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Room 101


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Having stayed with friends in Wiltshire between Rheingold and Walkure, I'd rather hoped for easier Sunday travel than from Penrith.  Unfortunately the Paddington overhead power lines were down (again?) and at Reading we all had to decant on to the Waterloo line - an extra 90 minutes.  I'm afraid I couldn't find my way out of Waterloo - I used to walk over Hungerford Bridge regularly but was completely flummoxed.  No doubt the Hungerford Bridge pedestrian crossing changed many years ago.  I did make the start of Walkure with 10 minutes to spare but not quite the journey I'd planned.

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17 hours ago, alison said:

I want to put whoever was responsible for not reinstating the overbridge at London Bridge Station after the redevelopment into Room 101, please!  It's at least twice, and possibly 3 times, as far to go down to the nether regions as it used to be to climb up the stairs to change platforms, and quite frankly it's a "£$%^"^$&" pain.  Unfortunately, the powers that be have seen fit to take out all my trains to Charing Cross, so I'm stuck with having to change there :( 

 Alison, I use London Bridge all the time, and I am always changing from the main line to the tube.  As far as I am concerned, the redevelopment is not an improvement. I am sure the architects thought they were producing something that looked lovely,  with all that glass and open space, but in terms of passenger movement, as you say, it seems to take twice as long to get anywhere.  


And whose idea was it to get rid of a central board when you first arrive at the station that lists not only the final destinations of the next ten or so trains, but all the stops along the way?  Instead, you get a "next fastest train to" tucked away round the corner,  which only lists some of the larger stations.  Hopeless if your actual station is not deemed important enough to be listed.  

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I really dislike London Bridge ....it's the only London station that I've had to literally memorise and write down how to get in and out of when doing tube to tube or mainline to tube etc in the past.

I do find it a lot easier now though than when all the renovations were going on ( and in the last two years just didn't go there at all as dreaded it so much) I know exactly what to do etc but it must be annoying for people who knew it much better and now find it worse. 

When not coming in to Victoria ( from Brighton) I still go to Blackfriars though rather than London Bridge if I want Covent Garden say or central London ....Blackfriars is easy to negotiate, restful and with lovely  views and then only a 15-20 min bus into the Strand or Trafalgar Sq etc .....well when there are no roadworks etc and it's not the rush hour!!

Edited by LinMM
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Yes, I agree. I used to hate the train for Canterbury leaving or ending at London Bridge when I was travelling to and from university. I much preferred Victoria Station. There is something baleful about that bridge to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was at Office Depot trying to buy large envelopes, and they had a sign up that their card reader wasn't working so they could only take cash. So I thought I'd get packets of five envelopes rather than 25, to conserve what bit of cash I had available. That is, until I realized that the packets of five were half the price of packets of 25. Sometimes I wonder if they choose their retail prices with a random-number generator.

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Turning up at your London station after the ballet to find no train home! I see the trains are in quite a mess tonight and feel for people who have had a day out in town, been to the Nutcracker or a show ...it was nearly me! Hope they all get home safely.

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The relentless perkiness of delivery people.  Smiling youth at 8.10 am "Hello there and how are you today?"  Me: "Fine, thanks".  Broadly grinning youth: " How has your morning been?" Me: "Well so far so good but it's early yet". 


And while on the subject of relentless perkiness, how about this?  Email in response to an online purchase: " Thanks, Anne, you're awesome".  Me: (thinks) "No I'm not, I've merely ordered some wild bird food".


Perhaps the Christmas spirit hasn't hit me yet ...


(Sorry - I meant to post in Room 101.)

Edited by AnneMarriott
To correct wrong post thread.
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Winter coughs/colds.  No doubt this has been a favourite for 101.  I've been struggling with a cough/cold for 12 days with no improvement and having spoken to my excellent surgery decided I'd have to cancel my pre Christmas London trip.  I'd hoped to go to the Triple Bill twice, Hansel & Gretel, and Nutcracker twice - five performances for two nights away as well as seeing friends and family.  I don't normally get coughs/colds but this year seems particularly grim for many people.  Disappointing but more relaxing I think to stay home catching up on some DVDs and certainly less irritating to audience members if I were desperately trying not to cough and probably failing.

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Get well soon, JohnS.  I'm trying everything possible to avoid getting a similar bug myself as I'm only about halfway through my schedule of carol services etc. (all of which are very small choirs/quartets which can't do without me, at a time of year when all possible deputies are generally already busy).


Meanwhile, my best-laid plans for attending opera and ballet performances are being scuppered by my still-injured foot.  But at least that doesn't have to be functioning in order for me to sing...

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21 hours ago, JohnS said:

I don't normally get coughs/colds but this year seems particularly grim for many people.  Disappointing but more relaxing I think to stay home catching up on some DVDs and certainly less irritating to audience members if I were desperately trying not to cough and probably failing.


Oh, you'd have been in good company last night, John!

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Sorry to hear it johnS. I've had it- it's a ghastly bug that lasts weeks. So sensible to stay at home. I v much wish some of the audience last night had had that much sense....not only did their loud coughing disrupt the performance ( which was musically very quiet) but they are spreading beastly germs everywhere....

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Hope you are better soon JohnS so disappointing for you....it was me last year having to cancel tickets as my partner was ill bit the ROH did resell one of my more expensive tickets which was great! Hope you haven't lost out too much on tickets etc X 

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I didn't want to start a specific thread for this, but couldn't think where else would be suitable, so: my heart goes out to all those who have lost possessions - whole livelihoods, "lives", their worldly goods and so on - in the storage warehouse fire in Croydon over New Year.  I knew it had to be bad when the tram service nearby was still stopped 24 hours afterwards, but had not expected total destruction.  Speaking as someone who has much of her own "life" still in storage, I've been very much aware over the past 24 hours that even if you are fully insured there are things which just cannot be replaced: family photos and other precious memories :(  

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Why do some people do this?


I got chatting to someone (who I had met only once previously) at an event today, and we were talking about a mutual interest. She is a current enthusiast about said activity, and it is something that I used to do years ago. I told her a story about something that happened to me way back in the mists of time, she disagreed with what I said, and went out of her way to tell me that my interpretation of the situation was completely wrong. I explained again and again, and she continued to argue the toss just for the sake of it.


Infuriating, especially as we were sitting opposite one another eating a meal that somebody else was paying for, so I couldn't just walk off. :angry:

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I've been meaning to dump Westminster City Council and/or their contractors in here: New Year's Eve was on Monday, right?  So how come, when I arrived in the Trafalgar Square area on Friday night, there were still stacks of crowd control barriers sitting all over the place, and quite a few upright barriers still assembled in twos, threes or fours getting in people's way?  Unless there was some other event on Saturday (and I didn't see any signs of anything when I was up there then), why on earth had they not cleared everything away?  Very poor. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding incompetency of companies to room 101. Received a strongly worded letter threatening to take us to court for failing to settle a bill from November - from a company linked to the police promising 'sensitive and caring assistance to victims of crime'. They were the company police called in to emergency board up our patio doors when we were burgled on holiday. This letter was received despite us paying on time and already responding to 2 letters accusing us of non-payment - each time being told 'oh yes, sorry we can see you have paid already, no further action required'  Talk about adding extra stress to an already distressing situation.

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No good deed goes unpunished.


I recently helped another parent connect with a ballet coach for her daughter, and now it seems the only times that will work for them are the exact hours my daughter had been attending. How... mysterious! And how high-handed does a person have to be to assume we would (naturally!) make way for her?

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Oh no, Legseleven -- I'm so sorry to hear that! People honestly just stun me sometimes. 


As suspected, our times are being shifted around, but on the very bright side, my daughter has just been offered an extra session a week! Being between schools is really hard, but I'm so grateful to her new teacher.

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I am directing to Room 101 anyone who walks diagonally across a busy pedestrian crossing, instead of walking straight then turning on the path.  They get to save themselves two or three steps on the other side by adopting the 'hypotenuse', but get in the way of everyone else and potentially cause trips along the way - had this twice this morning on packed 'beat the count-down' crossings in London!  I'd happily train these miscreants using a pair of pig-boards...

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