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Everything posted by Balletmummy18

  1. Just to add we found the academic side at the school fantastic (& I’m a hard person to please being a secondary school teacher!) My dd left with all grade 9s and one 8 in in her GCSEs in July despite the pandemic.
  2. Yes PrancingMum you are right although senior teachers etc were present .This year the boys 3 rd teacher taught on course 1 & the new first year girl’s teacher taught on course 2. In addition Ms Durrante came in to watch class on Course 2 but I have no idea whether this was to select possible students. She did make a point of talking to students who are about to start full time in September .
  3. 9 out of 15 boys are going to upper school from WL year 11. 5 of those started in year 7.
  4. ..... but other internationally renowned schools who are also considered the best in the world don’t have to cherry pick ( Vaganova: POB)in such numbers.... neither do their ADS disparage publicly the value of international competitions and then recruit from them....no I don’t understand the British system (& speak from experience having had a dd just go through WL)and nope it doesn’t have to be like this ....
  5. This year there are 7 girls from year 11 WL going into upper school in September-4 from the original Year 7.This was from a year group of 16. This is a big increase of WLodgers Into upper school from recent years.There is a good chance of getting into upper school if you have not completed WL.
  6. Remember choosing vocational school does not mean it’s an easy ride juggling training with GCSEs demands.. my dd at voc school has just finished her GCSEs which has meant revising into the early hours and waking very early to fit revision in .Ballet training of course was prioritised and rehearsals regularly over ran into any revision time even during the ‘mock/ assessments’ weeks. Of course this year was unusual as there was no study leave etc ....
  7. By post yesterday. We have until 15 th to accept.
  8. Thankyou it’s very hard to know what to share if the dance journey has been bumpy. In our case people do not / cannot believe how my dd has been treated so it makes us less likely to share... you don’t want to put people off( others had a fabulous time) or come across as a bitter ballet mum. But at times it has been a very very lonely experience.
  9. Thankyou so much..& I can’t speak for my dd friend but undecided at the moment as she is Very fortunate to have other choices too.
  10. Yes my dd (& also her friend) received one today .x
  11. Thankyou very much and well done to your daughter.. my dd won’t be taking the place as she has been offered somewhere else nearer home so I hope your dd gets her place ( if that what she wants.)xx
  12. I presume they aren’t doing finals as my dd has been offered a place today.x
  13. I think the OP makes a very good point and certainly in my experience of my dd doing the audition rounds for JA/ voc school 5 long years ago there was already certain pool of teachers, associate programmes etc in London which seemed to confer an ‘advantage’ . we have all seen that explode with Covid and zoom / social media opportunities so that over training ‘becomes the norm for children. Having money for privates, summer intensives etc certainly helps/ confers advantage whilst at voc school too!! But the OP asks is still about potential and is it still worth applying for Year 7 without all this- absolutely.. every year at WL a ( albeit) few children gain places with a few hours of training a week ..& . funny enough my dd achieved her JA place in yr 6 and WL place when ,in a vain attempt to get off the rollercoaster,we cut down her hours to 2 hours a week....so give it a go ... just be prepared if this dream comes true as it shockingly did for us...
  14. That’s exactly how my dd feels now in yr 11... and want to reinforce that many of the ‘no’s ‘for yr 7 In her year have now achieved just as good ( or better) offers for upper school training....
  15. Whilst my dd had a truly horrific experience at voc school with the AD and a ballet teacher, I can absolutely vouch for the majority of the healthcare team there. Only last week parents had a detailed zoom meeting with nutritionist highlighting the very dangers of underfuelling during puberty and overtraining .The physio team are very good and ,as highlighted in the video ,are often the people who perceive mental distress in students . This again was the case for my dd . However I think it is important To highlight for both pupils and parents that they need to be aware of the mixed messages they may receive from a Voc school in many areas not just nutrition and body shape .
  16. Well anywhere will be better than there and I have to add she also had an amazing private teacher who she saw each weekend during her time at the school and who restored her love and faith in ballet and ballet teachers .
  17. Same for my dd... as she is leaving that establishment this year ..finally after 5 years of silence we can speak out about her terrible experience there which ,of course ,is an individual one.. others in her year had a wonderful happy time and thrived .... my dd has not... I don’t wish to frighten new parents because ultimately It’s impossible to know what the voc experience will be like for each child but it’s important to have a balanced view in the excitement of finals etc ..
  18. Only asked permission for dd when in yr 10 as she had received sponsorship to attend European SI. As the school had already made it clear in yr 9 that she wasn’t going to upper school , they were happy to let her attend in the middle of the Summer Term although we were asked to keep it quiet from other parents!😂🤣😂
  19. Just to add that now, at least in my own son’s uni in Edinburgh accommodation for all students is in the shared flats within student accommodation but every hall has student support. Anecdotally he has seen a huge drop out in students who start courses straight after Highers... but there are a number of different factors for that.
  20. We received an email stating no later than Friday 2 April.
  21. Hi, My dd was allowed to audition for yr 7 with an 31st August birthday along with other yr6s. She got a full time place so please don’t see it as a disadvantage at this point & she didn’t get in to any WL SI until she was a pupil at WL...😂 As they get older students are definitely allowed to apply for SI that they are ‘too young’ for both at WL and internationally .
  22. Nicola Katrak remains an inspirational figure at The Royal Ballet School and my dd is very very grateful not only for her rigorous teaching but also resurrecting my Young daughter’s joy of dance,
  23. My dd did LJB as well as JAs. yes she was totally shattered but three of her year at LJB gained places at WL...strangely LJB prepared her far better for the rigours and feel of WL then JAs .
  24. My dd is 13 and 5’8 at vocational school in UK and that has been huge disadvantage so we feel your pain but from the other side of the fence - hope your dd finds a place at upper school .
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