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Everything posted by alison

  1. I came to the conclusion years ago that opera translation for performance purposes (as opposed to just being for surtitles, for example) has to be about the toughest job going in the translation industry (apparently nuclear physics is a doddle ). Not only do you have to produce a text which is fit to be sung, has an appropriate level of comedy/pathos etc., fits with the music and so on, but you may be unfortunate enough to be working out of a language whose rhythms fit the music perfectly into one where the rhythms are reversed, so it's always going to be a struggle. Talking about improved effects, I realised some years ago how different the experience can be sitting in different parts of the Coliseum. One night, early in the run, I got a half-price seat in the front Upper Circle, I think it was, for Eugene Onegin. It was marvellous! Admittedly, it's my favourite opera anyway, but even so it was a particularly overwhelming experience. So, I decided I'd go again - and this time I'd take a friend who claimed not to like opera. I told her she'd absolutely love it. We were a few rows further back than the previous time, underneath the balcony, and the difference was incredible. Where I'd been totally caught up in the drama and the music first time around, as it hurtled to its conclusion, this time I just didn't feel involved at all - and my friend hated it. Probably all because we were sitting in an area where the music couldn't penetrate properly
  2. I should have known: I was about to post that there were some tickets available for tomorrow, and now I know why Hoping it's nothing serious, and that she makes a swift recovery.
  3. One of the few people who has been there throughout my now long RB-going career. She'll be very much missed in all those character roles we're so used to seeing her in. I wish her a very happy retirement.
  4. How it works on a normal computer is that at top right on the dark bar you have your drop-down menu, and to the left of that there's an open envelope icon. If you click on that, you then get an "View all messages" link, and from there you can tick as many as you like and delete them in one go, should you choose. There is also an "archive" facility at the bottom of each message which will send a copy of the complete discussion to your registered email address, should you want to keep it for posterity How much of this applies to working with an iPad, though, I don't know.
  5. https://uk-offers.timeout.com/deals/entertainment-eno-the-magic-flute-february-2016?cid=TOL~NL~1400810070~entertainment-eno-the-magic-flute-february-2016~Offers_Left~CTA~2016-02-19
  6. More information about what I was referring to here: http://www.saveourfairfield.org/about.html
  7. I can assure you, I spotted several national critics at the matinees this week, although whether they were there for personal or professional reasons I couldn't say. I assume the latter, but you never know.
  8. Having just seen Scheherezade's post linking to the ENO petition, I was wondering why ENO wasn't being discussed on these boards. Is everyone who posts here an "original-language-only" opera enthusiast? Please feel free to discuss ENO's current dire straits here - within the bounds of the AUP, of course.
  9. Even better, put the following into Google (literally cut and paste what I've typed): site:uk "youth ballet" (Putting "site:uk" at the beginning of a search string will automatically restrict your search to UK websites)
  10. The singing is standard, DQF - in fact, I don't ever remember a performance without it. You're not confusing it with Snowflakes in Nutcracker, by any chance?
  11. Me too Probably in the same universe that Eric Underwood, in a previous article somewhere, was quoted as having danced the leads in Swan Lake, among other things.
  12. Exactly. Pretty much a waste of newsprint. Mind you, there have been a number of similar "puffs", of very varying quality, in the Standard recently.
  13. Best wishes to her. Incidentally, I was reading her autobiography "A Dancer in Wartime" recently. It's a very good read (although I hate it when publishers use 1.5 spacing to make the book look bigger!), and she's very specific about locations, all the places she lived during the war. It was quite weird reading about her living in Addiscombe Road just when I was passing through Addiscombe tram stop!
  14. No need to apologise, Fonty And, no, not unless her surname is Avegno, which I somehow doubt, given that the character in question appears to be a friend rather than a parent.
  15. Borrowing from another thread: " Yes, Sunday 28th February on BBC4, 7.30pm till 9pm and then followed by the Storyville presentation of the Bolshoi Babylon documentary."
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