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Sleepy Giselle

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Everything posted by Sleepy Giselle

  1. If a list hasn’t been made yet - here’s one!
  2. Watched live from cinemas tonight - what a performance!! Superb acting and dancing throughout, I thought the story really worked here. (More to come, this ballet wrung me out emotionally!!)
  3. Very curious about Cinderella casting now that Alice casting is out - seems like lots of opportunities in the upcoming season are given to dancers at a relatively junior stage of their career!
  4. Well. Where to begin? What a spectacular night with Fumi and Vadim Sizzling with chemistry (with a capital letter S!!) Simply stunning - I was left speechless with my heart and soul (shattered into a million tiny pieces after Act IV) still very much by the lake!! Absolutely no regrets picking up a ticket after last Saturday - would've had major fomo if I didn't attend last night😂 I've taken a particular liking to a phrase Zenaida Yanowsky used when she coached Fumi at a Swan Lake insight event 2020 (it's stuck with me every since I saw it on YouTube) - "as long as there is honesty, then we will read it". Last night was a genuine emotive performance from start to finish: I watched a true love story unfold as two lost souls, Odette and Siegfried, learnt to love and to give in to their emotions by the lake in Act II; a dazzling display of technique and flair in Act III with Vadim literally flying across the stage as an illustration of Siegfried's boundless joy of thinking that he had found his true love, and Fumi making the steps look so easy (honestly, if I were Siegfried I'd fall in love with her as well!); an inevitable last dance in Act IV as Siegfried anguished at his irrevocable mistake, but all guilt was in vain - it was heartbreaking, to say the least, to watch him realise what's done is done and there was no way of making amends. Fumi's mime as Odette to kill herself was really the dramatic apex of the night, watching through my binoculars I could so clearly see and understand Odette's resolute and Siegfried reacting in horror - so expressive, so moving😭 Sublime. It really, really will take a while (a long while!) to get my head out of this performance. But now, praying to the ballet gods... please PLEASE please have a cinema relay for fumi as odette/odile soon!! p.s. what a cute red run!!!
  5. More to come - but wow. I was blew away by this performance, I can foresee it’s going to take me a very long time to get my head out of tonight’s emotions!! So glad to have gotten tickets!!
  6. Couldn’t resist getting tickets for tonight after Saturday… Is there a Forum table to chat tonight, by any chance
  7. Hello, I have a standing standing ticket Balcony C64 for sale (I managed to get better tickets seating!) - for tomorrow (9/5) Swan Lake, face value £14.
  8. Rather late to posting my thoughts about Saturday, but this was because I only decided to open an account after seeing Saturday’s performance! A lot has already been said (and so wonderfully put) about Saturday, that I can only add that it was a very very special rendition that we got to see. Fumi and Vadim were deeply emotive from start to finish, and it was a connection so real to me that the inevitable tragedy at the end carried such an emotional weight I am still savouring over the past few days! I am torn between not two(!) but three! acts to crown my favourite of the night - Act II - moved me from the moment Odette and Siegfried set eyes on each other, textbook weightless lifts in the PDD, and a very believable love story where Odette gave in to her emotions and really let her heart lead her; Act III - exhilarating with all the technical fireworks (both Fumi’s and Vadim’s variations and their fouettés, not to mention Vadim adding in a cabriole at the end of the Black Swan coda): or Act IV - astonishingly intimate, seeing Siegfried’s anguish and slow realisation that he couldn’t undo what had befallen them was tear-inducing, to say the least. Also had a really pleasant time at stage door, both of them seemed very pleased with their performance as much as their audience. For those going on Thursday, do enjoy your time by the lake, how I wish I could be there as well!
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