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Everything posted by glissade

  1. It's a shame that 'busking' isn't always so recognised on this forum! Puts me in mind of Joshua Bell - https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/pearls-before-breakfast-can-one-of-the-nations-great-musicians-cut-through-the-fog-of-a-dc-rush-hour-lets-find-out/2014/09/23/8a6d46da-4331-11e4-b47c-f5889e061e5f_story.html
  2. In my experience, it's always a good idea to be honest with your current teacher - I always 'request permission' for my daughter to have a lesson with someone else. It's never been refused so perhaps we're lucky, but still .... it would open up interesting discussion if her teacher ever did say she wasn't happy with the idea.
  3. It's funny, but a lot of your concerns are also raised in a previous thread. It might be an interesting read for you .....
  4. My daughter dances with them as they come .... no darning or sticky things or anything. She trims the satin when it frays.
  5. I should also add that the tracksuit bottoms leave navy fluff all over tights and socks, even after multiple washings! That's why my daughter prefers leggings.
  6. As far as I'm aware (well, my daughter certainly hasn't been told otherwise in the 3 years she's been an RBS associate!) the tracksuit is entirely optional. My daughter usually wears black leggings and a bright red t-shirt over her leotard. Her t-shirt even has 'RAD Associates" printed on it!!
  7. Target dates for RAD Exam results are here: https://www.rad.org.uk/achieve/exams/more-information/exam-dates In my experience, the results usually arrive a day or two before their target date. Hope that helps!
  8. Many thanks, trog! That's exactly the info I needed
  9. Thanks - it's just very helpful to know that she shouldn't be expecting to be able to use it as per the images on Google. And that she shouldn't be disappointed with herself for not being able to use it as per the images on Google.
  10. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tendu-Stretch-Resistance-Expand-Exercise/dp/B0198NUXRO This one.
  11. Thanks Jan - it's just that it's not a theraband question per se .... it's a specific "this particular loop" question (a looped band, not a one with two ends). I'll try to link it ....
  12. Would be very grateful for some advice .... My daughter has just received a purple Tendu resistance band and is discouraged because it seems to be (in my opinion at least) very 'heavy duty'. Do other people's 12 year old daughters use this and manage to do all those arabesquey stretching poses with it?! Thanks for any help :-)
  13. Mechanical Dolls by Ezio Bosso is very 'static electricity' ...
  14. Lol - I have no nasturtiums, dalmations or otherwise aspirations to graduate from my sofa, let alone wear a bum-hugging leotard! And the fewer prunes admitted into that mental image, the better!
  15. Why do I have a picture in my mind of a troll laughing at the very kind, sincere people who are feeding it?
  16. As far as I'm aware, Mark Annear seems to be at all of the JA/MA auditions. I think Sylvia Hubbard goes to all of them too.
  17. It makes it sound like a free-for-all. Are there more places available per year group than previously .....?
  18. PS - also this article - http://www.adweek.com/digital/6-places-video-creators-can-find-royalty-free-music/ Hope that helps!
  19. I don't know how any software could tell if a commercially-available song has come from a CD or has been converted into an mp3 from YouTube. I guess if it's an original composition that has been uploaded to YouTube by the artist, and if that is the only source of the music, then it would be safe to assume that the music had been downloaded if you used it ..... but I don't know how any software would know that. Perhaps there is a way ..... I don't have the technical experience to offer any informed advice, but it does sound like an empty threat to me. Having said that, it's prob worthwhile looking at articles like this one that I found - http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2016/10/10/youtube-to-mp3-sites-illegal/
  20. You're making an influencer marketing video for Capezio?
  21. Wondering how the vocational schools are preparing for the new GCSEs ...... From what I've seen so far, the GCSEs are harder - much harder - than before. Teachers in top academic grammar and independent schools are worried about the standards required to get good grades on these exams. I wonder how the academic teachers at Elmhurst, WL are preparing ....?
  22. Unless they are already at WL, I would guess that the majority of children going there for the summer school will be on their own too. It's hard enough for a UK child to get a place, let alone get a place for their friend too! You say it's not the main reason for wanting to swap weeks, but just a thought, if it helps ....
  23. Re composing ..... My daughter uses GarageBand, but not sure if this is still just an Apple thing or not. Perhaps she might compose some music for ballet class ..... could make an interesting GCSE Music project, anyway .....!
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