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Flexible Fred

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  1. Hi all, Question if you audition at 17 at upper school and are successful do you actually join as year 2 and have therefore skipped a year and only study at that school for 2 years? Or do you slot in with first year 16 year olds and do the full 3 years ??
  2. Anyone heard from the Tring reserve list yet ?
  3. My dd on the reserve list for Elmhurst, letter says there are 18 on the reserve list and advises what number they are on there.
  4. Do Elmhurst advise what number you are on the waiting list or how many is on it for lower school ?
  5. Oh Jane I did not know that, well fingers crossed for all the current year 11's at Elmhurst
  6. Do you think the Elmhurst results for upper school will be out before Easter ? Typically we are away visiting family next week so won't get to see my postman On the plus side he won't have me peering out of the bedroom window looking for him lol
  7. Ohhh how I love the envelope discussions ! Is it still the same big A4 good news Small envelope not so good ?? Lol
  8. Is it just me or can anyone else not wait until the whole final auditions process is over and like Lisa said whatever will be will be ! I really would like my life back so heaven knows how are children are feeling !
  9. Ohh Gollyrox I am routing for your DS and was thinking about you this morning, how many boys are attending the audition, could you see ? Have they said how many places ? I am keeping everything crossed for you both and hope he has a fabulous audition
  10. Good luck to all the boys at Elmhurst finals today, let us know how you all get on
  11. Thank you Krishell, well done to you and your DD, massive achievement, I did phone the school to see where she was on the waiting list, and was told they are not giving this information out this year. But will not give up hope yet.
  12. No letter from Tring today for us,,anyone else heard ?
  13. No letter for us today, here's to stalking the postman tomorrow !
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