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The Royal Ballet: Romeo and Juliet, Spring 2019

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I just want to add a few words about my impressions from seeing " Romeo and Juliet", evening performance, last Saturday.

    First of all, I liked a lot beautiful design and staging, it was like watching a true life of Verona for centuries ago! The costumes were exquisite! 

As to the dancers -  Natalia Osipova is a great ballerina and great Juliet. She just lived on the scene. I can't say the same about David Hallberg however. To my mind he doesn't suit Romeo physically, nor was his dancing and acting on the same level with Osipova. Actually I was wondering, why does she prefers him to other partners?

   I was quite impressed by Ryoichi Hirano - he created quite a trustworthy image of Tybalt, also James Hay (Mercutio) and Calvin Richardson ( Benvolio) were brilliant.  Out of three harlots, Itziar Mendizabal was especially wonderful, though all three girls actually were great. And what a beautiful mandolin dance - Benjamin Ella is just a balm for the eyes of a ballet lover!

   I left the Covent Garden wishing to come back soon - thanks to the Royal ballet!


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2 hours ago, Estreiiita said:

I just want to add a few words about my impressions from seeing " Romeo and Juliet", evening performance, last Saturday.

    First of all, I liked a lot beautiful design and staging, it was like watching a true life of Verona for centuries ago! The costumes were exquisite! 

As to the dancers -  Natalia Osipova is a great ballerina and great Juliet. She just lived on the scene. I can't say the same about David Hallberg however. To my mind he doesn't suit Romeo physically, nor was his dancing and acting on the same level with Osipova. Actually I was wondering, why does she prefers him to other partners?

   I was quite impressed by Ryoichi Hirano - he created quite a trustworthy image of Tybalt, also James Hay (Mercutio) and Calvin Richardson ( Benvolio) were brilliant.  Out of three harlots, Itziar Mendizabal was especially wonderful, though all three girls actually were great. And what a beautiful mandolin dance - Benjamin Ella is just a balm for the eyes of a ballet lover!

   I left the Covent Garden wishing to come back soon - thanks to the Royal ballet!



I agree

Edited by FionaE
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I'm now even more confused about what various Romeos may or may not have been doing in the ballroom scene! To be honest I didn't notice any differences in that scene between the 5 Romeos I saw. Though I did think Sambe did something different to Zuchetti in Mercutio's ballroom solo. No idea what it was technically but it was so fast he appeared to be on fast forward for a few seconds.

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It flashed up on my computer, totally by chance. Lovely ☺️

These two amazing dancers are not only rehearsing/performing R&J but are concurrently rehearsing and/or performing  the following works:

Yasmine: Firebird; Symphony in C; Don Q; Winter Dreams and a 'secret' piece for the Fonteyn event tomorrow

Matthew: Month in the Country; Symphony in C; Don Q; Mayerling (?) and a 'secret' piece for the Fonteyn celebration

It's phenomenal!

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1 hour ago, Sim said:

Not sure how many of you know about this that was on Facebook this morning...

Thank you for posting this, Sim.

It seems as if it were a run through in a studio rather than a rehearsal and I wasn't impressed. It came across to me as rather narcissistic and self-indulgent. The dance processed from pose to pose with an occasional interpolated gesture of anguish from Naghdi and the whole was taken at a pace that was far slower than it should have been. I hope it isn't a developing trend with the company where parts of existing choreography are slowed down (presumably so that dancers have sufficient time to display their poses cf: second movement of SymphC).

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Don’t be too hard on them, Douglas.  This WAS a studio run through.  And bear in mind that not everyone watching the live stream knew this ballet, or even perhaps any ballet.  Taking it slowly shows what’s involved to those who might not know.  When they do this on stage the pace is quicker and flows beautifully.  


And let’s not forget how tired these incredibly hard-working artists must be at the moment.  Going all-out in a studio run-through is probably the last thing they felt like doing this morning, so a gentle pace was the right approach methinks!  

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1 hour ago, Douglas Allen said:

he dance processed from pose to pose with an occasional interpolated gesture of anguish from Naghdi and the whole was taken at a pace that was far slower than it should have been


This is called  "pacing yourself as a dancer" Douglas Allen. They have too much going on as Capybara stated above, the dancers have to save themselves. Naghdi and Ball probably had to squeeze this filming for FB into their busy schedule. You can see this pacing too during Stage rehearsals: principals may simply marked (walk through) their role and don't dance full out. They know when and how to save their energy for what is still to come. I feel you totally misinterpret/misunderstand and wrongly judge a simple studio run through. Actually this filming could be considered  as an invasion of their private rehearsal time, a time when dancers work at their own pace, alone in a studio.

Social media demands invade their private time and someone like yourself comes along and ill-judges them. This is not correct and their private time needs to be respected and not judged upon! Yes it does make me cross. 

Edited by Xandra Newman
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It is a bit confusing.


If this is a run-through by 2 tired dancers, then commenting on the quality is out of place.


But if RB are posting it up as a piece of 'performance'  and it's OK for us to comment, then presumably any of us is allowed to make a negative comment? Others may disagree with the negative comment of course.


Personally I feel film of them actually in performance would be a better advert.


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18 minutes ago, Mary said:

It is a bit confusing.


If this is a run-through by 2 tired dancers, then commenting on the quality is out of place.


But if RB are posting it up as a piece of 'performance'  and it's OK for us to comment, then presumably any of us is allowed to make a negative comment? Others may disagree with the negative comment of course.


Personally I feel film of them actually in performance would be a better advert.


It’s fine to make a negative comment, of course.  But as you say, it’s also  fine to disagree with it.  


And if the RB shows something to the public, no matter what it is, that then opens it up to comment.  Such is the nature of social media!

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I enjoyed that. Though Ball slinging what looked like a pair of tracksuit bottoms over his shoulders at the end didn't have quite the same effect as that gorgeous orange cloak! As if seeing 5 performances in the run wasn't enough, I think I'm now going to need to see the cinecast too.

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4 minutes ago, Sim said:

You definitely must,  Dawnstar!


Unfortunately the local cinema that does reserved seats doesn't have any decent ones left so I'll have to go to the other one that doesn't have reservations & unreserved seating is so awkward when you're on your own (my mother's already booked for the encore so I can't get her to go with me). I don't go to the cinema much & have never been on my own so the thought doing so is rather nerve-wracking - which I know is a bizarre feeling when I've been happily doing the majority of my theatregoing alone for 15 years!

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5 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:


Unfortunately the local cinema that does reserved seats doesn't have any decent ones left so I'll have to go to the other one that doesn't have reservations & unreserved seating is so awkward when you're on your own (my mother's already booked for the encore so I can't get her to go with me). I don't go to the cinema much & have never been on my own so the thought doing so is rather nerve-wracking - which I know is a bizarre feeling when I've been happily doing the majority of my theatregoing alone for 15 years!


I'd go for it, Dawnstar! I personally think that going to the cinema alone is easier than going to the theatre alone (except ballet, which for me is no problem at all).

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59 minutes ago, bridiem said:


I'd go for it, Dawnstar! I personally think that going to the cinema alone is easier than going to the theatre alone (except ballet, which for me is no problem at all).


I've never had any problem with going to the theatre alone. In fact it didn't occur to me for years that anyone would find it a problem. I guess it's what you're used to. I reckon I've been to the cinema less than 20 times in my life whereas theatre is probably over the thousand mark.


55 minutes ago, Sim said:

And check with your closer cinema to see if they do a repeat showing, which they often do. 


Oh yes, they always do encores, my mother goes to them all, but it's always Monday or Tuesday afternoons so it's no use for me unless I happen to be between temp jobs, which I'm currently not. Anyway, I've had another go at my mother & persuaded her to come with me on Tuesday, even though it means she'll be seeing it twice - and she doesn't have my repeat-viewing tastes!

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42 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:


Oh yes, they always do encores, my mother goes to them all, but it's always Monday or Tuesday afternoons so it's no use for me 


My local Vue has the repeat on Sunday - which I'm probably going to be tempted by! 

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11 hours ago, Dawnstar said:

I enjoyed that. Though Ball slinging what looked like a pair of tracksuit bottoms over his shoulders at the end didn't have quite the same effect as that gorgeous orange cloak! As if seeing 5 performances in the run wasn't enough, I think I'm now going to need to see the cinecast too.


I think I am as well - I did just look to see if I could get tickets to the ROH, but on balance my local cinema is £17.50 as a member, plus I'll be home by 1035 which is a big draw!

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Thank you for posting that rehearsal clip! Served as a wonderful tease to convince me I must must must get to see thus duo....in cinema at very least as unlikely to make it to ROH again! Had the absolute joy of seeing Hayward’s Juliet - simply delightfully believable & sublimely danced; for me a perfect Juliet. 

I agree with other posters that this Naghdi/Ball clip does lack something.... but isn’t that the whole point of performances? The stage, the set, the lighting, the costumes, the live orchestra, the audience, the adrenaline....it is the high point, a culmination of all the hours of studio work & no one can ever expect to see or feel that same effect from a practise run through...& I for one don’t want to.... I want to be bowled away by the whole immersive experience when at the theatre (or indeed cinema for a live screening) 

But lovely too to see this slower paced carefully placed run through to really appreciate the choreography & the sheer efforts needed to dance it...purity of lines will probably be better here in the studio but add in the passion of performance - almost giving an added element of danger - & wow, we can expect something great! 

Had the pleasure of seeing the Fonteyn Gala & greatly enjoyed Osipova interpretation of Juliet too...Feel so lucky that I will have had the joy to experience 3 Juliets & 3 Romeos! 

Edited by Peanut68
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Hugely disappointed that I'm going to have to miss this live relay tomorrow night (cast sheet here: http://static.roh.org.uk/showings/romeo-and-juliet-live-2019/en.pdf?_ga=2.93541913.547584748.1560034470-79081559.1557746836) - I'd intended to go and see it on the Big Screen as usual, but I'm afraid work's going to get in the way :(  Hopefully the weather will have dried up by then!

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7 hours ago, alison said:


That's interesting. I'd assumed that the cast would be the same as the Cuthbertson/Ball performance I saw, apart from Naghdi obviously, but actually there are a lot of differences. Amused by the note about casting subject to change & to visit roh.org.uk for full casting info!

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