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Everything posted by Legseleven

  1. Hi Capybara, just wondering why you think a promotion for Yasmine Naghdi may not happen this year? Out of all of those discussed, all very worthy of promotion, she stands out to me as the one who has been consistently dancing at principal level in every performance and in some cases (Aurora, Kschessinska) she appears to have been considered one of the best dancers in the role. She recently repeated her outstanding Kschessinska super-sub feat in a slightly different way, by performing in several successive Symphonic Variations performances - certainly no mean feat. As I have said previously, hers is the one promotion which seems to me to be absolutely necessary and in fact rather tardy. I will be seriously tempted to chain myself to the ROH if it doesn't happen.
  2. Tattielashes, try not to worry too much about the residential, especially as your DD is so excited about it - you don't want her to pick up on your nervousness She will enjoy being with like-minded children and they will all help each other with hair etc - if your DD's hair is very difficult then I am sure that a house mother or older student will help her. What a wonderful opportunity for her!
  3. That is appalling, taxi4ballet. We had a teacher at DD's first school who insisted that at least 18 months and more likely 2 years was required to study grade 3 before even the most gifted or oldest student could even be considered as a possible exam candidate. We puzzled over this, especially as it was specifically stated to apply without exception even to a talented 13 year old who had started ballet relatively late and was still dancing with students often 3-4 years younger than she was; then discovered that this particular teacher only taught up to grade 3....Suddenly her apparently arbitrary requirement that everyone spend at least 18 months in grade 3 made sense and we moved DD soon afterwards.
  4. Surely the major manufacturers at the least make trainers in different widths/for different foot shapes? We have found that DD is fine with most trainers (especially Asics - I think - with their specifications as to which shoes are made for high insteps) as long as they can be laced up tightly. You've made me curious now. I may find myself doing some Googling.
  5. Such fabulous news! A huge well done to your son and to his supportive family xx
  6. Can the associate scheme offer any help with transport costs or possibly allow students/prospective students to contact each other in case lift-sharing is do-able? I would discuss the dilemma with his teacher and ask their opinion. Dancing with a good vocational school's associates scheme will allow your son to experience different teaching styles and alongside other talented children, as well as experiencing the boost of being associated with a vocational school and possibly professional experience dancing with a company if the school is attached to or has links with one. I think I would lean towards the additional benefits of dancing with a good associate scheme, especially for a boy as he will hopefully have male company on the scheme. As he is talented enough to have secured a vocational school place, a good associate scheme could be the next best thing.
  7. Proportions can change beyond all expectation over the 10-16 age range. I would take it that they were so impressed with your DD that it overrode their concern that her proportions may not be 'right' (for them - different schools and different companies later down the line have different physique requirements) at this stage. She obviously shone at audition!
  8. Voted. Thankful that whichever way we choose to vote, we have the right to cast that vote.
  9. I also had a male ballet teacher as a 5/6 year old - I particularly remember him coaching us for the RAD primary exam.
  10. Indeed this behaviour isn't the fault of the ROH, but they certainly have a duty to try to ensure that no audience member is able to behave in this obnoxious, thoughtless manner which affects the enjoyment of many other audience members.
  11. Legseleven

    Lynn RIP

    I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your wife Lynn, JohnS.
  12. You can access RAD teacher training with ISTD Intermediate.
  13. Good grief Pictures, I hope that if it was only a suspension from examining bodies it was at least a lengthy one? I would have thought that faking exam certificates merited disbarring/expulsion.
  14. Oh Lisa, I hope she is safely back home soon.
  15. The thread is called 'Elmhurst extra audition date' but I'm afraid I'm clueless about how to do a link if that's possible!
  16. I think it was 3 or 4 years ago and only those children selected from their photos were auditioned. It was just the one audition date I believe. I seem to remember reading that some who had already auditioned that year did apply again even though there was, I think, a 'please don't apply if you have already auditioned this year', but can't remember whether they were auditioned. There is a thread on here about it which became quite lengthy!
  17. 73% is a merit. She would need 75% or more for a distinction.
  18. www.theballetretreat.com - the Leedscourse is sold out apparently but they may have a waiting list if you would prefer that to London.
  19. I think I have heard of an adult summer school called The Ballet Retreat, held in London and Leeds. I don't know dates etc I'm afraid.
  20. A Russian friend of mine felt that NATD ballet was close to how she had been trained as a youngster. Although I would have to agree that RAD ballet is widely recognised as a top ballet syllabus (and yes, their exams do require technical excellence along with musicality and expressiveness) and is known all over the world. Cecchetti ballet (part of the ISTD but different from ISTD Imperial ballet) is also an international syllabus (but I hear that their syllabus isn't updated regularly? I have no idea whether that is the case but have been told by more than one ballet teacher, both of whom initially trained as Cecchetti dancers but chose to teach - and in one case also to examine - RAD). As mph said, many dance schools which offer RAD ballet also teach ISTD or IDTA tap/modern/jazz - I'm not sure why unless the RAD ballet syllabus is preferred, as it would surely be easier to teach all dance styles with the same examining body. I do know that RAD teacher training isn't quick or easy - but at least that shows that RAD teachers are very well equipped to teach to high standards.
  21. Definitely worth a visit to the GP, Lisa - I hope you are given good advice on treatment and management. And also a very good reason for Sean to sew on his own buttons (he will need to know how when he goes to university) and to take over the potato peeling (that will also be needed when he goes away!).
  22. I'm so sorry to hear of your DD's worries, Xanthe. I agree with 2dancersmum in that when she is calmer, appealing to her intelligence in asking her whether these silly boys actually know what they are talking about in preference to her teachers and older girls might well work. I hope her teachers can help to reassure her (and maybe show her their feet!) And this is probabiy happening because they are jealous and in awe of her determination and ability. It will happen again and again - if not connected with dancing then in relation to something else - and it's very sad that at 7 your DD is already having to deal with this. She will be fine as long as she knows that your and her dad are in her corner and that she can tell you whatever is worrying her. Perhaps practising possible replies to future comments might help her feel in control? Along the lines of 'goodness, who told you that? I will ask my dance teachers what they think' or 'thank you for being worried about my feet/weight/whatever, I will check whether my teachers think I should be doing anything differently'.
  23. Ha ha, balletgremlin - DD would certainly agree! Allegros number 2 up to and including Adv Foundation don't lend themselves to leggier dancers - that was one of the reasons why DD was delighted to be told that Adv 1 suited her far better than Adv F and that she was therefore skipping Adv F! For some reason the Adv 1 allegro number 2 is not as legtwisting...
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