taught, or working one on one with a student who has missed a class, which means the whole class is missing the teachers support. ( there is a child who misses a fair amount of school in the class i volunteer with, due to family issues, and I usually spend a a chunk of my volunteering time, helping this child get 'up to speed' once the teacher has 'taught' the lesson ( again for this child ).
  2. Sorry i can't help you with dance shops in your area. I have to drive 45 mins to a park & ride, and then a bus, so about an hour plus to a dance shop, but I'd rather drive 1 hour 20 minutes to the really good dance shop! OR, if i am heading to see family ... 4 1/2 hrs drive to family, then 20 mins an excellent dance shop! But i do live quite rurally, and do most dance shop shopping online!
  3. And ... as far as i can tell, no matter what you wash them with, all tights eventually merge into the same greyish purplish tint! ( except a random pair, that we have no idea where we got them, or what make they are, that have stubbornly stayed a very yellowy pink colour !!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ )
  4. There are lots of secondhand tutu/costume pages on facebook ... i think you need someone ( or admin? ) to join you. I'm not on facebook, but my friend is, and often shows me things she'll think i ( DD ) will like/want/need !
  5. York Dance Scholars summer school is very good and very friendly. i'm not sure of exact dates, but think its beginning of august and is 4 days long this year. DD went a couple of years ago and loved it.
  6. I'm so sorry. signed xxx
  7. ๐Ÿ˜‚ i too was laughing at the 'need' for next week ... although knowing a week in advance is a luxury! i suspect my DD KNOWS a week before what she needs, but doesn't tell me until a day or 2 before ( if i'm lucky! ) good luck colouring ballet shoes, i too was going to recommend sharpies! x
  8. Well done you, that is fantastic xxx
  9. Oh my, I am so sad to hear this. He taught DD at OPES last year, and she loved him and his classes. sending much love and sympathy to his family.
  10. I know how you feel. DD is going into yr 9 in September, and would love to go to vocational school, but we haven't auditioned, as I feel she is still too young to be away, and actually, when we discuss 'the future' she is really only thinking about going somewhere at 18 ... we'll see. I do worry about them going away so young, and also I agree with the 'what is it all for' as careers are few and far between in reality. DD dances 10/11 hours a week, with a scholars class every other week, and a private lesson/practice space in the hall on her own ( without teacher - just space to dance! ) most of the other week she doesn't have scholars.
  11. dancing in the street have got 25% off ALL tap shoes ... TODAY only! Typically .... only bought DD some last month and what she likes/wants changes every 2 minutes, so I dare not buy some more!
  12. DD drives me demented with this ... her feet are still growing ... they grow out, making her shoes too tight, but almost appear too long, then they grow in length, so the shoes are then too baggy or fall off her feet! this is with cross elastics AND ribbons! and typically, one of these happens just before an exam or something, usually about a week or so after I've bought new shoes! I've taken to having several pairs of shoes in a variety of sizes, and we go with whatever fits best!
  13. I would say that your DD is in grade 3,as when she has taken her grade 3 exam, she will then be in grade 4. my DD is currently learning intermediate grade, so that's what grade we say she is.
  14. I have to share ... I have 2 cats ... siblings ... born on a farm. We live rurally, but not on a farm. One cat hunts and catches the occasional bird ... in the past 7 days the other cat has brought us 3 baby rabbits, a frog, several mice/voles/shrew, innumerable birds and today ... a mole!!!! There can not be any wildlife left! How I long for the days when the only thing he could catch was a worm! The only positive I can find is at least he kills them and doesn't bring them home to play with!
  15. Wishing your DD all the best, and hopes for a speedy recovery.
  16. Wow! Sophie, That's really helpful. Thank you. DD isn't in Pointe shoes yet... teacher said she didn't think it would be too long! And although we'll go to a fitter etc, I like to know HOW they should fit and now I feel as if I have some understanding. Are you able to say where you fit shoes? Or PM me, as we're in Yorkshire and will have to travel an hour or so at least to get shoes! Thanks x
  17. I was only thinking about this the other day, as DD has been very tired lately, and been inside a lot with school work or dancing! what supplements does anyone take? are there any 'nice' tasting ones? !!! ... more chance of DD taking it if it tastes ok!
  18. There is a seller on ebay called festival dance fever ( also known as 'macopa' ) who sells boys ballet shirts , I don't think she does lilac, but they are nice satin ones! ( my friends DS has one! ) could you maybe add lilac sequins?
  19. DD learnt to do her own hair because she didn't like the way I did her buns! We started with hair in a ponytail, or a plaited ponytail, which was twisted round and then held with a couple of pins. DD dances 4/5 days a week and although she uses a bit of gel and sometimes hairspray, she just brushes it out and puts her hair in a ponytail for school. It is much easier to put in a bun ( or French plaits etc ) when it is a bit dirty. At the end of week of performances DDs hair would pretty much stay in a bun without anything helping! I'm also a childminder, and I'm sorry, but I would not have time afterschool to do anyone's hair before dropping them off at a dance class. I used to come home with 8 children, who all needed tea before some went home and I then dropped 3 ( including DD ) at dancing. They all did their own hair, or helped each other. Practice is the key here! Good luck x
  20. DD is auditioning for York Scholars tomorrow. (She was meant to be auditioning last year, but circumstances meant she couldn't make the audition in the end) One person on the forum replied to a previous thread about York Scholars and they thought it was good and worth doing. DD did their summer school a couple of years ago and loved it. The teaching was excellent. DD has friends who did it before it all changed, but I don't know anyone who attends now.
  21. Good luck. DD says smile, relax and enjoy! She got a distinction in her IDTA grade 5. I would make sure you've got a warm tracksuit and thick socks to put on and do some gentle stretching whilst you wait. X X X
  22. Thanks everyone. I would let the dance teacher know as a courtesy, and for their support. This girl DD knows said her teacher said not to audition but she wanted to, which was why they did it without permission.
  23. That's what I think. I've never seen an application form that doesn't at least ask for dance teacher details, if not signature! No, DD not dancing at Northern this week. We're away, plus daily commute to Leeds is too difficult for us in a normal working week.
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