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Everything posted by Vonrothbart

  1. I most certainly could do, but this forum is not the place BBB.
  2. I totally agree with you Lisa, there would be many ways to get round the responsibility of who would be to blame.
  3. If the gates are open when you come out, don't forget to swipe your card, or you may be charged for a full journey.
  4. I agree with you if it's a ballet, and some musicals, for the same reasons.
  5. Lisa I very rarely go to the doctors, but I suffer with tinitus, and also pulsatile tinitus which is like a Chinese torture ( figure of speech ) Recently I have been having spells of dizzyness, so I went to see my doc. He gave me some excercises to do, as it was some form of vertigo in his initial opinion. I was very surprised, but I'll give them a go. I can put up with the Tinitus, as probably like you I have it almost constantly, but this spinning sensation really gets you down. I'm a pretty tough bloke, and can put up with most things, but it would be nice to have a breather from time to time. Mind you there's always plenty of people far worse than you, I always say.
  6. That's really bad luck Lisa, hope all goes well tomorrow.
  7. I watched one young dancer at a recent festival, and I don't think she would have been out of place in Glasgow last week. It was more like watching gymnastics, she was very good all the same. I do think the times are a changing as Dylan would say.
  8. I suppose it boils down to what you would consider being well off. To suggest the lower classes have more chance to send their children to vocational school is a crazy statement in my opinion. There's many who would struggle to even afford their children to attend local dance classes when you add up the cost. It costs a lot for a child to be part of an associate scheme, with the travelling, clothing etc etc.
  9. There are a lot of people in the same boat as you Fred, with fantastically talented children. Unfortunately the well off do have a massive advantage in the dancing world, no matter what people might say. It's not just dancing, but it's the same in other sports such as tennis, etc. I suppose that's just the way it is in this country, and maybe always has been, but it's such a shame that so much talent is wasted due to lack of funds.
  10. I prefer to be in the stalls, but not too far near the front, maybe row H ish in the centre. I along with a couple of friends used to go and see Bob Dylan quite a lot when he was touring Britain, and almost always got on the front rail. That's obviously quite different to a musical, as you would be too near in most theatres,especially Le Mis with the barricade for instance.
  11. I reckon you'll be ruling it in so to speak, as it seems a lovely school bursting with character.
  12. There seems to be a notion going about that flexibility is the be all and end all in the dance world. It's obviously good to have it, but not so good without the strength to hold it naturally, without props.
  13. So like CeliB suggested, it could be an option then, if it suits.
  14. Are grants available for these schools, if not I would imagine that would rule 95% of our DC out of the ball game?
  15. Elmhurst and Tring auditions on consecutive days, so that's pretty handy, still waiting for RBS.
  16. Yeah you're quite right mum in a spin, I should have thought about the OP before replying, as I compared the school to our local, which could be like chalk and cheese.
  17. I would definately move schools, no JA's for 20 years? My GDD's teacher is just the opposite, although she openly admits she doesn't want her to leave for vocational school, she gives her all the help she can. I would be careful regarding a 10 year old dancing with 14 and 15 year olds though, they will probably be advanced 1 and 2, which is a big jump from grade 5.
  18. I thought of setting the alarm for a couple of minutes to 3 am, but decided I wasn't really interested enough to disturb my sleep time. Guess what? I woke up at exactly 2 minutes to 3, (The brain is a wonderful lump of matter) so decided to have a look, I personally wouldn't say it was an amazing site, but it was nice I suppose. The eclipse was either just short of completion or it was just past, it was a lovely shade of red. I looked at it for a full 20 seconds then hit the sack again, and back into my dreams.
  19. Is your dad a lady moneypenny? Sorry I couldn't resist it.
  20. I played a couple of rounds of golf with Brian Close, along with Johnny Wardle, another fine Yorkshire cricketer. Brian was at times a bit grumpy, but it was his will to win, and if he wasn't winning that's when it would show. It is sad of course, but 84 is a grand age, so maybe we should celebrate his life.
  21. We along with many others already make quite a hefty contribution to the ballet companies, forking out audition money etc etc.
  22. Just watch Match of the Day, the clubs in the Premier League have some of the very top sports injury specialists working for them, when a player comes off,the first thing he does is get iced up. The main reason is to get playing again as soon as possible. Now if there was no rush and you're not too worried about a little pain, then yes of course the body will take care of itself through it's natural form, that has evolved for about umteen million years, and learnt to look after itself.
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