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Mummy twinkle toes

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Everything posted by Mummy twinkle toes

  1. One assessed out of yr 9 actually knew the girl that was going to replace her. It was quite a surprise as she had been doing well. Handled it very well though
  2. You don't say what size she is. If she has small feet you have less options. The smallest available in uk are size 1. Grishkos and Sancha. Size 3 or above get a greater selection.
  3. We did consider the school in Berlin. The training is free if you get accepted. However, they usually begin at 10 years old. You do need to speak German at a basic level. I believe there is a lady on the forum who sent her son there but can't remember her name. She did say her son loved it there.
  4. You could try Tring ss. I know it is not in Birmingham but not too far. Lasts 4 days. No photos required. They set based upon the application form but will move dc if in wrong group. The price also includes a theatre trip. Last year dd1 did ballet, contemporary, jazz, commercial, musical theatre and hip hop. On the final day you can watch. They have 2 sets of dates this year as it is popular. Dd1 really enjoyed and I enjoyed seeing my ballet daughter trying to spin on her head in hip hop/street class.
  5. Thanks again for all the replies. They are very reassuring ????????
  6. She would be going into yr8. I will try and find some tap classes for her. Thanks for the replies.
  7. Thanks Washitape. She has focused on ballet and not many tap classes near us.
  8. Dd1 could be going to Hammond, depending on funding. She has not done much tap at all and is worrying about this. Are other people beginners or have most studied it? Dd would be grade 1 and worrying everyone else grade4 plus.
  9. Thanks Pointeless. I will phone them just in case.
  10. Hi Pointeless. She will be yr8. I hope I ticked box saying she needs funding.
  11. Dd1 has just been given a place. There is no detail of funding final. Will we be told this once forms are returned?
  12. Yes, we were at Hammond and she did say 250,000 cut off. Love to earn that but only in my dreams. Will see if I can find definitive figure
  13. There are very few Mds awards at Tring and Hammond. All rbs students get one providing they are from uk and parents earn under £250,000. Not all Elmhurst students receive. If you watch 'the ballet school', you can follow the story of Dominic. Accepted at Elmhurst but no funding. His parents remortgaged but their money run out in yr8, I think. He then had to leave but did go to Hammond.
  14. Thanks 2dancers. I will discuss with Gp and see if we can get referral.????
  15. The mds award amount is based on household income not talent. Each child with mds will therefore pay a different amount.
  16. Thanks both. There is no physical issue. She is just not flexible in her back and it was in her assessment as a concern. I have told her normal teacher and will tell the associate teacher. I just wondered if there were exercises that could help. I know several for other issues but cannot think of any for the back specifically.
  17. Hi taxi she is 12. It was feedback from one of the vocational schools.
  18. Dd1 has been told she is tight in her back. Just wondered what type of exercises she could do? She says her neck feels painful when stretching backwards. I have tried to explain about pulling up and out of hips before doing backbends but she still struggles. She is fine stretching forwards and to side.
  19. I agree Happymum. The simplest steps are often the hardest to get right????
  20. Wilkinsons sell a good range of clips, pins and hairnets.
  21. My dd just wears Elmhurst jacket too(9-10) Gave trousers to older brother(13) and they fit him well
  22. It was Tala Lee Turton who went to Bolshoi. Her website is talaleeturton Wordpress. You can contact her/read about her journey. You can try and raise funds on gofundme but be prepared to get some negative comments as some people don't realise the hardship of getting a place. Recently I read one and some comments were suggesting dancers should just go to normal college. However other people had donated so you never know. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
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