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Shakespeare Live!

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Just a quick heads up - BRB are part of the Shakespeare Live! event being shown on BBC2 tonight (according to  RSC DS   the floor is narrower than ideal for them) and RCS dancers are being live streamed on iplayer as part of the Dream On! event in Glasgow.  


In fact, you can admire my DS' back if you follow this link



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The blurb on the event says BRB and Royal Ballet are part of the event as they try and show how Shakespeare has translated to theatre, opera and the world of dance. Friend is working backstage today and posted a copy of the dressing room arrangements on facebook.  Rather a lot of big names in Stratford today.

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Yasmine and Matthew were gorgeous. She's such a graceful dancer; she made beautiful use of her arms. And his acting was lovely, very boyish and sweet. He's getting quite tall! Such a pleasure to watch - as always, Macmillan's choreography is fantastic.

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They put the magic into Shakespeare :)


I was a teeny tiny bit worried that they land on an audience member's lap with the smaller thrust stage, but of course they managed R&J beautifully. Lovely camera work as well, so many nice shots of both of their dancing and expressions

Edited by Coated
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Yes, I thought the dancers were superb and what a great advertisement for ballet! Very small stage that must have been tricky to negotiate but they were all brilliant. (And Catherine Tate's comment after the R&J pas de deux was good too - 'when I see what they do with their bodies, I think they must be from a different species' or words to that effect. I hope a lot more people now realise how amazing they are, and ballet is!

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I`ve just watched it and I thought the first half was a bit hit and miss. It got into its stride though and by the end I thought ,by and large,the whole thing had been excellent. I wish there had been a bit more Shakespeare though,instead of things like the Japanese interpretation of Macbeth,which I thought was bizarre,to say the least. But as for the cast. Wow. The only two people who were missing who I would loved to have seen are Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Kenneth Branagh. But everyone else who should have been there was there,IMO. Wish we had more programmes like this on. 

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Wasn't that just the most brilliant show!  Well done BBC2 and all artists involved. Such a prestigious line up of superb actors, RB dancers, ENO singers, and BRB. The best show I have seen on TV in ages.

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The only two people who were missing who I would loved to have seen are Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Kenneth Branagh. But everyone else who should have been there was there,IMO.


I was going "Where's Patrick Stewart?"

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Could not have been easy for Matthew Ball and Yasmine Naghdi to adapt their steps from dancing R&J on the Covent Garden stage to that small stage but they were brilliant and made me relive their incredibly moving debut. I really hope Mr O'Hare pairs them up again next Season.

The whole show was simply amazing, British culture at its best. BRB dancers, ENO singers,...what a great publicity for Ballet and Opera, and Shakespeare of course. Oh, and well done BBC2! 

Edited by Nina G.
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I'm going to do some tidying - we now have information about the various performances mixed up with feedback from the live broadcast.


Apparently I'm not.  I keep getting an error message when I try and move anything.  Will try again another time.  In the meantime, feedback on the broadcast would be better in the Shakespeare Live thread, please.

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My cup runneth over! I agree that it was fab, and the genius of The Bard was demonstrated in all the different ways his work can be interpreted. I loved the bit with all those wonderful actors demonstrating the different emphases possible in "To be, or not to be". And that is just the first line! And a surprise cameo from the Prince of Wales in a speech by the Prince of Denmark!


Lovely dancing on a cramped stage from Yasmine Naghdi and Matthew Ball in a shortened version of the balcony scene. Despite being restricted by space and time they managed to be graceful and beautiful. Fabulous, dramatic performance from Tyrone Singleton and Elisha Willis as Othello and Desdemona, to Duke Ellington's music. I hadn't seen it before and was mightily impressed!


Apart from the poor opening number this was a great night that did our Will proud. Considering it was a live broadcast, it went without a hitch. Very professional all round, displaying the best of British onstage and behind the scenes. Very well done BBC!

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I was thoroughly impressed with the camera man who filmed the Ballet (and everything else) beautifully, so we could see it all. No stupid close ups of just feet en Pointe or cutting to the wrong dancer or angle at vital moments. It seemed to have been very well prepared, even the subtitles (I am deaf) were not too bad.


And thank you Ballet.co, had it not been for this thread alerting me to the fact that some Ballet was to be on this programme, me and dh would have missed a rare chance to watch decent TV!

Edited by hfbrew
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I dipped in and out of the programme but I loved the R&J duet by Yasmine Naghdi and Matthew Ball I thought it was lovely and her arms were just beautiful!  Yes the cameraman did very well.  I was not so keen on Othello more because I didn't like the music and how Tyrone Singleton and Elisha Willis managed to stay on that tiny stage I'll never know!! I did wish that someone had danced a little bit from The Dream but I guess it was too tight on space for that.  The "To be or not to be" sketch was pure genius and the Prince of Wales was taking part was a great touch.  Poor Benedict Cumberbatch may have get used to being called Eddie from now on I fear!!

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Sorry if I've missed someone saying, but can someone point me in the right direction to find a way of watching the Matthew and Yasmine pdd! I can't find it. (I forgot to set my machine to record yesterday and only saw the last hour - tried iPlayer but still couldn't find them but it was a bit late at night and I was tired!)

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I really enjoyed it and agree that, overall, the second half was stronger than the first. Both ballet extracts were very hampered by the size of the stage but all credit to the dancers for carrying it off so well.


I was very pleased they had a jazz band for the Such Sweet Thunder extracts but I thought it was a bit of a shame that Tyrone Singleton and Elisha Willis did not benefit from a proper introduction. This meant that BRB got no exposure at all, despite all the pre-publicity the company were turning out.


I agree about the three ommissions mentioned but I was so pleased when Roger Allam finally appeared. I was very surprised he did Lear, but I am certainly not going to whinge. The other two extracts which really impressed me were the MacBeth with Anne Marie Duff and Harriet Walter as Cleopatra. They both really commanded the stage.


As for Dame Judi, as always a total delight and the casting with Al Murray was a joy.


Great evening and all credit to the BBC for broadcasting it.

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I've now seen it, thanks to friends who posted the YouTube clip on FB, but I'd still be interested to know when it was on so I can see what else I missed


It's on BBC iPlayer (Shakespeare Live! From the RSC) and they start dancing at around 17:25. 

Edited by VickyPage
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I dipped in and out of the programme but I loved the R&J duet by Yasmine Naghdi and Matthew Ball I thought it was lovely and her arms were just beautiful!  Yes the cameraman did very well.  I was not so keen on Othello more because I didn't like the music and how Tyrone Singleton and Elisha Willis managed to stay on that tiny stage I'll never know!! I did wish that someone had danced a little bit from The Dream but I guess it was too tight on space for that.  The "To be or not to be" sketch was pure genius and the Prince of Wales was taking part was a great touch.  Poor Benedict Cumberbatch may have get used to being called Eddie from now on I fear!!



I watched it again this morning :) and it made me realise on what a small stage they had to dance "big"...not an easy feat I can imagine.


Watching Yasmine Naghdi dance so close-up I felt as if she was "dancing and speaking" through her arms, so poetic!  Ball is just too gorgeous for words, those two are a ballet couple made in heaven and I honestly can't wait to see them together on the Covent Garden stage very soon.

I also very much enjoyed BRB's Tyrone Singleton and Elisha Willis. It was a great idea to couple Ballet & Shakespeare.Surprised ENB didn't participate?

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I watched it again this morning :) and it made me realise on what a small stage they had to dance "big"...not an easy feat I can imagine.


Watching Yasmine Naghdi dance so close-up I felt as if she was "dancing and speaking" through her arms, so poetic!  Ball is just too gorgeous for words, those two are a ballet couple made in heaven and I honestly can't wait to see them together on the Covent Garden stage very soon.

I also very much enjoyed BRB's Tyrone Singleton and Elisha Willis. It was a great idea to couple Ballet & Shakespeare.Surprised ENB didn't participate?

If this wasn't the perfect reminder of WHY Mr O'Hare MUST let this partnership develop and flourish I don't know what is.  I have watched it again numerous times this morning, and it has made me weep and smile at the same time.  I can only hope that they are cast together numerous times next season.  A partnership like this doesn't come along very often, so am keeping everything crossed that it will be nurtured and cherished at the RB.

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Was pleased that the BBC dedicated the time to the entire Bard Anniversary programme as orchestrated by the RSC rather than just showing highlights.  


For me the standouts were McKellan doing a brilliant job of the More speech from Henry VIII (the most interesting textual supplement); Allam riveting in that slice of King Lear and Judi Dench insolently shedding years in the remembered glory of her Titania, last seen in the full maturity of its romantic blossom at the Rose Theatre in Kingston.  (What I wonder did Helen Mirren think she was doing with her 'Propera' line endings?  It was hard to believe on this occasion that she had been amongst John Barton's core in 'Speaking Shakespeare'.)   Loved some of the filmed song units as well ... and thought Joe Finnes did a fine job as a sincere interlocutor.  


For me Matthew Ball and Yasmine Naghdi spoke in far more significant volume via MacMillan's R&J pas than the rather stilted rendition of Shakespeare's text by the actors selected.  The balletic offering on this occasion was just so much more emotionally vibrant and free.  It is clear that the camera clearly adores Naghdi and her poise showed that she vividly knows how to work the confluence of those mediums.  A special gift.   Ball's partnering was as articulate here as his Lensky had been whilst rapturously toying with Naghdi's Olga in the first act pas - with thos oh, so tricky over the shoulder lifts - in Cranko's Oneign last season with the Royal Ballet.  


May these two have many ROH relay broadcasts to come.  


That too will be something to rightfully celebrate.  

Edited by Bruce Wall
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I`ve just watched it and I thought the first half was a bit hit and miss. It got into its stride though and by the end I thought ,by and large,the whole thing had been excellent. I wish there had been a bit more Shakespeare though,instead of things like the Japanese interpretation of Macbeth,which I thought was bizarre,to say the least. But as for the cast. Wow. The only two people who were missing who I would loved to have seen are Sir Derek Jacobi and Sir Kenneth Branagh. But everyone else who should have been there was there,IMO. Wish we had more programmes like this on. 


Derek Jacobi is one of the prominent people who think Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare (so is Mark Rylance surprisingly) so probably didn't wish to take part :)


I loved it and can't wait to see it again tonight!

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