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  1. A popular alternative to hairspray is gel spray due to sensitive fire alarms
  2. @BarahobaMechty thank you for starting this feed. I’m also interested in what to pack. Of course there will be the standard list however I’m interested in the extras. My daughter has started her Amazon wish list and currently has: - adjustable lamp - desk mirror - fairy lights - water bottle - bed table - blanket - skin care - storage organisers - foldable shoe storage 3 tier - wrap around robe - no ticking battery clock Id be interested in the other random things students have taken with them for boarding! I remember loving getting parcels and letters from home however I think that’s a thing of the past with Amazon prime to contend with!
  3. Lucinda Strachan English National Ballet lucindastrachan15@gmail.com
  4. Any idea when NYB release results for summer intensive? And anyone had experience with the bursary side of things?
  5. That really annoyed me! They could have waited until Friday afternoon, I’ve chosen not to tell my daughter yet and help her focus on the audition instead.
  6. Also would agree, Luke is great https://balletphysio.com/
  7. By the timetable they have sent out, I’m going to assume the final is over 2 days for all finalists. They might possibly change the groups around though?
  8. Thank you @Adagio123 any idea what parents do during this time?
  9. I just love it!! Not enough hours in the day to get through it after work! Me and my daughter watched it last year and thoroughly enjoyed watching the progress of some of our favourites.
  10. The email states 4hrs on the 1st day and 6hrs on 2nd day . They did inform more information will follow however i am impatient and would love to know a bit more if anyone has any knowledge from last year!!
  11. Where can I watch once the live steam is over? Do they put it up at some point on YouTube?
  12. We applied for NYB. Due to my lateness we can only take part in the zoom audition but that saves on travel costs! I’ll look at Malvern and central. Thanks all
  13. Following on from the original post, can anyone share what happens at WL in terms of weekends, leave-out and how long are holidays? Do they take all their stuff back at end of each term? Does WL also do an activity each weekend?
  14. Thanks @Adagio123 with regards to RAD do they start with Intermediate Foundation? What happens if they have taken it already?
  15. Thank you so much for the information. So helpful to create a picture of what the future could look like.
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