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Everything posted by PrancingMum

  1. YBSS have just announced a third week, starting 27th July, with applications open on Monday 21st January.
  2. Thanks for the advice Peanut68. I should have read the guidelines! I was focusing on the dreaded photographs and it was when we did them I wondered how we would do the video. DDs teacher can't get studio space outwith class times now and she is busy at half-term. No answer from ENB and e-mails say they are busy so will try again next week. How do they allocate places? Could we get to the deadline date and there be no places, I wonder?
  3. I am surprised to hear of places being offered already as I thought the closing date was at the end of February - have we missed something? I downloaded the application at Christmas but we haven't managed to get the video done. Photographs for applications are difficult enough but this is a stage beyond. How do people manage?
  4. There are numerous references to Cheryl Cole attending The Royal Ballet School in newspaper articles and on-line. Most will be from the same original source so unless anyone corrects it the same misinformation will continue to circulate. I recall a post a few years back where we “discussed” her RBS credentials so looks like nothing has been corrected and even a cursory Google search can see that the misinformation isn’t even consistent.
  5. Good to hear I didn't imagine it. The 2073 applications were for the summer school in 2017 (British 768 EU 754 Rest of the World 551) which was the first year they extended the summer school to fours weeks. It said there were the highest number of dancers from 36 countries but I could see how many actually attended. For the 2016 two week summer school there were 1716 applications (British 488 EU 696 Rest of the World 532) out of which 314 students from 61 countries were offered places. It is difficult to compare data from one year to the next as the RBS Annual Reports do not seem to be presented in the same format. Data on the 2018 spring and summer courses will be in the 2017/18 Annual Report. Yes whatever way you look at it places are few and far between.
  6. A Facebook or Instagram post from someone in either Australia or New Zealand - saw it last week and now can't find it - announced their place at the RBS Spring Intensive in London. It said that there were over 10,000 auditioning for places. Surely this is incorrect and that applications can't have jumped from around 2,000 a year and is it not just photographs? This reminds me of the thread a while back about over-egging competition/festival results. It made me look at the annual reports and while the first report that will give data on spring applications has yet to be published it was interesting to look at the number of applicants for the previous summer intensives from overseas. It is not surprising that they accept so many from overseas when they receive such a high proportion of applications from outwith the UK. Well done to all those who have spring offers and good luck to those waiting for summer places.
  7. Me too - I have been distracted enough by the Forum this lunchtime without starting to sing the whole of the Cats' score this afternoon!
  8. An interesting not-unrelated article: http://www.danceaustralia.com.au/expertise/international-competitions-are-they-worth-it The mother of the dancer mentioned above is quoted in this.
  9. How about this? https://uk.harlequinfloors.com/en/harlequin-shop/harlequin-home-practice/
  10. Sorry to come back to this but it looked more than the two a term. There are several Sundays - it is all of the dates listed not just the ones with Easter Holiday Rehearsal etc along side. This is what we were told so unless they have said anything different to anyone else.
  11. There are a number of Sunday rehearsals showing on the schedule on the web site https://www.londonchildrensballet.com/files/7915/3183/8417/Rehearsal_Schedule_2018.pdf and virtually all will clash with CBA and most of the later ones with BBA. The touring company dates used to be separate from what I know from DD's friend and depended on which tour you were in however with the later show date not sure anyone would have an insight into dates. This year there are over 700 auditionees with over 120 in each of the younger age categories so good luck to everyone.
  12. Thank you - we made it there on time found parking on the street (not nearly as busy in this part of London as I expected on a Sunday) and then got thoroughly drenched!
  13. Last minute panic! What is parking like at Herbal Hill? Thank you. 😬
  14. Thank you - I must have missed this link. Have they increased the number of tours this year? I thought they did two groups and it is now four. Do they rehearse at the same time? Also is 60 a smaller main company? I know it was different in 2017 when they didn't use the Peacock so maybe I am just losing track. Sorry for all the questions but DD really keen to try this year as we couldn't make the audition dates before. It doesn't say which age group is which date but going on previous years I think we can do it!
  15. I understand that they are changing the rehearsal schedule this year. Does anyone have details?
  16. Yes it is running, unless you have heard something recently - they were still accepting applications.
  17. Congratulations to your DD. It will be her first time - she is 11.
  18. Check you have picked the correct seating area and price as it worked for me on the £60.50 Dress Circle seats.
  19. First Direct have been sponsoring Northern Ballet for several years now. Those will accounts can take advantage of their 2-4-1 offers! https://www1.firstdirect.com/1/2/uncovered/partnerships/northern-ballet
  20. You can either drag or pick them from a folder and then it is possible to move them to the actual post which will hopefully get over the file size issue. I am not aware that it is possible to take them and directly input into the post as you would with some Apps. Hope his helps.
  21. I had read this differently so yes thank you for making it clear. I had thought you were saying that it is the same people who attend who also go to other associates. It does appear that the same DCs attend a number of schemes - there must be a lots of juggling going on!
  22. Perhaps @Annasophia can comment more as she used her in 2017. I could suggest an evaluation by a "good" teacher, perhaps someone who teaches on a top associates but have no idea how you would go about it. DD's friend's Mum met an ex top level professional through their dance school who was able to help in a very general way but wasn't prepared to say too much as a lot is down to the work put in and the development of the dancer into teenage years. You do have to bear in mind that each programme and school is looking for something different and just because you don't tick the boxes for one place does mean you wont make it elsewhere. Potential problems should be picked up by good teachers but as we heard already in another post things are not always picked up. Sorry if this is ramble and not helpful but I feel this links to potential which is something we all wonder about for our DC.
  23. This was posted last year - is it of any help?
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