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Royal Ballet MacMillan triple bill: Danses Concertantes, Different Drummer, Requiem 20 March to 13 April 2024

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Oh dear sorry to hear there was a fight (!!) but glad the police arrived and sorted it reasonably quickly (?). I feel awful for those nearby in the amphi who certainly would have been at the least distracted, otherwise pretty scared and with a ruined evening. Glass smashing is scary and emphasises why glasses shouldn’t be allowed in the auditorium. That combined with the swearing, if the dancers did hear it they were totally professional and carried on, I couldn’t notice any difference in their performance.

Sounds like the individual needs a lifetime ban from ROH (maybe all theatres!) and some sort of police record / fine. I couldn’t hear the fight at all from where I was down in the Stalls Circle but imagine it would have been pretty distracting and a bad atmosphere up in the amphi. I hope no one was injured. And I hope the fainter recovered quickly as well. 

With regard to the final lift in Requiem my respect grows further for Matthew Ball (and Sarah Lamb who has to fully trust him not to drop her!). I noticed Ball appeared to be exerting a little more effort than usual (only a tiny tiny amount that I imagine many wouldn’t have noticed)  and wondered if perhaps it was meant to be Hirano and Ball lifting together and he was left to do it solo. This would still be impressive but I’m just in awe that this was done last minute under these conditions and very grateful to the dancers for remaining absolutely professional throughout these various events on/off stage to try and give the audience the best performance possible. 

Despite the sad/unpleasant events it was a good evening for me and I’m glad I went, mainly because Requiem was beautiful. Such a shame this set of performances had to end this way though. 

Edited by JNC
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Particularly frightening to have that happen near you in the upper slips, where it can feel a bit exposed anyway -  most unnerving. I am sorry for the audience who had their experience spoilt in this way.

it sounds as if the dancers did brilliantly and I do hope Hirano makes a speedy recovery.


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Just now, Mary said:

Particularly frightening to have that happen near you in the upper slips, where it can feel a bit exposed anyway -  most unnerving. I am sorry for the audience who had their experience spoilt in this way.

it sounds as if the dancers did brilliantly and I do hope Hirano makes a speedy recovery.


I think that might have been why he wasn't evicted - he started with a slow handclap 5 minutes in, left after maybe 20 minutes, stormed back in 5 minutes later, then left again of his own accord after breaking the glass and swearing. I could hear an usher's radio crackling and it seems as if they were waiting at the exit to that area for him, but he wasn't actually ejected from his seating area. I don't think it would have been safe to do so without dropping the curtain and putting up the house lights. 

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12 minutes ago, RHowarth said:

I think that might have been why he wasn't evicted - he started with a slow handclap 5 minutes in, left after maybe 20 minutes, stormed back in 5 minutes later, then left again of his own accord after breaking the glass and swearing. I could hear an usher's radio crackling and it seems as if they were waiting at the exit to that area for him, but he wasn't actually ejected from his seating area. I don't think it would have been safe to do so without dropping the curtain and putting up the house lights. 

What on earth goes through someone’s head when they behave like this! A slow handclap for what purpose? If you really don’t like something generally you just fit through and bear it (or have a nap), it seemed he at least had the right idea when he left the first time if he really couldn’t contain himself for whatever reason but can’t imagine what possessed him to then storm back in!! Unless there are some mitigating mental health type factors to be aware of, I really don’t understand this behaviour. 

@RHowarth hope your evening wasn’t totally spoiled! 

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Mental health issues, I'd say. In my experience, when people behave in an insane way, it's because they are. Let's hope he can receive treatment now.


Sounds as though the company coped brilliantly with a very fraught evening.

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No doubt the full facts will emerge and at present we don't know them.


But it does make me think how very wise it is not to allow glass into the auditorium and I hope they stick with the rule and police it even more carefully (I know they do  - I have often seen people being turned back with glasses)- but it  is perhaps easier to sneak a glass into the door to the slips. Someone could have been hurt. I wish other theatres would take note.




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From what I heard in the amphitheatre + then saw outside on the pavement, only makes me think that ROH need to further prepare on how to handle this situation in the future, especially with the ongoing decline in audience behaviour, for many reasons, to protect the staff, public + the artists.

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1 minute ago, Mary said:

No doubt the full facts will emerge and at present we don't know them.


But it does make me think how very wise it is not to allow glass into the auditorium and I hope they stick with the rule and police it even more carefully (I know they do  - I have often seen people being turned back with glasses)- but it  is perhaps easier to sneak a glass into the door to the slips. Someone could have been hurt. I wish other theatres would take note.




When I left the amphitheatre there was a lot of glass near the doors, including on the floor - small tumblers etc, so with or without anyone smashing glass, that alone was serious a trip hazard. 

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There was no fight.  It was a mental health incident.  I was sitting close beneath the slips and a friend was sitting in the slips who saw what I could only hear.  Eventually the police sent for an ambulance.  Hopefully the man is receiving the care he so obviously needs.


A word of thanks to the ROH security staff who had to deal with a difficult situation and were subject to some dreadful verbal abuse. 


Thankfully these incidents are very rare and I hope those in the vicinity that were badly scared won't be put off from returning to ROH.

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25 minutes ago, MAB said:

There was no fight.  It was a mental health incident.  I was sitting close beneath the slips and a friend was sitting in the slips who saw what I could only hear.  Eventually the police sent for an ambulance.  Hopefully the man is receiving the care he so obviously needs.


A word of thanks to the ROH security staff who had to deal with a difficult situation and were subject to some dreadful verbal abuse. 


Thankfully these incidents are very rare and I hope those in the vicinity that were badly scared won't be put off from returning to ROH.

It is very difficult to fully police glass being taken into theatres. At ours we do police it well at doors into the theatre but there have been times when people have taken glass in bottles and glasses in their bags which we have found abandoned at the pick up. Bar staff sell drinks in plastic "glasses" if going into the auditorium and anyone who arrives at the door with a glass is given a plastic "glass" to put their drink in but it is impossible to see what is in their bag and if they go to the lengths of concealing it there is not a lot we can do. Thankfully it's a fairly rare occurrence. 

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Gosh, that sounds so disturbing.  I hope it didn't ruin everyone's night, including the ROH staff.  


Back to happier things....is that Kevin in the photo giving the champers to FH and MS?  If so, what a lovely gesture of thanks.  I wonder if other last-minute subs get given the same if it is a House gift?

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19 minutes ago, Sim said:

Gosh, that sounds so disturbing.  I hope it didn't ruin everyone's night, including the ROH staff.  


Back to happier things....is that Kevin in the photo giving the champers to FH and MS?  If so, what a lovely gesture of thanks.  I wonder if other last-minute subs get given the same if it is a House gift?

In @Rob S photo, Francesca looks genuinely surprised to receive it.  I agree it is a nice gesture to thank those who slot in at the last minute whatever plans they had to keep the show on the road.

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19 minutes ago, Missfrankiecat said:

In @Rob S photo, Francesca looks genuinely surprised to receive it.  I agree it is a nice gesture to thank those who slot in at the last minute whatever plans they had to keep the show on the road.

Yes, absolutely deserved.  I'm just wondering if this is a new thing to thank last-minute subs on behalf of the RB?

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11 hours ago, alison said:

He actually had a problem just before those jumps, I think

I think you are right. Inoticed that too


Sad as it is, the injury added yet another larger to the poignancy of the piece. Of course I'm dejected hat door piano is injured

What a hard Art this is.





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3 hours ago, alison said:

Just for clarification, it was bad enough as it was, but I don't think anyone actually mentioned a *fight*.

Sorry for misinterpreting I think for some reason I (incorrectly) assumed glasses breaking and swearing meant a fight but from follow up reports it’s clear the individual had some issues they were dealing with. 

In any case I think ROH staff can’t prepare for absolutely every eventuality, so whilst I agree it’s always good to think about “lessons learned” and if anything could have been managed better, in the moment when things are unclear and it’s all very stressful it sounds like it was managed as well as it could have been to a certain extent. Or at least there was minimal (to no) disruption to the performance happening on stage, though of course it would have been disruptive to those around. 

Anyway, re the bill itself - I hope Requiem is revived in the future (5-10 years?) although I would like to see other works not seen in a while first like Gloria, Song of the Earth, Rite of Spring etc. I’m also intrigued by one mentioned in the programme where notations are lost but some sort of video exists so being that back to the stage through some dance detective work could be an interesting project for a choreographer (or maybe even Laura Morera?) Reading the programme notes seems she is doing an excellent job in her new role and I’m pleased ROH retained her.

Edited by JNC
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My goodness, I was SCS at last night’s performance, fairly close to the poor man who fainted - luckily he stood up immediately afterwards and seemed to be ok, unlike a similar fainting incident in the rear amphi standing places not all that long ago when the level 6 exit had to be completely closed off until the medics arrived - but had no idea about the alarming incident in the upper slips. What a relief that there were no injuries.

Like Alison and Cayetana, I did notice Hirano’s earlier problems, including the hint of a limp just a little beforehand, which certainly rang alarm bells at the time. I also wondered how his absence would impact upon the rest of the performance and whether the lift at the end would have to be abandoned so kudos to Matthew Ball for stepping brilliantly, to the whole company for covering so seamlessly and best wishes to Hirano for a successful operation and quick recovery.


All of which seems to have overshadowed the actual performances, which were wonderful throughout. I would have liked to see Osipova and Clarke, purely because I had already seen the first cast for Distant Drummer, but I can’t honestly imagine anyone surpassing Sambe and Hayward as Woyzek and Marie, and as others have said, what an amazing tour de force on Sambe’s part to have carried so many performances of both Distant Drummer and Swan Lake within such a short timespan.


Whilst Dances Concertantes remains very much ‘of its time’, I hold by my first impressions that works of this type should not be allowed to fade from the repertoire. The performances seemed tighter overall than on opening night, with the dancers more comfortable with the choreography and I think that audience enjoyment increases with greater familiarity with what are now inevitably labelled ‘heritage works’. 

And Requiem was, as before, just sublime. Sarah Lamb and Lauren Cuthbertson bought very different qualities to this work. For me, Lauren, whose performance was imbued with a serene humanity, seemed more the instrument, with an other-worldly Sarah more the author, of what was happening around them. Both were exquisite. And as no one has mentioned Isobel Lubach, I thought she brought depth and integrity to her performance and held her own brilliantly. 


Edited by Scheherezade
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And can I just say, despite the regrettable absence of the two originally scheduled principals, just how good it's been to see Isabella Gasparini grow into the lead female role in Danses Concertantes?

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2 minutes ago, alison said:

And can I just say, despite the regrettable absence of the two originally scheduled principals, just how good it's been to see Isabella Gasparini grow into the lead female role in Danses Concertantes?

She has been wonderful throughout 

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1 hour ago, Cayetana said:

I think you are right. Inoticed that too


Sad as it is, the injury added yet another larger to the poignancy of the piece. Of course I'm dejected hat door piano is injured

What a hard Art this is.





Door piano??!!  Autocorrect?!

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2 hours ago, alison said:

I imagine it was an exception. After all, both dancers might have had other plans for a Saturday night.

Yes, but other dancers have dashed in when their nights were already underway and didn't get champagne.  Or given just a couple of hours' notice to substitute, and didn't get champagne.  I think it's a lovely gesture and I would like to think that going forward it would be accorded to other dancers who do the same thing.  

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Thats all really distressing it’s awful when people are injured during a show. And awful to hear of the disturbance. I’ve seen a few people fall down the amphi steps, a couple of people passing out, a choking fit which necessitated a call for a doctor … all in 43 years of regular visits so not that frequent. Maybe 35 years ago an elderly man stood up right at the top of the amphi during a performance yelling obscenities and waving a walking stick. A few days later I saw him again climbing the amphi

stone staircase. He had loo paper trailing out of his trouser legs, poor man. I mentioned it to an usher and they said they knew he’d caused trouble but he had a ticket! And i

should write to John tooley. Sorry this is right off topic but it’s the only similar event I recall in all those years. It

sounds as if the dancers were fantastic all round. Hopefully those hurt or poorly will recover very soon. That’s live performance for you … I think it speaks to their company cohesion 

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8 hours ago, capybara said:

Isabella Gasparini substituting in Requiem shows what an absolute trooper she is too. 👏👏👏


Thank you to those who have given eye witness reports.

Yes, Isabella has had a wonderful few weeks showing her versatility and character.  I always find her to be such a graceful, classical dancer and hope she will have further impressed the powers that be over the past weeks, so we see her in more leading roles.

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2 hours ago, Scheherezade said:


And Requiem was, as before, just sublime. Sarah Lamb and Lauren Cuthbertson bought very different qualities to this work. For me, Lauren, whose performance was imbued with a serene humanity, seemed more the instrument, with an other-worldly Sarah more the author, of what was happening around them. Both were exquisite. And as no one has mentioned Isobel Lubach, I thought she brought depth and integrity to her performance and held her own brilliantly. 


You have perfectly articulated what I was thinking about their respective performances.  They were both radiant.

Re 'door piano', aka Ryoichi Hirano, it looks from one of his instagram posts as if the issue might have been a worsening of the issue for which he is going to have surgery.  Fingers crossed for a successful procedure and speedy rehab.

Edited by Missfrankiecat
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28 minutes ago, Missfrankiecat said:

Yes, Isabella has had a wonderful few weeks showing her versatility and character.  I always find her to be such a graceful, classical dancer and hope she will have further impressed the powers that be over the past weeks, so we see her in more leading roles.

I think she would make a wonderful Juliet so I hope that she is given the chance next season.  

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