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8 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:


I'm both glad & frustrated to hear that. I started having a panic attack just as Mercedes & the matadors entered & after about 10 mins fighting it I had to leave. I'm absolutely livid with myself for missing most of the performance. (Currently on a train fighting to try to control waves of anxiety.)

oh no!!! 😔

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It's always difficult on the Forum to follow extremely enthusiastic reviews; but here goes........in relation to the Oct 28th Matinee. I shall see tonight's cast on the 11th Nov.

Firstly, the debuts:

  • Calvin Richardson (I think this was his first performance in the role?) strutted and danced with great style as Espada; he fully maintained his character during his 'off action business' while never attracting attention away from the leads - unlike some increasingly annoying 'extras' who are over-participating in the action to the detriment of the whole.
  • Leo Dixon, in his fifth role on this DQ run (only three of them named on the cast sheets) was an energetic half of the Gypsy Couple - maybe, next time, we could be treated to a show where this talented, eye-catching Soloist also essays the Don, Lorenzo and Gamache (I jest, of course).

Secondly, the artist I have not seen previously in the secondary role he took this afternoon:

  • Liam Boswell was, for me, the best, most believable of the new, young bunch of Sancho Panzas: he, in common the Laura Day who danced the role so memorably for BRB, understands that it takes more than a fat suit to help a young person move as an older one and that there is no need for exaggerated gestures and facial expressions.

Thirdly plaudits to those whose portrayals, while becoming familiar, are still growing before our eyes:

  • James Hay who is simply F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S and totally lovable as Gamache. What a star!
  • Leticia Dias whose alluring Mercedes has developed in both interpretation and technical aplomb since her debut

Last but not least, Kitri and Basilio:

  • Mayara Magri, whose debut this was meant to be, had already danced Kitri twice with Marcelino Sambe this October. I thought she was terrific in the role: a warm and spirited character who met every challenge the role throws a ballerina's way. 
  • However, although one can't help but like him (and I do - a lot), I have the same reservations about Matthew Ball's dancing as I had when he performed with Yasmine Naghdi. Parts of his solos appeared (for want a of better word) a little 'lumpy' and, while he nailed those tricky overhead lifts to perfection, some of his 'lower level' partnering could be a little smoother and executed with  a less worried expression on his face.

I see that the question is being posed as to whether the fact that Magri and Ball are partners in real life made a difference. Opinions are bound to differ widely on this point. While there was the occasional fond glance during the performance and real affection at the end, the partnership between Ball and Naghdi earlier in the run worked better as a Kitri/Basilio double act for me.





Edited by capybara
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20 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:


I'm both glad & frustrated to hear that. I started having a panic attack just as Mercedes & the matadors entered & after about 10 mins fighting it I had to leave. I'm absolutely livid with myself for missing most of the performance. (Currently on a train fighting to try to control waves of anxiety.)

So sorry, Dawnstar, and after all the effort you made to get to the ROH today! 
Do take care and get home safely. 

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Thanks everyone for the kind replies. I do have a lot of problems with anxiety but usually I can manage to control it when theatregoing. Sadly not this time. I'm on a rail replacement bus approaching Cambridge so nearly home. (Also apologies for cluttering up this thread with my travel & mental health woes but I had said to a couple of people at the matinee I'd let them know what I thought of the evening cast so I wanted to explain why I now can't.)

Edited by Dawnstar
Omitted closing bracket.
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3 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

Thanks everyone for the kind replies. I do have a lot of problems with anxiety but usually I can manage to control it when theatregoing. Sadly not this time. I'm on a rail replacement bus approaching Cambridge so nearly home. (Also apologies for cluttering up this thread with my travel & mental health woes but I had said to a couple of people at the matinee I'd let them know what I thought of the evening cast so I wanted to explain why I now can't.

You do not need to apologise and you are not cluttering up the thread at all. I was very interested to hear what you thought but sometimes life has other plans for us. Feel better soon  :) 

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25 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

Thanks everyone for the kind replies. I do have a lot of problems with anxiety but usually I can manage to control it when theatregoing. Sadly not this time. I'm on a rail replacement bus approaching Cambridge so nearly home. (Also apologies for cluttering up this thread with my travel & mental health woes but I had said to a couple of people at the matinee I'd let them know what I thought of the evening cast so I wanted to explain why I now can't.)


And I'm deeply impressed that you still pay attention to a closing bracket in time of stress! Good for you. I hope you're home now/soon and feeling much better.

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35 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

I'm on a rail replacement bus approaching Cambridge


Travel problems really don't help make anyone feel good do they? 'Rail replacement bus' are words enough to make anyone's heart sink.


Everyone is thinking kind thoughts for you, sad for you that you missed the performance but there will be others. No-one will care that you can't write about it, people are only caring about you.


Hope you're feeling better now, and have got home safely.  


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1 hour ago, Dawnstar said:


I'm both glad & frustrated to hear that. I started having a panic attack just as Mercedes & the matadors entered & after about 10 mins fighting it I had to leave. I'm absolutely livid with myself for missing most of the performance. (Currently on a train fighting to try to control waves of anxiety.)

How horrible for you @Dawnstar...hoping you feel better very soon..

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1 hour ago, Dawnstar said:


I'm both glad & frustrated to hear that. I started having a panic attack just as Mercedes & the matadors entered & after about 10 mins fighting it I had to leave. I'm absolutely livid with myself for missing most of the performance. (Currently on a train fighting to try to control waves of anxiety.)

So sorry that it happened in the middle of a performance that you'd been looking forward to and gone to so much trouble to get a ticket for and to travel to, @Dawnstar- hope you are feeling better very soon.  Was this the Hinkis/Acri performance? If so I hope it's possible for you to rebook during Friday Rush for their second one. I feel your pain.  😞Do take it easy and rest up when you get home. x

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Two excellent performances today. I saw Mayara Magri in the previous run with Alexander Campbell a few years ago and thought Kitri was an excellent role for her then, and she’s only got better. I do think the interaction between her and Matthew Ball is sparky and fun on stage and a delight to watch. But my real surprise was Meaghan Grace Hinkis tonight! Amazed by her footwork and execution, beautiful dancing with Luca Acri (who I always enjoy watching and this debut was no exception) and really enjoyed every minute. There’s some ballets I don’t think I could watch twice in one day but for Don Quixote I’d happily go for a third round if it were possible!

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Dawnstar so sorry to hear about what happened today…and hope you’re home safely now.  
I’ve only understood this properly in very recent years when I started having a form of panic attack which occurred only when travelling ….which is why I have to avoid the tube (when the first one happened)  as much as possible especially if trying to get home late at night. I’ve sometimes had to leave performances early or arrange for expensive taxis if a performance is late finishing to avoid the possibility of one happening.  
I don’t know how you manage to travel back to Cambridge when it’s so late.
Any additional stress like replacement buses can add to the probability of one happening …for me …..so I can see with the anxiety of trying to get to the performance on time and knowing there’s a difficult journey home it’s easy for things to build up for you.
So sorry you had to end up missing the performance after so much effort on your part though. 
There is a cinema screening of this cast in a couple of weeks time so maybe you could get to that? 

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6 minutes ago, LinMM said:

Dawnstar so sorry to hear about what happened today…and hope you’re home safely now.  
I’ve only understood this properly in very recent years when I started having a form of panic attack which occurred only when travelling ….which is why I have to avoid the tube (when the first one happened)  as much as possible especially if trying to get home late at night. I’ve sometimes had to leave performances early or arrange for expensive taxis if a performance is late finishing to avoid the possibility of one happening.  
I don’t know how you manage to travel back to Cambridge when it’s so late.
Any additional stress like replacement buses can add to the probability of one happening …for me …..so I can see with the anxiety of trying to get to the performance on time and knowing there’s a difficult journey home it’s easy for things to build up for you.
So sorry you had to end up missing the performance after so much effort on your part though. 
There is a cinema screening of this cast in a couple of weeks time so maybe you could get to that? 

The cinema screening is the matinee cast, not the evening one, which is sadly the one Dawnstar missed. 

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24 minutes ago, ctas said:

But my real surprise was Meaghan Grace Hinkis tonight! Amazed by her footwork and execution, beautiful dancing


 It's the Cecchetti training... along with the Parisian chic!


Going back to the beginning and how she started dancing, Meaghan said she was from New York where she entered the Youth America Grand Prix at a very young age and won a scholarship to join the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis school at ABT. It was early days - Baryshnikov had founded it but there was no money to keep going, and then it restarted. She trained there for a few years with brilliant teachers, heavily Cecchetti based. It wasn’t a full time boarding school and she also trained privately with an excellent French teacher from the Paris Opera.





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11 minutes ago, PeterS said:

Not a single principal dancer on stage tonight…. Is that a first?

Only if you don’t count principal character artists! Some years ago I saw a Fille cast on a Saturday evening led by Choe and Zuchetti, neither of them principals, then or now. 

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4 hours ago, Scheherezade said:

although that isn’t always the case with real life partners. 


I present to you Guo Chengwu and Ako Kondo of AusBallet who embody that statement. IMHO of course. I'm so lucky, I had them for my one live Swan Lake. I'm getting them for one of my The Dream casts, too. Whoopee 😐


😐@Dawnstar I am so sorry to hear you had to leave - I know you wouldn't have done so if you had felt okay, so you did the right thing for yourself. And coping with rail replacement buses under those circumstances...!  Please enjoy the best kind of hug I can offer - a virtual one 🤗 (probably your preferred kind anyway 😘)





Edited by Sophoife
Added last paragraph
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10 hours ago, AnneL said:

Only if you don’t count principal character artists! Some years ago I saw a Fille cast on a Saturday evening led by Choe and Zuchetti, neither of them principals, then or now. 

that’s why I specified principal dancers in my comment specifically to exclude the principal character artists. perhaps I could have been clearer i what I wrote. 
but not a ‘first’ from what you wrote. thank you. 

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10 hours ago, Ondine said:


On a Saturday evening too.   I think it shows the strength of the company, and how many wonderful dancers it has.


it was a very fine evening of dance and entertainment, another memorable evening at the ROH. beautifully danced debuts from everyone (I counted at least 6) and the magic of not knowing how a dancer would interpret a role added extra excitement. I don’t think that i have personally seen so many bouquets brought on stage for a debut in a role as those presented to Meaghan Grace Hinkis (MGH).
a couple I spoke to at the start of the evening who were disappointed not to be seeing the original casting went away beaming and singing the praises of MGH and the rest of the Company. 

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I thought Saturday’s matinee excellent and am delighted the cast will be performing in the cinema relay. Mayara Magri and Matt Ball don’t often dance together at the ROH and I thought they made for a sparkling couple. They are having a fabulous Autumn and it’s been great to see them separately in Don Q with Marci Sambe and Yasmine Naghdi and in The Cellist (different casts). But I very much enjoyed seeing them dancing together: a pleasure to arrange flowers for them and offer congratulations at the Stage Door.  As others have said the full cast were on great form, Calvin Richardson and James Hay particularly impressive.


We’d been spoiled by the matinee and Saturday evening I thought took a bit of time to warm up in the village scene. But Meaghan Grace Hinkis and Luca Acri ended Act 1 with aplomb, the one arm lifts pretty clean. It may have been the angle I had for my line of vision (I was well to the right in the Stalls Circle) but I thought it looked as if Benjamin Ella’s (Espada) cape was going to win and Ella did very well to hold his final jump in his first solo. Calvin Richardson was a very impressive Gamache, all incredibly small steps - what a contrast to his  Espada in the matinee. Being less absorbed by the performance compared to the matinee, I rather found the gypsy camp scene palled. But I thought Julie Roscoe (Queen of the Dryads) and Sae Maeda (Amour) lovely in the dream sequence. Meaghan Grace Hinkis and Luca Acri really came into their own in the Act 3 finale, a triumph and very good to see so many bouquets for Meaghan for such an important debut.


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My first post here after a long time lurking. In awe of the knowledge and insight here. I treat myself to a royal ballet performance about once or at most twice a year and will be seeing Don Quixote on 11 November (it was the date I happen to be in London rather than being fixed on seeing Osipova). I’ve never seen it before, although I’ve read a plot synopsis and am familiar with a couple of the well known variations from youtube. Part of me just wants to experience the perofrmance without pre-conceptions, but what would you be looking out for if you were me? Thanks.

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17 minutes ago, Occasional audience member said:

My first post here after a long time lurking. In awe of the knowledge and insight here. I treat myself to a royal ballet performance about once or at most twice a year and will be seeing Don Quixote on 11 November (it was the date I happen to be in London rather than being fixed on seeing Osipova). I’ve never seen it before, although I’ve read a plot synopsis and am familiar with a couple of the well known variations from youtube. Part of me just wants to experience the perofrmance without pre-conceptions, but what would you be looking out for if you were me? Thanks.

Welcome out of the lurking shadows, OAM!  

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24 minutes ago, Occasional audience member said:

Part of me just wants to experience the perofrmance without pre-conceptions, but what would you be looking out for if you were me? Thanks.

Hi @Occasional audience member.  I would say don’t look out for anything, just let the dancing and performance speak for itself.  It’s a lovely warm hearted ballet with plenty of wow moments and stand out solos and pas de deuxs.  You’ve got a great cast and Osipova is well known as a great Kitri, though I’ve never had the privilege of seeing her myself.  Enjoy your evening!  If you want to feel more familiar, you could always check out the 2013 version starring Carlos Acosta, whose production this is - it should give you a good idea of what to expect, but every dancer will bring their own special qualities to their roles and that’s what makes it so amazing(and addictive 🙂).

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18 minutes ago, Occasional audience member said:

My first post here after a long time lurking. In awe of the knowledge and insight here. I treat myself to a royal ballet performance about once or at most twice a year and will be seeing Don Quixote on 11 November (it was the date I happen to be in London rather than being fixed on seeing Osipova). I’ve never seen it before, although I’ve read a plot synopsis and am familiar with a couple of the well known variations from youtube. Part of me just wants to experience the perofrmance without pre-conceptions, but what would you be looking out for if you were me? Thanks.

I am not someone with any level of technical knowledge or insight, OAM, but I believe that the purpose of the performing arts, as with any art form, is to communicate, and that effective communication should wrap itself around you and touch you inside. With this particular ballet, that surely means filling you with good will and happiness and sending you home on a high. 


This Don Q does make an effort to link the narrative to its eponymous hero but beyond that it is pure, unadulterated enjoyment. I personally wouldn’t - and don’t - look out for anything. Just watch, absorb and enjoy. 

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I agree with the above.  In the case of DonQ, just sit back and let the warm sunshine engulf you.  Add a large dose of sheer joy and happiness and if you leave the theatre with a smile, then you have found everything you were looking for.

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11 hours ago, AnneL said:

Some years ago I saw a Fille cast on a Saturday evening led by Choe and Zuchetti, neither of them principals, then or now

La Fille is indeed a youthful ballet and would be a great opportunity for the younger company members to step into lead roles. The combinations that spring to mind are infinite. No principals necessary. Perhaps as he has danced the ballet and is classically-minded in his choreography,  Valentino Zucchetti could be commissioned to rejig it so it is acceptable to today’s discerning audiences thereby bringing a ballet missed by so many back to the stage.

Tickets could be priced accordingly.

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Looking at some of the comments after my quick review of yesterday's matinee, I'd like to clarify that when I said the lead couple were 'sparking, sizzling and on fire' I was referring to their dancing rather than their chemistry!  They did have lovely chemistry, but no more so than Ball/Naghdi.  As a matter of fact, I think that because Ball/Naghdi have been dancing together for so long, their chemistry is established, natural, deeply-felt and trusting.  I believe this was the first time that Ball/Magri have danced a full three-act ballet together (certainly at the ROH) so of course it wouldn't be quite the same as watching him dance with his regular partner of eight years.  I don't think with DonQ the fact that they are in a personal relationship would make any difference really as it's just a fun, light-hearted ballet.  However....I would love to see them dance one of the Big Three MacMillans or Onegin together:  that would be (for me) where a personal relationship's deep emotions and love could (not necessarily 'would') come to the fore.  

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Apologies if my post gave the impression that I thought your review referred to the chemistry between the lead couple rather than their dancing. I didn’t. I thought your post was abundantly clear, although I assumed from your enthusiasm that onstage chemistry was part of the mix too, which is something that, for understandable reasons, I frequently find lacking with real life partners. 

Edited by Scheherezade
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39 minutes ago, Sim said:

 I believe this was the first time that Ball/Magri have danced a full three-act ballet together (certainly at the ROH) so of course it wouldn't be quite the same as watching him dance with his regular partner of eight years. 


They did do Sleeping Beauty together earlier this year, in Feb when Cesar wasn't available. (Though not sure if that completely counts at three acts together, as there's no Prince in Act One.)


I loved it, I definitely did have a sense of a greater connection between them in the Visions pas de deux in Act Two. But I agree, being real life partners shouldn't be the biggest factor, it's more about their experience of dancing together.


I think there's a video of them performing the R and J balcony pas de deux on YouTube, filmed outside during the pandemic. Very moving, hope they do the full ballet together at some point.

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3 minutes ago, art_enthusiast said:


They did do Sleeping Beauty together earlier this year, in Feb when Cesar wasn't available. (Though not sure if that completely counts at three acts together, as there's no Prince in Act One.)


I loved it, I definitely did have a sense of a greater connection between them in the Visions pas de deux in Act Two. But I agree, being real life partners shouldn't be the biggest factor, it's more about their experience of dancing together.


I think there's a video of them performing the R and J balcony pas de deux on YouTube, filmed outside during the pandemic. Very moving, hope they do the full ballet together at some point.

Ah yes, so they did.  Thanks for the reminder!  :)


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13 hours ago, ctas said:

. But my real surprise was Meaghan Grace Hinkis tonight! Amazed by her footwork and execution, beautiful dancing with Luca Acri (who I always enjoy watching and this debut was no exception) and really enjoyed every minute. 


Very glad to hear that, I'm seeing them on the 11th. Sad about Akane but really looking forward to seeing Meaghan, as I've always loved her dancing and charisma on stage. Luca Acri is one of my favourite RB dancers, can't wait to see his Basilio.


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2 hours ago, PeterS said:

La Fille is indeed a youthful ballet and would be a great opportunity for the younger company members to step into lead roles. The combinations that spring to mind are infinite. No principals necessary. Perhaps as he has danced the ballet and is classically-minded in his choreography,  Valentino Zucchetti could be commissioned to rejig it so it is acceptable to today’s discerning audiences thereby bringing a ballet missed by so many back to the stage.

Tickets could be priced accordingly.


Maybe this ought to be on a separate thread, rather than on the Don Quixote one.  However, I have to say that the idea of rejigging a masterpiece to make it more "acceptable" fills me with horror.  All that is necessary is to make sure that the character of Alain is performed in the sympathetic way it was originally intended, and is not allowed to descend into some sort of grotesque caricature.  I cannot think of any other way it could or should be played.  

Also,  I want to see the roles in La Fille danced by people who are comfortable and accomplished in the Ashton style.  They may very well be some of the younger members of the company, but it would certainly provide a significant challenge.  

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