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I just wanted to say that, when I wrote quite a long piece yesterday, I had meant to mention Leticia Dias among the debutantes and Isabella Gasparini's Amour as well. The fact that I didn't (and omitted some sparkling Kitri's Friends and the boisterous Beggars completely) just goes to show how rich this Don Q is in terms of opportunities and performances.

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17 hours ago, LinMM said:

Just in case people didn’t get the joke about Will getting a bigger cloak….. Nureyev seemed to appear in ever bigger cloaks and in fact a friend (now living in Oz) and myself got into a terrible fit of the giggles whilst standing back in late 70’s 

I think one of us had said I wonder how big his cloak will be tonight and it was enormous ( or seemed so) so set us both off. 
As this was Giselle it was very inappropriate to be laughing but I seem to also remember the Lilies he was carrying had morphed into a huge bunch too so the combination of cloak and Lilies caused a massive surge of uncontrollable giggling which nearly got us thrown out! 


That made me laugh out loud.  I never had the pleasure of seeing Nureyev in a cloak other than on film.  I always wondered if he might don one to do his curtain calls.  Which I believe were a performance in themselves?

Anyway, sorry to go off topic.


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As also mentioned on the casting thread, here's the cast change announcement for tomorrow.



Unfortunately, Steven McRae has sustained an injury and is unable to perform the role of Basilio. Therefore the following cast changes have been made: 


Anna Rose O'Sullivan is replaced by Fumi Kaneko as Kitri.

Steven McRae is replaced by William Bracewell as Basilio.

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Oh no.  Poor Anna-Rose, and poor Steven.  On the one hand, poor me because this was going to be my only chance to see AROS in the role.  I am so disappointed to miss her.  On the other hand, how can I complain about such a marvellous substitution?!

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I am so sorry for Steven to be injured again, and sorry for Anna Rose to miss her show.  I really hope Steven's injury is nothing too serious.  His partnership with AROS is really lovely.  I wish him a speedy recovery.

However, the alternate cast for tomorrow is such a treat!

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49 minutes ago, Silke H said:

I am so sorry for Steven to be injured again, and sorry for Anna Rose to miss her show.  I really hope Steven's injury is nothing too serious.  His partnership with AROS is really lovely.  I wish him a speedy recovery.

However, the alternate cast for tomorrow is such a treat!

I am very sad for both and disappointed for those wanting to see them. :( 

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On 13/10/2023 at 23:19, Paco said:

Strange: Last week Magri, now McRae. These are not muscular injuries, these are slides. Could there be something wrong at one point of the stage floor?

Someone at an Insight a while ago mentioned the horrible injury Osipova suffered towards the end of Act 1 of DQ, and asked KOH if it had anything to do with the set. KOH said yes but claimed the floor had been fixed since then (or words to that effect).

Are we sure it‘s all ok, is anyone technically minded able to comment? 

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3 hours ago, Silke H said:

I am so sorry for Steven to be injured again, and sorry for Anna Rose to miss her show.  I really hope Steven's injury is nothing too serious.  His partnership with AROS is really lovely.  I wish him a speedy recovery.

However, the alternate cast for tomorrow is such a treat!

Best wishes to both...

(Is "AROS" a thing now then)?😂

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3 minutes ago, Rob S said:

Steven  McRae has announced he tore his ACL mid performance☹️

Not the fault of the floor then?


Poor Steven, how very dreadful for him after all he has been through. That is a cruel thing- wishing him all the best.



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1 hour ago, Ondine said:


How dreadfully sad. Wishing him well and hope he makes a good recovery. He must be devastated after all the time he has spent away from dancing with his previous injury.




Reading that article, it doesn't sound great. Should I be assuming I won't be seeing McRae in The Nutcracker in 2 months' time?

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5 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:


Reading that article, it doesn't sound great. Should I be assuming I won't be seeing McRae in The Nutcracker in 2 months' time?


Not unless he's cast as Grandpa!

Edited by Rob S
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1 hour ago, LinMM said:

It’s an injury to the right knee so looks like Nutcrackers will be out more like it will be end of January earliest for Stevens return but of course each injury is individual so could take longer. 



From another dancer I know who had an ACL rupture I would guess it would be more like a year, sadly.

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A little late to the game, but some time was definitely needed to process the delightful two shows on Saturday! I don't reside in the UK, so visiting the ballet here is a big treat, and the two performances delivered in spades. I was lucky enough to see Naghdi's debut a few years earlier, and since then it feels as if the performance has really 'settled in' and has been absorbed by the whole company, if that makes sense! It felt as if the whole company was wholly invested in the storytelling and setting the scene, and having a ball at it. One can't help but be pulled into the action and sunshine and energy bouncing off the stage, but in a quite unique and idiosyncratic way for the company. I can understand why this production may not be the favourite of some, as it does have quite a few unorthodox elements, but for me personally, as a mere amateur ballet enthusiast, it feels like this production really fits the company members like a glove.


To the individual performances... where to start! As so many have noted before, this production showcases the depth of talent in the whole company, not just technically but acting-wise as well. (I think this is the main aspect I have come to admire in the Royal Ballet and which really distinguishes the company, the ability to set the scene and fully immerse the audience in the atmosphere, so that it doesn't feel like someone performing mere steps or simply acting a certain way, but truly conveying the story through movement). A beautiful debut from a twinkling O'Sullivan, very playful and charming, who was aptly partnered by McRae, who is always a delight to watch (though at times I did feel as if I was watching McRae dance Basilio, rather than Basilio the character!) Saunders' Don Quixote was a very touching, respectful depiction of a noble soul with a heart of gold. Special shout out for Hay, whose campy Gamache very nearly stole the show! He was obviously having a ball, as did we revelling in his antics.

Just as I though the evening show couldn't bring a wider smile to my face, I was proven wrong by the energetic, cheeky and flirtatious Magri and Sambe, who played off each other's energy and brought out the best in each other throughout the whole performance. This was a couple with such a joie de vivre that I find hard to express in words, a joyfulness and buoyancy that I wish could be bottled and saved for eternity! I would not deem to judge the technical aspects, but to my untrained eye, I found their partnership to be a true success chemistry- and dancing-wise, pulling off all the show-offy, bravura steps with a sparkle in the eyes, especially in the final act. Saunders was a good-natured, down-to-earth, believable Lorenzo, playing a father with a big heart who obviously loves and cherishes his daughter. I remember a touching moment with Magri sulking in the corner and Saunders doing his best to cheer his precious little girl up!

Hinkis' Cupid left me wishing to see her Kitri, I find her to be a solid, confident dancer with a stage presence, I hope to see her in leading roles in the future. Gasparini gave a different but equally engaging Cupid in the evening, hers more like quicksilver completed with her signature smile.

It is impossible to acknowledge all the dancers, as this post is too long already! Suffice to say that everyone breathed and lived the story and gave beautiful performances, down to every beggar and village girl.


I left the two performances infinitely happier and humming the tune to myself. How lucky are those who get to see the other casts!

Edited by Olive
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Well that was just one more fantastic performance from Nela... perhaps even better than the first night, if that is possible. With the odd minor exception that was another tremendous evening of brilliant  dancing for the whole  Company. I would mention particularly Sae Maeda again as a charming, dainty Amour, and Annette Buvoli again conquered the difficult Queen of the Dryads solo with supreme confidence. And I so love the corps dancing in Act 2...just beautiful.

This is why I love ballet!

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5 minutes ago, Richard LH said:

Well that was just one more fantastic performance from Nela... perhaps even better than the first night, if that is possible. With the odd minor exception that was another tremendous evening of brilliant  dancing for the whole  Company. I would mention particularly Sae Maeda again as a charming, dainty Amour, and Annette Buvoli again conquered the difficult Queen of the Dryads solo with supreme confidence. And I so love the corps dancing in Act 2...just beautiful.

This is why I love ballet!

Yes Marianela was perfection wasn’t she? Not only an amazing dancer but a top notch comedic actress too. There were so many moments where her cheeky glances at the audience and interaction with other cast members really brought the character of Kitri alive in all her sassy glory. 

One of the beggars - I think it was possibly Marco Masciari gave a stunning performance - so energetic and vital. I really enjoyed watching Leticia Dias as one of Kitri’s friends too. Amazing night. 

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48 minutes ago, Richard LH said:

Well that was just one more fantastic performance from Nela... perhaps even better than the first night, if that is possible. With the odd minor exception that was another tremendous evening of brilliant  dancing for the whole  Company. I would mention particularly Sae Maeda again as a charming, dainty Amour, and Annette Buvoli again conquered the difficult Queen of the Dryads solo with supreme confidence. And I so love the corps dancing in Act 2...just beautiful.

This is why I love ballet!

Did you not notice that there were some rather good men on stage too, Richard LH? 😉 This is a ballet which needs stage energy from Basilio especially and Muntagirov delivered that in spades.


However, tonight’s overdone antics by the Beggar Boys made me feel irritated - as they had during earlier runs. Marco Masciari is a brilliant dancer but, in this, a little less ‘disturbance’ from him in particular around the edges would be welcome. Others, not Marco (well, not yet) are the main act after all.


What an atmosphere there was in the auditorium again tonight!





Edited by capybara
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My first post on here for many a year but I  felt had to comment on Don Q this evening, the audience reaction.


As soon as Marianela Núñez and Vadim Muntagiriv made their seperate entrances on stage  the whole of the ROH audience erupted  with clapping , cheering ,  whistling , with wild abandon , I have never heard such a loud welcome for any dancers entrances ever in 40 years of  attending performaces of the RB. it was deafining.


Plus throughout the whole show the applause was thunderous after any dancing by Marianela and Vadim.


A friend I took to the ballet  for the first time commentated , wow  it was like being at a football march , the level of clapping , cheering / whistling was sooooo intense


I am still on cloud 9   after seeing tonites performance.It was magical and a night to remember.

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Lovely evening. I echo @Richard LH in that Marianela and Vadim were a class act. The audience absolutely adored them from the minute they stepped on stage. I can't fault either's dancing and some of the balances and lifts were the longest I've seen. They were supremely confident and made everything look easy.


I thought Anette Buvoli's Queen of the Dryads was excellent and very graceful. Sae Maeda stole my heart - she was just divine, such personality! Chris Saunders' Don was great, as was Gary Avis' Lorenzo. Hirano was totally brilliant as Espada - my favourite so far. Isabella Gasparini and Leticia Dias were lovely as Kitri's friends - I loved both. I thought Nadia Mullova-Barley was excellent too. I didn't think the Gypsy Couple were quite as good today, but that could be my personal taste.


Everyone else was on top form too - a most enjoyable evening.

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14 minutes ago, capybara said:

Did you not notice that there some rather good men on stage too, Richard LH? This is a ballet which needs stage energy from Basilio especially and Muntagirov delivered that in spades.


However, tonight’s overdone antics by the Beggar Boys made me feel irritated - as they had during earlier runs. Marco Masciari is a brilliant dancer but, in this, a little less ‘disturbance’ from him in particular around the edges would be welcome. Others, not Marco (well, not yet) are the main act after all.


What an atmosphere there was in the auditorium again tonight!

Yes indeed...Vadim particularly fine, and I also thought the matadors were really good tonight, headed by the brilliant Hirano.

I also agree about the need for toning down some of  the background antics,😬 especially during the main Act 1 dances...I found myself momentarily distracted at times.

Yes it was lovely to be part of a really appreciative audience!

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Well, that was quite special - what a noisy audience! There's not much to say about Nunez or Muntagirov that hasn't been said, they really were on top form and they got better and better as the night went on; I've never witnessed a standing ovation mid performance before but the wedding pas de deux was that spectacular that a few people leapt to their feet! Marianela in particular looked absolutely thrilled at the response, her smile even wider than normal if that's possible. And Vadim's jumps... just how??!!! There were so many wonderful performances alongside the leads, I'm too tired to run through everybody (and I'm sure some others will be along to honour them far better than I can) but special mention goes to Annette Buvoli for making that terribly difficult Dryad variation look simple, and Sae Maeda for a fabulously light and foot-perfect Amour. I also personally really enjoyed the beggar boys, I wish they were credited as a couple very much stood out and I'd like to know who I was looking at. I feel bad not mentioning anyone else as there were really some wonderful performances, but I really must try and get myself to bed. I had to cancel this pair on their first performance because of train strikes and because of the incredible reviews on here (and because it may be my last opportunity to see Marianela in this iconic role, though she certainly doesn't seem to be slowing up at all!) I decided to snaffle a return for this show, and boy, am I glad I did. 

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26 minutes ago, capybara said:

Did you not notice that there were some rather good men on stage too, Richard LH? 😉 This is a ballet which needs stage energy from Basilio especially and Muntagirov delivered that in spades.


However, tonight’s overdone antics by the Beggar Boys made me feel irritated - as they had during earlier runs. Marco Masciari is a brilliant dancer but, in this, a little less ‘disturbance’ from him in particular around the edges would be welcome. Others, not Marco (well, not yet) are the main act after all.


What an atmosphere there was in the auditorium again tonight!





I agree. The energy is fantastic but there's a little too much scene stealing, at times. I found myself being momentarily distracted again. It's only in Act I that I felt that though.

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7 minutes ago, Linnzi5 said:

I agree. The energy is fantastic but there's a little too much scene stealing, at times. I found myself being momentarily distracted again. It's only in Act I that I felt that though.

Are you talking about the Beggars or other culprits @Linnzi5?

(It’s so funny the way the post you quoted has cut off above your comment.)

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