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Royal Ballet - Swan Lake 2024

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IMG_3429.thumb.jpeg.8ebae1bcddcc1d7db2cb8712f5b4e17e.jpegThese don’t begin to compare to Rob’s, but for the only time ever I was able to take a few half-decent pictures…so here they are!  The definition on my iPhone is so much better; maybe these have uploaded too large, but not much I can do about it!




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3 hours ago, Sim said:

, I was sat in Row A of the Stalls. 


3 hours ago, Lesley said:

I was also lucky enough to have a row A seat just to the left of the conductor.

I’ve always wondered if, sitting in row A, one  is able to see the dancers feet?

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It’s a long time since I’ve been able to afford to sit there - you can see their feet most of the time but there are some areas where you can’t. However, that is compensated for by being “up close and personal” and really feeling a part of the action.

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Between them, Sim and MildConcern have encapsulated pretty much everything that can be said about last night’s astounding Swan Lake but I was so moved by the sincerity of Fumi and Vadim's performances - and, let’s face it, the breathtaking technical fireworks in Act 3 - that I just can’t let it go without adding a little more. 

It is a rare thing indeed to come away unable to decide which of Odette or Odile surpassed the other but Fumi’s performance last night most definitely scaled those heights, the aching beauty of her Odette (and, by the way, Fumi’s arms were a thing of beauty in themselves) more than matched by an Odile so sublimely, sensually compelling that poor Siegfried was the loser in this particular little game almost before it even started.

And the tragedy of his betrayal went beyond the fact that the enchantment couldn’t now be broken because this was a true love story, from the coup de foudre of his first encounter with Odette, to her ultimate, sacrificial suicide and his heartbroken realisation that what had unwittingly been done could never be undone. This wasn’t just a show of peerless technique, it went far deeper than that. Fumi and Vadim’s emotional commitment was real and heart-rending, and mine was initially pierced at Vadim’s gut-wrenching desperation as he fled the ballroom in search of Odette and then fragmented into a thousand little pieces at his agony as he carried her lifeless body back into view. 

I must also add my voice to the plaudits for Lukas BB’s Von Rothbart. A cogent, powerful and convincing performance, all the more effective for the absence of any suggestion of over-dramatisation or caricature. I only hope that his strong dramatic skills do not mean that we will see less of him in pure dancing roles.

And it is always good to see Valentino Zucchetti on stage, bringing gravitas and personality to a strong and characterful Benno. 

But last night was Vadim and Fumi’s night, and what a night! Dazzling, heartbreaking. Absolutely extraordinary!


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Row A

Maybe can’t always see the tips of their point shoes. Sims photos give you a good idea. To be honest I didn’t notice it at all. Too much else to look at!


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4 hours ago, Sim said:

IMG_3429.thumb.jpeg.8ebae1bcddcc1d7db2cb8712f5b4e17e.jpegThese don’t begin to compare to Rob’s, but for the only time ever I was able to take a few half-decent pictures…so here they are!  The definition on my iPhone is so much better; maybe these have uploaded too large, but not much I can do about it!




Love your photos, especially the one with Fumi holding the rose above her head. She and Vadim both look so happy!

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Posted (edited)

Well, what a night last night! Linda would have been absolutely thrilled by Vadim and Fumi’s performance. And it was lovely to meet @Sim (at last!) and @Scheherezade in the second interval and put faces to names!


I think I knew that Vadim and Fumi would be wonderful together but having seen Vadim with Nela on opening night I wasn’t sure if anything could top that - they are, after all, iconic together in Swan Lake. But I think last night actually did top it because Vadim and Fumi just seemed to respond to each other in a way that I don’t think I have seen before in Swan Lake with anyone else and it bumped their performance up to a stellar level.


Fumi’s Odette was gorgeously vulnerable and flutteringly cautious upon first meeting Siegfried, becoming meltingly but tragically adoring as the Act continued. I felt that she portrayed Von Rothbart’s power over her much more clearly than other Odettes I have seen. And technically and artistically gorgeous. Those feet! Those arms and that lovely line! In that sense alone, she and Vadim are a wonderful pairing in that they complement each other physically.


And what a complete contrast her Odile was. “Evil minx” is the closest description I can think of and she made perfect use of her flashing eyes. You could see how she captivated poor, inexperienced Siegfried - Vadim looked visibly stunned and mesmerised by her, almost seeming to enjoy her teasing and manipulation as an extra frisson to his growing adoration.


There is not much more anyone can say about Vadim’s dancing than has already been said. He was, of course, superlative. But I have never seen him ramp up the drama in Swan Lake as much as he did last night. Those soaring leaps and immaculate double double tours in Act 3 demonstrated the exhilaration of his love and joy more than ever before. And his tender worship of Odette was moving and heartbreaking.


I totally agree with @MildConcern about Act 4. Act 3 (particularly in this production) is where the ballet ends for me (well, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but you get my drift!). I generally find Act 4 quite anticlimactic after the fireworks of Act 3 and it’s something I have to sit through to get to the curtain calls. Not last night. Vadim and Fumi’s interaction was just so heartbreaking and the sorrow, remorse and despair so clearly shown that I had a lump in my throat. And the interaction with Lukas played a big part. They made a heroic bid to fight for their love and Von Rothbart didn’t give them an easy ride. And Fumi’s decision to kill herself was the final expression of despair, Vadim’s horror and failed attempt to stop her before being zapped into unconsciousness by Von Rothbart so dramatically engaging. I was on the edge of my seat. Just WOW to Vadim and Fumi for an incredible performance. I hope we continue to see them paired together (along with others, of course).


Lukas’s Von Rothbart was brilliant - my only slight issue was that I felt he looked a little too youthful when portraying Von R’s public persona at Court. Absolutely nothing to do with his characterisation or acting, which were brilliant. Just a personal observation with which many may disagree.


In other highlights - the Cygnets seemed spot on last night. Well done to them. I loved Annette Buvoli in the Spanish and the guys were all great too. And Ella Newton Severgnini was absolutely charming in the Neopolitan. One to watch, I think.


Good solid performances from Isabella Gasparini and Meaghan Grace Hinkis as the Prince’s sisters. And I was rather taken by Bomin Kim’s Italian Princess, who seemed to give it more pizzazz than others I’ve seen in the role. Also Hannah Grennell’s Hungarian Princess, who had obviously decided the Prince was hers and was rolling out her entire battery of seductive glances to captivate him!


I’m afraid I was less taken by Valentino’s Benno. He didn’t seem to be dancing as well as I know he can, and his characterisation didn’t really engage me at all.


And I had begun to think of late that the dreaded brass section had improved, but alas, not last night. Some bum notes and from where I was sitting they sometimes seemed out of sync with the rest of the orchestra.


But overall, as @Scheherezade said, a night to say “I was there!”


Edited by Balletfanp
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1 hour ago, San Perregrino said:


I’ve always wondered if, sitting in row A, one  is able to see the dancers feet?

If they are very near to the front of the stage you sometimes can’t see the whole foot, but as they are never still for very long I didn’t find it a problem.  

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Lovely to read the reviews of Fumi/Vadim.


I was lucky enough to catch the wonderful Fumi and Federico Bonelli performance (it was his retirement, and if I’m not remembering incorrectly her debut, at least at ROH). It’s probably in my top 5 performances at ROH. 

I was incredibly impressed by Fumi as she is one the rare few that can capture both the fragility of Odette with the wicked glamour of Odile. (Marinela Nunez and Natalia Osipova are up there too, but they have more years experience!) And her technique is just spectacular. 


She will definitely be my “one to watch” next round, I could only afford one performance this time and as I hadn’t yet seen Marianela I opted for her. Originally I was hoping Fumi would be cast with Bracewell next time round, but looks like her and Vadim have an equally (?) good and strong partnership. Will be a tough choice if she’s partnered with both again, otherwise I’ll just be happy to only have one performance to deliberate on! 

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, JNC said:

Originally I was hoping Fumi would be cast with Bracewell next time round, but looks like her and Vadim have an equally (?) good and strong partnership. Will be a tough choice if she’s partnered with both again, otherwise I’ll just be happy to only have one performance to deliberate on! 

I completely agree.

From a very selfish point of view, since (unluckily) I live overseas and far away from London, I only hope to see Fumi and Bracewell in Romeo and Juliet.

I guess it is going to be hard this time to make it happen but it would be once in a lifetime experience for me. Mostly considering that, although both of them are still young, you never know if there will be another chance to see them in a specific role/partnership.

I hope Mr. O' Hare or someone from the Royal Ballet hears this wish.Fingers crossed.

Edited by Mora
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36 minutes ago, Mora said:

I only hope to see Fumi and Bracewell in Romeo and Juliet.


I am sure that all of us (especially those of us who were lucky enough to see them last time) would agree with you, Mora!

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2 hours ago, Sim said:

I am sure that all of us (especially those of us who were lucky enough to see them last time) would agree with you, Mora!

Thanks Sim 😊

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14 hours ago, Sim said:

My goodness, what a different perspective one gets there.  It felt strange being so close, especially in the Acts II and IV pdd.  They were so intimate that I felt like I was intruding on a private moment both times.  Being so close, I caught every facial expression, every nuance of body language, every subtle change of gesture and of eye contact. 

You weren't thrown by the breaking of the fourth wall to take applause, then?

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8 hours ago, alison said:

You weren't thrown by the breaking of the fourth wall to take applause, then?

Sorry, I don’t understand the question.  

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I also was one of the lucky ones to witness the sublime and sincere dancing of Fumi Kaneko and Vadim Muntagirov Saturday evening. It was perfect and I can practically add nothing to those who expressed their admiration and gratitude for the great evening during the past two days, maybe just add that everybody on the stage danced and acted beautifully.

  And of course I was lucky to escape the transport problems during the weekend as it for a long time resembles the russian roulette especially for those who come to see the performances from far away.




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So lovely to read everyone's reviews of Fumi and Vadim's SL on Saturday. It sounds amazing and I am so sorry to have missed it :( I was ill with a stinking cold,  so I had return my ticket. I hope to catch them in the future, as I know I would think they are amazing together. Thanks, for the photos, too. They are lovely! :) 

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Sorry to hear that @Linnzi5, it’s so frustrating when you get ill and have to miss out on performances.  I returned my tickets in favour of attending a concert with one of my favourite musicians who rarely comes to these shores and I’m pleased to report I didn’t hear one bum note all evening !🤣 I was dreading reading all the superlative reviews for Swan Lake, but I was so happy with the performance I did see with Vadim and Marianela and so thrilled with my concert, that I can live with my decision.  

I would be prepared to place heavy bets on Fumi and Vadim dancing Romeo and Juliet together.

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53 minutes ago, alison said:

I think a lot of people might be hoping for Kaneko and Bracewell there.

I am definitely one of those people! 

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Well, I am looking forward to seeing Muntagirov paired with someone other than Nunez, so I shall be there on Thursday as well.  I shall worry about casting for R & J later, I am currently enjoying the current run of Swans. 

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1 hour ago, OnePigeon said:

I would be prepared to place heavy bets on Fumi and Vadim dancing Romeo and Juliet together.


It would be interesting if they copied the Manon pairings for R&J, so Fumi/Vadim and William/Yasmine. I personally would like to see Ball/Magri as I'd like to see them paired on the ROH stage more often.

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1 hour ago, alison said:

I think a lot of people might be hoping for Kaneko and Bracewell there.

And they were absolutely fantastic last time round but, then again, a lot of people were convinced that no-one could match the Kaneko/Bracewell pairing for SL and than Fumi and Vadim blew us all away on Saturday so who knows …

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It's Will and Fumi for me, every time, but I am coming to see Vadim and Fumi on Thursday - who could resist.  Vadim and Fumi didn't do it for me in Manon, and I spent more time glorying in Joe Sissens as Lescaut, which really surprised me on all 3 fronts. However I think Swan Lake is a different scenario and fully expect to be wowed by V&F.  Wowed though, as opposed to emotionally wrung out.  We shall see.  

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2 hours ago, JennyTaylor said:

I think Swan Lake is a different scenario and fully expect to be wowed by V&F.  Wowed though, as opposed to emotionally wrung out.  We shall see. 

Well I was utterly, completely, totally wrung out. I can’t remember having ever felt so moved by Swan Lake. I do hope that you feel the same, @JennyTaylor

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24 minutes ago, Scheherezade said:

Well I was utterly, completely, totally wrung out. I can’t remember having ever felt so moved by Swan Lake. I do hope that you feel the same, @JennyTaylor

Me too. The emotion and the connection between them was so strong.

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14 hours ago, Sim said:

Sorry, I don’t understand the question.  


(Had to hunt back a couple of pages to find this again!)


I meant the stepping out of character to take the applause in Act II.  I know some people had commented adversely on it in relation to a previous cast.

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Rather late to posting my thoughts about Saturday, but this was because I only decided to open an account after seeing Saturday’s performance!


A lot has already been said (and so wonderfully put) about Saturday, that I can only add that it was a very very special rendition that we got to see. Fumi and Vadim were deeply emotive from start to finish, and it was a connection so real to me that the inevitable tragedy at the end carried such an emotional weight I am still savouring over the past few days! 

I am torn between not two(!) but three! acts to crown my favourite of the night - Act II - moved me from the moment Odette and Siegfried set eyes on each other, textbook weightless lifts in the PDD, and a very believable love story where Odette gave in to her emotions and really let her heart lead her; Act III - exhilarating with all the technical fireworks (both Fumi’s and Vadim’s variations and their fouettés, not to mention Vadim adding in a cabriole at the end of the Black Swan coda): or Act IV - astonishingly intimate, seeing Siegfried’s anguish and slow realisation that he couldn’t undo what had befallen them was tear-inducing, to say the least.


Also had a really pleasant time at stage door, both of them seemed very pleased with their performance as much as their audience.

For those going on Thursday, do enjoy your time by the lake, how I wish I could be there as well!

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