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Your favourite UK show of 2022? Vote by 12 December!

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6 hours ago, Balletfanp said:

Me too 😁

And me.

If we had a vote here I'd vote the same! As its the best performance I've seen in my 30 years as a ballet goer it's a bit of a no brainer really. 

Edited by jmhopton
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5 hours ago, capybara said:

A show which virtually every critic failed to see. So it, and Vadim’s sensational performance as Rudolph, is unlikely to get any recognition at the 2022 National Dance Awards.


or at least failed to write up......

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15 hours ago, Ian Macmillan said:

Any follow-up yet by the Guardian for those who have voted? 

I've had a reply asking if it will be OK to include my submission in the roundup.  Of course they could have asked loads more than they need so I'll have to wait and see.  Forgot to ask when the roundup is! Perhaps I'll have to email him back.

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I totally agree Fonty, that's how I voted, on the grounds that the Ashton programme was a very well balanced and varied bill, with music from 3 different composers, and choreography that was musical and expressive for ballets that followed different styles. (I actually worded it a lot better than that!)

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I’d drafted something but couldn’t submit the form.

I now find on the Guardian’s website:

“This form has been deactivated and is closed to any further submissions.”

Very irritating as I’d assumed a deadline of Monday midnight meant submissions could be made up to the deadline!



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8 minutes ago, JohnS said:

I’d drafted something but couldn’t submit the form.

I now find on the Guardian’s website:

“This form has been deactivated and is closed to any further submissions.”

Very irritating as I’d assumed a deadline of Monday midnight meant submissions could be made up to the deadline!


Yes, very poor - especially since it also still says the deadline is midnight tonight. 

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At first when looking at this  was thinking of the whole ballet season so from Sept 2021 to July 2022! 
But then realised only 2022 shows. 
That would be the Ashton Triple for me followed closely by ENB Raymonda (inspite of plot flaws) 

If it had been the whole season would have gone for Takada/Corrales Giselle as well and a tough call between those three! 
Anyway can’t vote now it’s too late anyway. 
My favourite performance from the last four years would be Hayward and Corrales in R &J by a long way….just for the record!! 

Edited by LinMM
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I guess there’s been a lot of interest and the team don’t want to have to wade through any more submissions than they need for their article. But I do think it would have been much better to have allowed submissions up to the deadline even if many were unread.


Anyhow I have contacted the Guardian’s Culture Desk and included the key boxes I’d got on Pages, largely for completeness on my part and to make a point.


I opted for Mayerling (not a specific cast/performance but the whole run) and, as an aside, mentioned the bouquets for male dancers.

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On 11/12/2022 at 22:15, Jan McNulty said:

I've voted for Northern Ballet's Casanova at Sadler's Wells on the the Saturday evening - Javier Torres' retirement performance.

I wanted to vote for the same but only saw this at 23.59 & couldn’t get the form open tk fill in sadly…..

I loved the whole fluid & progressive story telling of this ballet with stunning effective sets, props, costumes & lighting all perfectly complementing the choreography to create a piece of complete ballet theatre. 
And the outstanding & powerful performance by Torres & the subsequent on stage ‘goodbye’ added to the emotion of the evening. Loved it! 


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Yes I noticed the Guardians list yesterday and meant to mention it so thanks Capybara. No mention of the RB or any classical ballet as far as I could see. Very disappointing choice indeed. Perhaps they follow the example the Arts Council seem to require these days, and judge by 'relevance' rather than excellence. 

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On 17/12/2022 at 22:28, jmhopton said:

Yes I noticed the Guardians list yesterday and meant to mention it so thanks Capybara. No mention of the RB or any classical ballet as far as I could see. Very disappointing choice indeed. Perhaps they follow the example the Arts Council seem to require these days, and judge by 'relevance' rather than excellence. 


On reflection, I think my reaction here was rather unfair as I haven't experienced any of the winning performances. They may indeed all have been excellent. I'm not at all bothered that my reply to the Guardian wasn't mentioned, just disappointed that the excellent RB performances from Ashton triple to Mayerling (and many other great performances as well) weren't considered worth mentioning. Also BRBs excellent Don Q and ENBs innovative Raymonda. So, my reply was a result of this disappointment but was still rather ill judged. If I offended anyone I apologise, and will try to think before writing in disappointment in the future!

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