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Everything posted by PrancingMum

  1. To be accurate you can go back into a boarding school but after 14 days of self isolation. The situation may also change in the next four weeks.
  2. As RBS is residential they will have to abide by the rules associated with boarding schools. My nephew is having a friend from Asia stay at Easter as if he goes home he will not be allowed back to sit GCSEs. ENB Easter Course have written to say that any students who live in or have visited the listed countries are asked not to attend.
  3. Can't give you feedback on last year as we too were in the long waitlist queue! However DD has been before and loved it. High standard of ballet and teaching - prefers this to RBS. I see that have upped the age to apply and I also read they are having smaller size classes. Sounds like they are making changes so I would be open to trying again.
  4. Congratulations to all those with places and well done to the well deserved scholarship and bursary recipients! Any Week 2 or 3 places been offered yet? Anyone been offered two weeks?
  5. Sorry to see you go - I have found your posts most helpful. All the best to your DD in her future career!
  6. This year’s final is taking place in Coventry in the Warwick Arts Centre.
  7. Glad it’s not just me who can’t find anything. The main prize winners and a few scholarships were listed and it said the full list would be published but this has not been updated. There is also nothing about prizes for this year and the sponsors list has not been updated the last time I looked.
  8. Thank you - if you do find anything it would be good to know. DD has never done festivals or competitions and only done repertoire as part of a course so we don't have a tutu but she could borrow a tutu skirt and we do have a longer length skirt which she she used for graded exams. Not sure I would want to have to go to much expense to find it isn't needed if she doesn't make finals. How many get to dance on stage of those who apply?
  9. No I never found anything more - no one we know who entered won anything other than a Dancing Times subscription. Having said we weren’t interested in applying DD has been talking about the variations and has picked one she thinks she “knows”. I don’t feel she is the required standard so not sure what we might do as I don’t want to put her off. We might yet apply. Do you need. “fancy” costume? Can you just wear a leotard and skirt or tutu skirt? Hopefully whomever posted the deleted message responded to you personally.
  10. We don’t even have an online profile as far as I can see.
  11. My first thought it is the new system. You no longer have a record of what you applied for and the system emails are unclear.
  12. I think it was year 9 and Mids. Today was also Years 10/11 and SAs and US and AAs.
  13. Do you know if it is going to be possible to watch the masterclasses or just the performance?
  14. No plans to enter but had thought about going to see it this year so have been waiting to see the adverts but not heard anything. They haven't updated anything on social media since last summer and I also noted that they never did announce the other winners from the partner schools and companies. I was beginning to think it wasn't going ahead until this thread started.
  15. Well @BellaF I have to admit that I was reading things into the information I had when I started this post and in the end I was right. Just a pity they announced it all quite late on in the day.
  16. @junedancer looks like you were right in thinking there would be changes. Any further insights from your contact?
  17. A pity the brief is no longer available but as you say reading between the line leads to all manner of speculation as to what possible changes might be in the planning.
  18. Does anyone know what is happening with NYB next year? I was booking a show at Sadler's Wells and noticed that there is a show in the Sundays I would have expected them to have the Gala Night.
  19. Not all those who get an RBS associates offer can do a flat froggy so this shouldn't put you off applying. DD was never able to get flat but her friend who could was having knee and hip issues which it turned out were being exacerbated by the froggies. I have been told that this is often considered a "vanity stretch" and that many of those who are in this stretch look good but may not be doing it incorrectly. It should be done with a supported body and proper alignment for any meaningful benefit. Good luck with your applications.
  20. If your DC is happy at their current school would they take up an offer (assuming it was with a new MDS award, if you need it) and move school or is it just that they want to be seen by the prospective school prior to auditioning for US ? We were advised that some schools use their summer schools to seriously look at those they would be interested in and have heard of DC being asked if they would consider applying when the time came.
  21. The RBS have changed the system they used from OpenApply which would appear to have been an in-house system for applications for vocational, associates and courses that they have used for the last few years to a web based event registration system Cvent. As a result it would appear that no-one on the old system (those who have DC in current programmes or have been on recent courses) received a system generated email. Instead everyone on the mailing list received the general applications are open e-mail Hope this makes sense?
  22. Here is the link to the rehearsal schedule. https://www.londonchildrensballet.com/files/5015/6820/3499/Rehearsal_Schedule_2020_Provisional_Schedule_FINAL.pdf It takes up virtually every Sunday for six months of the year and most of the holidays. The tour rehearsal dates will vary - I was not able to find out the dates - but these are less intensive in terms of time commitment but I have heard they are very dance intensive so worth it for the experience. Good luck to all those applying.
  23. It's a long time since I stood at the back of the stalls for opera but from memory I can't recall being able to see the surtitles.
  24. I did read something recently about the number of those who have competed in the YAGP and continued dancing as a career. It was a relatively small percentage. Sorry but I cannot find the article - maybe others on the Forum have seen it and can recall more details.
  25. There are plenty of tutorials on You Tube for the braided hair. As with buns it is best if the hair is dirty. Gell spray for the fine wisps and double the hair net. Good luck!
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