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  1. Please ask questions about Upper School/6th Form auditions in this thread. Do also make use of the "search" facility (top right of the forum pages) in case your question has been asked before. :-) I apologise for not tagging all Upper Schools but tags are limited in number. If anyone has questions or info about auditions at schools not listed, please do post anyway. Thanks, Spanner
  2. Well......truly priced out of applying for RBS now. £950 for what is 5 days of training?!!! I have read that correct haven't I? They have put their dates out for summer on their website:(
  3. I unfortunately won't be able to get to London for Thursday's RBS performance in the Next Generation 2024 series, so am selling my ticket: Thursday, 20 June 2024 Upper Circle / Door 2 / Row A Seat 46 / £ 10.00 Restricted View
  4. Hi, following an unsuccessful audition for RBS upper school my daughter has unexpectedly been put on the short waitlist for advanced associates. Does anyone have any experience of this waitlist or how “short” it is? Do the dancers that attend this associate class do it in addition to vocational upper school or academic 6th form? Just wondering if it might work for her. Thanks
  5. DD would like to apply for RBS Summer but I get no further than the first personal details page before it asks for a confirmation login. The only one I have is from our Spring application but we were asked at the time whether we were applying for summer- which week/ boarding etc so is it just one application for both intensives or am I doing something wrong? DD had a yes for Spring so I don’t want to modify the application if it affects our Spring course bookings. We were hoping to update photos for summer too. Hopefully someone can help!
  6. Does anyone know if WL generally has an open day for prospective applicants and, if so, roughly when in the year it is? I appreciate it was all online last year (and may be again I suppose) but I wondered what had generally happened in the past. Thanks.
  7. We are just at the very beginning of this journey and I was wondering if anyone could advise on the best age for vocational school? Year 7 seems very young but are you less likely to find a place in year 9. Cost would be a major issue for us and my initial feeling is the later the better but I don't want my daughter to miss out if the potential is there, a big if I realise
  8. Dear Friends, Some months ago I was approached by the London Review of Books to write an essay about the Royal Ballet and its schools in the wake of the tragic death of Liam Scarlett. That piece came out last month, and can be found here. In the course of researching the piece I spoke to a number of Royal Ballet dancers and present and former RBS pupils and parents. Many of them had strong feelings about the culture of the institution, and in particular about the negative and lasting effects of certain aspects of the White Lodge experience. After the piece came out I was contacted by Mandy Burrows, who is the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) for the Kingston and Richmond Safeguarding Children Partnership. Ms Burrows would like to hear from past and present parents and pupils of White Lodge who have experienced, witnessed, or been affected by the issues described in the LRB piece. These issues include bullying, belittling, body-shaming, undue pressurising, and other forms of behaviour (ie sexually inappropriate or abusive) damaging to children. She and her team, who liaise with the police, intend to make an assessment of current and historic issues at the school. Ms Burrows stressed that those speaking to her or her team will be doing so in complete confidence. To contact Mandy Burrows and her team call the LADO line: 0777 4332 675 email: LADO@achievingforchildren.org.uk
  9. Hello, I’m new here! I’ve been reading the forum and found it so informative. I am looking for advice for my daughter - she is 10 and about to start Year 6. She attends our local dance school where she does ballet twice a week, as well as tap, acro, modern and musical theatre. She absolutely loves dancing. She recently successfully auditioned for the English Youth Ballet. I have been looking into options for extra training for her, alongside her regular classes. Her dance school offered extra associate type classes for some students until earlier this year but those have stopped for now. I’ve been looking at the various associate classes (we are in the South East) and I’ve booked her into the RBS insight day in September. At 10 is she already too old for me to be looking into this? Her current aim is to train in musical theatre not ballet specifically, but she loves ballet and wants to continue to a high level. Are associate programmes only for those who plan to apply for vocational ballet training? I would also appreciate any suggestions for holiday courses. She did some local dance school summer camps this year but she was too old for them really. Thank you from a newbie trying to navigate this world!
  10. Hi, I’m 15 years old (born in September so I’m almost 16). I am in year 10 now and will be auditioning for colleges in year 11. Recently I have been attending lots of associate program auditions; I was accepted into ballet boost seniors but rejected to enb and csb. I still have my rambert audition tomorrow. I am not sure what to do as csb is my dream college (realistically. I’d LOVE rbs but I’m not sure if I’m talented enough so my dad told me to reduce my expectations, and I chose csb. I’ve done lots of research and it seems like the perfect school for me). I’m a bit heartbroken as I’m not sure what to do now, I have about 6 months before the audition for the college, and if I can’t make it into the associates, I’m not sure how I’ll make it to the college. They don’t respond with feedback either, so there’s no way to know what I need to work on in this limited time too. Does anyone have any advice? What do colleges look for? And especially csb and enb. I’ve tagged my top schools, however I will be audition for a few others, but they include musical theatre which isn’t me so I’d prefer the tagged schools. I’ve just taken my intermediate RAD exam too (literally yesterday) and have already been training in advanced 1 for a while. Thank you so much for any advice you can give, I’m a little stressed and overwhelmed right now 😅
  11. https://ondemand.royalballetschool.org.uk/?_ga=2.201496145.1133413541.1666816886-1086377712.1665837072 Looks exciting.
  12. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions for hostel or cheaper hotels/B&B that might be suitable and not far away from Covent Garden’s, maybe with other participants staying? Or does someone want to share an AirBnB? First 2weeks. Thanks 🙏 Anja
  13. What are other options for an associate programme other than RB for year 7
  14. Good morning all, Our child has recently been offered a place at WL in year 7. They want to go, but rather than go into this with eyes wide shut, we wanted to do some research and learn from the past experiences of others. Looks like we just missed the boat and a recent thread has been removed by the moderators for one reason or another. I am a member of many forums and have never in my life known for a thread to be deleted. Locked yes, but deleted? All the forum needs to do is state that any opinions shared on the forum are not of their own and are of the members. Forums are very useful source of impartial information and was hoping to learn here. Can someone give us a little flavour as to what to expect please? How did they child cope with boarding? Was the school helpful in settling them in etc? For £34k a year, the dorms are basic to say the least. The toilet in the dorms was covered in #%^* when we did a tour a few weeks and that’s when the school knew that prospective parents were coming in. Any cleaners? If the forum doesn’t allow discussion on RBS, which is shocking I’d this is the case, can someone just DM me please? Many thanks I’m advance. DD
  15. DS auditioned last week for Year 7 at White Lodge, now anxiously awaiting results, feels like a long time already! Anyone know when results likely to come out? They said around 2 weeks, but think in past years it’s been earlier, hope that’s the case!
  16. Latest news from RBS. Possibly not going to help with the dwindling numbers of Brits at the school. The Royal Ballet School’s partnership with Kinoshita Group The Royal Ballet School is delighted to announce an exciting new collaboration with Kinoshita Group as Principal Corporate Sponsors of The Royal Ballet School, alongside the continuation of their generous student sponsorship of our Japanese dancers. This will see the Group join our longstanding corporate partners, Imagination, in supporting our 2023 Summer Performances and lending support to our outreach programmes, joining us in our mission to widen access to classical ballet for future generations. As Principal Corporate Sponsor, Kinoshita Group will continue to work with us as we approach our Centenary in 2026, to help secure the School’s financial future and ensure we remain a world leader in classical ballet education for the next 100 years. Kinoshita Group shares our goals: to ensure no student with potential is turned away due to financial hardship; to continue to be at the forefront of ballet training, having a far-reaching impact on raising standards in our sector; and to have a positive impact on society by widening access to our art form, inspiring and influencing on a global scale. The Group have graciously supported the training of Japanese students through the School since 2016, seven of whom now dance professionally with top-flight ballet companies around the world, including The Royal Ballet and Birmingham Royal Ballet. These students would not have realised their incredible potential without Kinoshita Group’s philanthropy. Artistic Director Christopher Powney said: Founded in 1990, Kinoshita Group is best known for housing development and real estate ventures. Their mission is to provide ‘harmony between culture and a fulfilling life’. Through corporate philanthropy, they hope to hand over a prosperous and sustainable society and environment to the next generation. In light of this announcement, Kinoshita Group said:
  17. This is my DD first time doing an in person audition at RBS, age 13. Would anyone have insight into what to expect. My daughter is a vocational student and not new to RBS style having been to the summer intensive, but more curious about how many typically in a room and anything that we should take note of ahead of the day. Also, any ideas on how many move onto the final round? Do they choose students for associates from that pool only? Good luck to everyone this audition season!!
  18. Anyone going to the online launch events this week? I’m excited to hear more about the contextual & creative work.
  19. RBS have uploaded a post with brief details of last year's graduates: when they entered the School, their accomplishments at the School and information about what they've been doing since they left. Most interesting, and I do hope we'll see further follow-up. https://www.royalballetschool.org.uk/2022/08/01/our-2021-graduates-where-are-they-now/
  20. due to an upgrade i am looking to re-home SCS d51. please DM and leave a message if interested. thanks
  21. Hi If anyone has a spare ticket (seated or standing) for this performance please can you send me a PM. many thanks Peter
  22. Hi all, I am not acquainted with the dance world at all. My Dd just got accepted as a JA at RBS, so I've got all these questions swirling in my head and I'm hoping you can help me out. Assuming she is still interested in ballet in the next few years, would we then apply for vocational schools for her in y7? Are these boarding schools, since we have none very local to us. I'm also not keen to let her go at such a tender age. Could she have a career in ballet without going to a vocational school? Sending her for ballet training will be a big sacrifice for us as a family - time, and effort, and finances. I know it's a decision only I can make, but what kinds of career paths would this lead to? And what sort of salary? Ultimately I am struggling to answer my question- is it worth it? (I sincerely don't want to offend anyone here, I am just in need of wisdom from experienced parents). Thank you so much for your time to answer my questions!
  23. Did anyone else clock this on the RBS website? https://www.royalballetschool.org.uk/train/dancer-training/intensive-courses/uk-spring-intensive/ Join us in Covent Garden this Spring and curate your own Intensive Course The Royal Ballet School will deliver a newprogramme of courses during the Easter break 2022. We are delighted to bring you an exciting variety of programmes in Covent Garden, as we are unable to offer our usual residential course at White Lodge this Spring. Dates 4-8 April 2022 Location The Royal Ballet School, 46 Floral Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2E 9DA Please note, this is a non-residential course. Eligibility Students aged 12-13 and 14-15 years old (age by 1 May 2022). Application deadlines Applications open 25 October. Applications close 17 November.
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