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I was pleased to see earlier that they'd put links on to both documents.  It's interesting to see how many students entered from Japan particularly!!


Fiz - am I missing something about Miko? Just wondered why you've mentioned her (thought maybe she or a parent posts on here)

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to add (having asked his permission to be 'outed') DS has been listed as from USA which he isn't - he is just at school there. So there are in fact 2 UK candidates through :)

  • Like 33

Lin has posted clips here of her dancing on YouTube in the past when she has been in the YAGP and she was in the film First Position.

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Posted (edited)

Congratulations CeliB.  Usually they list candidates own nationality, the school and the country it is in. Having said that, there are some candidates whose nationality is shown as being different to the country of location of the school.


Edited to add last sentence.

Edited by Pas de Quatre
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Same here congrats to your son I shall now be glued to it like I was in 2013 (missed last year)


As regards Miko she was a candidate in 2013 but I didn't see her name for 2015 will have another look.

I can't remember the age limit is it 18? She must be close to that now.


She is a lovely "easy" dancer she has wonderful technique without being "showy" somehow. I'll refrain from any more postings of videos of her but if you google her one of the most recent postings is of her silver medal pas de deux performance at Varna earlier this year.

I think she has a summer birthday so will still be only 17 at the Prix then......surely some ballet company will snap her up sooner rather than later though!

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This is theoretically his last year (he's just turned 17 but is young in the academic year as end of August birthday). So he may consider another year training if he doesn't get a contract anywhere. He's only been dancing seriously for 3 years so I suspect another year might be needed myself- but since we know absolutely zip about ballet (he's the only dancer in either side of the family ever) it's impossible for us to judge - we are now having to just leave it to him to decide :)

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I was reading an article recently about networking at Prix de Lausanne for those who attend, but don't make it through to the final. (Sorry I can't remember where it was published).  On a very positive note, it said that it is not just the finalists who get seen by school directors and company Artistic Directors.  During the week they look at everyone, and many non-finalist dancers were offered opportunies to further their training/career. So best of luck to your DS, just by attending he is marked out as a special talent.  However, we will all be cheering him on and hoping he gets a prize!

  • Like 7
Posted (edited)

And I hope it's the Royal!!

What are your thoughts on her settling in to the corps though? I don't think it will be enough for her. I think she is totally gorgeous to watch and very accomplished but her feet are not completely Royal Ballet (though nor are others in the company) and I also feel she could do with a year in the system at the school to truly hone the royal ballet style, she needs to be Ashtonised in my opinion! And just lacks something I can't put my finger on that the students going into the company have. I'm not disputing her abilities - just interested. Apologies going off subject here!

Edited by balletqs
  • Like 1

to add (having asked his permission to be 'outed') DS has been listed as from USA which he isn't - he is just at school there. So there are in fact 2 UK candidates through :)

Congratulations to your son and your family lovely exciting news!



Miko is very nice, but I am sure there are plenty of other lovely dancers of a similar age who are training hard and just haven't had the exposure she has had. I get very distracted by the line of her left leg - petty perhaps, but with so much talent around I wouldn't pick a dancer for a tip top company if their leg line wasn't classical.

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As Miko started life in London I think she has said in the past at any rate she would like to dance with the Royal.


However I think this is unlikely now as she took part in this Prix in 2013 at the age of 15 and if the Royal were that interested she would no doubt have been offered a place in the Senior school eg : as Leticia Stock was for instance ......at that time.


Now she is 17 I suppose she could still do one year at the school but perhaps she could try for another British Company ENB? BRB? When she reaches the appropriate age to audition.......which is 18??


It was just a bit of wishful thinking on my part.

To me she is a lovely classical dancer who perhaps doesn't project that well though.

Inspite of her exposure she hasn't got a showy personality.

I hope for all her hard work though some company takes her in somewhere soon!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope for all her hard work though some company takes her in somewhere soon!!

Miko has already received multiple offers, but I think she's holding out for Royal Ballet/other top companies. So there's no need to worry, she's already set! 

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My dd entered Prix de Lausanne a few years ago and we had to stay in Lausanne for a week so the expense may be the prohibiting factor.

No financial help from her vocational school. They have tight budgets.

My dd was 18 so it was a job hunting exercise.

Posted (edited)

I was wondering why UK students don't enter this competition, surely we are good enough?


The Royal Ballet School does not allow its students to enter due to the demands of their timetable and not having the time to prepare students for the competition. Maybe this is the case at other UK schools too.


However, as posted further up the thread, there are 2 UK participants, one who trains at Ballet West and CeliB's son who trains at the Kirov Academy in Washington DC

Edited by invisiblecircus

I think it is a good shop window for students. And while I am sure expensive, maybe not compared to travelling to each company present for an audition. Elmhurst have had a couple enter and do well in the past as have Central. Did your DD fined it a useful experience Strawberyy?

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In the past ENB, Elmhurst, Central and Tring have entered candidates, some were accepted and some not.  So unless anyone has first hand knowledge, you can't be sure whether schools applied, or just didn't get any candidates accepted.  Good luck to this year's candidates!

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Harwel - we both enjoyed the experience. It reminded us of the festivals she used to do. My dd went to vocational school at 16 and missed performing, they only did an end of year show. That may have changed now.

But Switzerland in February can be a bit cold and snowy. The venue is at the top of a big hill.

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