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Ms Sunshine

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Everything posted by Ms Sunshine

  1. For Hammond you pay the fee for joining and funding final. We did this and then got mds but decided on Elmhurst so turned down Hammond mds at a later point. Hope this helps
  2. Elmhurst Young dancers get looked at for Birmingham Royal Ballet Nutcracker x
  3. My dd did not get a yes or waitlist for ja's for Year 4,5 or 6. She did not get any intensive's either with them. She did get White Lodge finals and a recal then a no. She was offered a Hammond, Tring and Elmhurst MDS so went with Elmhurst and is very happy. xx
  4. Last year my dd was offered MDS at Hammond. She then got Tring MDS so gave up the Hammond. She then got the Elmhurst mds so gave Tring mds. Hope this helps x
  5. Elmhurst and Tring mds will be handed out in the next few days so im sure there will be lots of movement. Good luck x
  6. Delighted my dd has a place for week 1 😀
  7. A group of us stayed at a Premier Inn last year. Not walking distance to White Lodge though. You need to send food with them x
  8. I agree! My dd was a come back and try again the first time she auditioned for cba. She got in the 2nd try then went for a full time mds spot which she got. We did not take this as she wanted a different school in the end but just shows what hard work can do x
  9. I would recommend Masters of Ballet Academy. They are in east Acton, London. You can find them on facebook. Olga and Elena are the professional Vaganova method classical ballet teachers and they really give amazing training.
  10. This was us last year. Its so scary and stressful. Best of luck to you all x
  11. Has anyone else had a successful application for the Royal Tokyo intensive? Any info on this opportunity would be very grateful!
  12. I would love to hear about any ballet based Summer Schools outside of the British Isles. My dd is starting a boarding ballet school year 7 in a few weeks but would like to take her during her time off next summer on a bit of an adventure maybe to see another vocational school outside England. Being a day pupil would be a good option but open to idea's. Thanks in advance. x
  13. My dd took part last year for BRB in the Hypadrome run. She was selected as an Elmhurst young dancer. They also selected from Birmingham ja's. The above post is for BRB when they go to London in the Royal Albert Hall. Anyone can audition for this. X
  14. My dd did both classes. Most of them tend to do both. The jazz class really works of strength and flexability. Some would say Elmhurst young dancers is a much better program than other more highly aclaimed ones. X
  15. Hi. Yes they need to apply again for secondary age associates in birmingham! But primary they keep places. 5 girls and 2 boys in birmingham young dancers are sucessful in gaining a place full time from September which I think is pretty good odds!
  16. Year 6 young dancers finish today! They come back next saturday for a rehearsal as they are dancing on Sunday afternoon with the lower school for one of the Elmhurst shows x
  17. My dd is finishing this year as off to Elmhurst full time from September in year 7. Group 2 has a range of ages from year 4 to year 7. Really lovely girls and we have loved the past 2 years going 18 sunday mornings a year. My dd says the class is quite challenging compaired to other associate/classes she does. We will truely miss Tring x
  18. Please dont worry if it was a no. I have said before my daughter was a no for years 4 5 and 6. No summer schools. She got white lodge finals. Only 53 girls taken. Of the 12 girls starting year 7 4of them were not ja's. They all look very different. My dd is off to Elmhurst which is such a blessing xx
  19. There is a taxi company based at the station. Be around £7 or £8. You can phone ahead to have a driver waiting xx
  20. Im not sure they have a reserve list. I have heard 3 girls have turned down places and they need boys for year 7 entry. But like someone else said on another thread Royal have only taken 11 girls and 11 boys this year so far.
  21. Birmingham took 2 year 6 girls to start year 7 girls ma's and one starting at White Lodge. The current year 6 have 2 classes. That leaves alot of kids without anything in year 7.
  22. Just to add one more point We met a few internationals and a few non ja girls at White Lodge finals from the 53. Boys are a very different story as so few compared to the girls.
  23. Probably I am wrong. But all im saying is with all the centre's in year 6 with sometimes 2 groups in them they select 50 ish girls for finals. Nothing is a definate.
  24. My heart broke a little every time she were a no. My dd was not bothered in the slightest. Just keep thinking of new things to do and new adventures to try!
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