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Royal Ballet Casting for Autumn Season 2018/19

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A few quick (grossly uninformed) observations:


Casting for Mayerling seems unbalanced: 6 Vetseras for 5 Rudolfs, Lamb giving up what would have been her 3rd performance so Takada gets one. This was always going to be a problem with Hamilton coming back and Takada getting an unexpected debut last season. No opportunities for debuts there at all. 2 Vetseras also dancing Larisch, rather than giving others debuts. I could see Naghdi starting as Larisch before graduating to Vetsera. Only 3 Elizabeths and nothing for Arestis. Heap is trusted with 5, she really is being channeled into Yanowsky's roles. McRae gets the Cinema (and dvd?). I thought he was promising last season, I look forward to seeing his Rudolf mature. Hirano is obviously favoured for dramatic roles (following his Leontes). Big opportunity for him, I think he will be excellent. Is Muntagirov too young for Rudolf?


No Solor for Bonelli or Kish. Nothing in Bayadere for Morera, Choe, Mendizabal, Kobayashi. Corrales gets a big debut as does Ball. I guess Hayward is not favoured in Classical roles, missing out in Swan Lake and now Bayadere.


No Nutcracker Prince for Ball or Kish, whilst Clarke is only dancer to take 3 performances. No Sugar Plum for Hamilton. No Clara for Stock despite there being only 5 Claras for 7 Hans Peters. There are less Nutcrackers than in previous years, but these seem like deliberate (unnecessary) omissions. Will be interesting in due course to see the casting for the Patineurs mixed bill, which overlaps with Nutcracker. May explain some things. O’Sullivan gets cinema as Clara. Pleased for her, and Ben Ella, Ashley Dean and David Yudes on their debuts. Naghdi gets Jackson.


Winner - Magri gets a big autumn with debuts as Gamzatti and Mitzi Caspar. Fully deserved.
Loser - Kish only gets Bay Middleton this autumn?


Congratulations to all debutantes. Once again, I wish I could see it all, but alas I will be living vicariously through this forum for most of it.

Edited by Saodan
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15 minutes ago, Saodan said:

.McRae gets the Cinema (and dvd?).


I hadn’t clocked McRae Mayerling was being filmed. So disappointed it’s not Morera/Bonelli after their extraordinary performances last season. 

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Slightly disappointed that Hayward didn’t get Mary Vetsera, but I guess that’ll happen in a couple of years when the next cycle of Mayerling happens - 2020/2021 I suppose. Great castings for Bayadère though! And yes I wish the casting for the Balanchine would have been more detailed too.

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I sense that Kevin O'Hare is continuing with his approach of not giving the younger dancers everything at once and of mixing and matching the partnerships.

As regards some of the other questions raised, maybe we will understand better when the list of promotions,  joiners and leavers appears in a few months' time.


I do hope, however, that there will be some casting announced for Infra and Symphony in C - before the night, that is.

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10 hours ago, Saodan said:

I guess Hayward is not favoured in Classical roles, missing out in Swan Lake and now Bayadere.

I doubt that she is "not favoured" in Classical roles as such, having danced to great reviews in the principal roles (and other roles) in Giselle, Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty, for example. Perhaps (and I certainly hope)  it's more  a question of timing her career progression, allowing her to mature further, and perhaps not get overloaded/overexposed  too early ? And of course there are so many other fantastic dancers to fit into the schedules. Our particular favourites can't all do every lead role we would like.

Edited by Richard LH
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10 hours ago, annamk said:


I hadn’t clocked McRae Mayerling was being filmed. So disappointed it’s not Morera/Bonelli after their extraordinary performances last season. 

You and many of us, Anna.  McRae is my least favourite Rudolf.  I don't get this one at all I'm afraid.  

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14 hours ago, Darlex said:


Personally, I don't see her as a Mary, Stephanie or Mitzi. I think she's more likely to a be a Larisch or Elizabeth, but in a few years time.

I agree with the part about her being a Larisch, but disagree with the part about 'in a few years time.'   Yasmine could go out on that stage tomorrow and deliver a wonderful Larisch.  She is one of those rare artists who lives and breathes each role that she dances, and she is such an intelligent dancer that her interpretations are always spot on.  On the Manon thread people have said how wonderful she is as the Mistress (which she was, and I can't wait for tomorrow night to see her again).  Her Juliet was also stunning, as was her role in Anastasia at the last minute (sorry I am having a blank as to the name....Mme someone!! ), and as the girl in The Invitation.   I think she has proved her MacMillan credentials already, so she would be great now without having to wait a few years to dance Larisch.  Sadly, though, it appears that we WILL have to wait a few years, which is frustrating!  :(

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" (Crown Prince Rudolf, Baroness Mary Vetsera, Countess Marie Larisch, Empress Elisabeth, Princess Stephanie, Mitzi Caspar, Bratfisch, Emperor Franz Josef, Colonel 'Bay' Middleton)"


Have we ever had quite such extensive advance casting for Mayerling before?


What did strike me last night was that - unless I've missed out a ballet somewhere, which is possible - Hayward has no debuts (of note?) in full-length ballets next season.

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On the casting in general, some quite interesting permutations.  I don't have time to write much now, but I am also very excited by the Nunez/Osipova 'swaperoo' (love that, RuthE!), with Muntagirov in the middle.  Sigh.  In my dreams they would have got Shklyarov in to alternate with him, as his Solor is one of the finest around, but naturally I understand why they haven't (I am keeping everything crossed that they might invite him back to dance R&J with Osipova....).  Also disappointed that there is no Hayward as Mary Vetsera, and no Naghdi at all in Mayerling (mind you, she has her hands full learning O/O at the moment!).  I agree with what was said above about Kevin O'Hare graduating the younger principals into roles slowly...much as we would love to see everyone in everything, the company is bursting with talent at the moment and everyone needs a chance to dance. 


We have discussed this in the past, but I really don't understand what it is about the current RB management and partnerships.  Why are they not allowing some potentially great ones to flourish?  I just don't get it.  


Very pleased to see Magri getting some meaty roles;  she has been on my 'ones to watch' list for a good couple of years.  My guess, looking at the casting (and this is just a guess) is that she will be promoted to First Soloist at the end of the season, and Matthew Ball to Principal.  I would be very happy with both of those.  

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1 hour ago, Sim said:

You and many of us, Anna.  McRae is my least favourite Rudolf.  I don't get this one at all I'm afraid.  


I agree - and I thought as much when McRae was featured on the ROH website - but I will go to the cinema to watch him as I'm always open to changing my mind.


Not wishing to speculate (too much!) but there are surely a number of factors in play vis a vis the cinema relays:  box office; an expectation that the RB's 'stars' will be the ones displayed for the world to see; sharing out the 'honour' as fairly as possible;  ringing the changes when ballets have been relayed before; maintaining the RB's reputation; future DVD sales etc.


4 minutes ago, aliceinwoolfland said:

Also, apologies for double post but does anyone else find it a bit odd that Naghdi has Swan Lake and Bayadere debuts and Hayward has nothing new? I totally feel it’s right that these younger principals are not overstretched and overexposed early on, but Hayward became principal first. 


I don't think that it's ever a question as to who became a Principal first, is it? Hayward may have some juicy roles coming up in the Winter Season which would be debuts for her. Love both her and Naghdi by the way...................


56 minutes ago, Sim said:

 In my dreams they would have got Shklyarov in to alternate with him, as his Solor is one of the finest around, but naturally I understand why they haven't (I am keeping everything crossed that they might invite him back to dance R&J with Osipova....). 


Kevin O'Hare implies in his interview in Dancing Times that the RB doesn't need to rely on guests - yet the current evidence is to the contrary!


And Cesar Corrales is going to be a spectacular Solor. He will be blowing us all away the moment he steps onto the ROH stage, even in a minor role.


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The RB certainly does not need to rely on guests with the amount of talent currently available in the company.....but having the odd one or two for a special treat is always welcome!!  :) 

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26 minutes ago, aliceinwoolfland said:

Also, apologies for double post but does anyone else find it a bit odd that Naghdi has Swan Lake and Bayadere debuts and Hayward has nothing new? I totally feel it’s right that these younger principals are not overstretched and overexposed early on, but Hayward became principal first. 

Who became principal first is totally immaterial. Dancers are cast by the AD and/or choreographer in roles deemed suitable for them.


Naghdi has a very strong classical technique, her physique lends itself to dancing classical tutu roles, besides having wonderful musicality and being a good actress. Hayward was cast very early on in her career in roles deemed suitable for her such as Rhapsody, Clara, Alice in Wonderland, Lise in Fille mal gardee, Manon, Titania in The Dream,  Princess Stephanie in Mayerling,.. all in which she shone but she did not dance any full length classical tutu role until her 1st season as a Principal... 

The first time I saw Hayward dance a classical tutu roles was as Sugar Plum (as a 1st year Principal). It is very rare that a dancer is suited to all and just about any role in the company repertoire.

We didn't get to see Naghdi as Lise or Titania or Manon... but Naghdi danced highly technical Ashton roles such as Symphonic Variations and Monotones. They are both such very different dancers and it is clear from the recent casting (Odette/Odile and Gamzatti) that of the two Naghdi is considered by the AD to be more suited to dance highly classical roles. There may also be reasons unknown to us why Hayward is not cast in classical tutu roles. Both dancers give us great performances in their own unique way.

Edited by Xandra Newman
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18 minutes ago, Xandra Newman said:

 There may also be reasons unknown to us why Hayward is not cast in classical tutu roles. Both dancers give us great performances in their own unique way.


They do both give great performances in their different ways. But Hayward has of course danced not only Sugar Plum but also Aurora, so it's not correct to say that she's 'not cast in classical tutu roles'.

Edited by bridiem
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30 minutes ago, capybara said:


And Cesar Corrales is going to be a spectacular Solor. He will be blowing us all away the moment he steps onto the ROH stage, even in a minor role.


I've noted a lack of enthusiasm in some quarters about his move to the RB and I imagine that's because not everyone is familiar with his work, but I confidently predict that before very long he will become an audience favourite and the doubters will be completely converted.

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11 minutes ago, aliceinwoolfland said:

Sorry, I am a relative newcomer to ballet and I don’t know much about it. It wasn’t obvious to me that there isn’t a hierarchy in terms of who became principal first. I’m still learning. :)


And yet ............and yet...........there is a sort of hierarchy insofar as some Principals of long standing do seem to be first in the queue for key roles. But 'twas ever thus.

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11 minutes ago, bridiem said:


They do both give great performances in their different ways. But Hayward has of course danced not only Sugar Plum but also Aurora, so it's not correct to say that she's 'not cast in classical tutu roles'.

Correct, she danced one performance as Aurora and it is only normal to have at least danced one full length classical tutu role when one has become a principal don't you think?

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She's a dancer I like a lot too but wasn't she only just promoted to soloist last season? I think it would be a tat too fast for her (knowing there is also Magri and Heap and last but not least the beautiful Fumi Kaneko who's been a soloist for several years now).

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With regard to Francesca Hayward, I would put money on her getting a crack at Kitri later in the season.  She will most likely be one of the three shades in the third act of Bayadere.  Those solos are killers and by rights they should always be danced by principals.  When I first saw the Nureyev's RB version they were usually danced by variations of Mason/Park/Seymour/Bergsma.

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4 minutes ago, Xandra Newman said:

Correct, she danced one performance as Aurora and it is only normal to have at least danced one full length classical tutu role when one has become a principal don't you think?


I think this can be explained in part by there being little opportunity to dance classical rep in the couple of seasons before her promotion. Swan Lake was last on in 2015 when she was 22 and newly promoted to Soloist and Sleeping Beauty was a year before that, prior to the 2016/17 run in which Hayward featured (remember, she had to cancel one of her scheduled performances - I was there!).


I can't remember who danced Giselle in 2016, but was anyone other than Takada cast from outside the rank of Principal?  (She of course was promoted at the same time as Hayward.)

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1 hour ago, MAB said:

With regard to Francesca Hayward, I would put money on her getting a crack at Kitri later in the season

Good point MAB; if so, that would be at least one "classical" lead debut for her in 2019, after her  successful debut as Giselle this year. 

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