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Everything posted by tutugirl

  1. My summer school is 17 th August .. Residential in West Yorkshire . Faculty from the Hammond school and former soloist of BRB . Vocational and non vocational welcome . I have many coming from the forum ( yippee ! ) Elmhurst , Tring , BTUK , Moorlands Elite , Royal Ballet JA ' pupils are attending . Classes are small and the course is reasonably priced . We perform 2 shows in theatre on the Saturday . Please PM me if interested . Tutugirl
  2. Help ! Has anyone got a pair of Spanish boots - shoe size 9 ( ish ! ) for a show in June ? Happy to buy them or hire them . Can't seem to find any less than about £100 . I know someone will come up trumps on this forum. !! Thank you - Tutugirl x
  3. Happy that lots of forum DD and DS are booked in ! There are a couple of places left in the Advanced group and several in the juniors . A reminder that the dates are 17 th - 22 nd August , and we have a great faculty from the Hammond , ENB and former BRB soloist . Very reasonably priced , and groups of 16 or less . Pm quickly if interested x
  4. Sugarplums mum . Feel free to pm me . I'm always up for a coffee or a glass of fizz! Which year is your dd ?
  5. tutugirl


    If anyone has experience of either BTUK or Ballet West , I would appreciate your advice . A former pupil of mine ( currently at voc school ) has been offered both . She still comes to my classes when home , and I am trying to advise her . However , I know very little of either . She is good at both classical and contemporary . Not especially jazz . She has taken my advice and made a list of pros and cons - but level pegging this far . I don't want to start a debate , so pm may be more appropriate . The only negatives I have heard are that BTUK may have funding issues , and ballet west have favourites , and only the favoured ones are given opportunities . ( surely any school will choose their best ambassadors to represent them ) . Any information will be useful, though I expect everyone will champion their own school . Thank you anyway . Tutugirl .
  6. I wish I could have seen the choreo cups . My DS was in the piece that came 2 nd . ( he can't lay claim to the choreography though ) . X
  7. Yes . Internal competition held annually at Tring . All students from year 10 to Grads must enter in ballet , contemporary and jazz . The multitude are narrowed down to approx 32 for semis and 16 for finals in each genre x
  8. Congratulations to all the cup finalists yesterday . I only got to watch the ballet , but all 16 finalists performed their solos with confidence , poise and enjoyment . Was anyone else there ?
  9. It is always a disappointment to me when Tring is not deemed to be ' up there ' with the top schools for classical training . ( see recent ' pecking order ' thread ) . The teachers there are amazing , and the work ethic of the students too . These recent results are testament to this . In the recent Molly Lake Awards - A Tring girl was the winner , and several Tring runners up . Well done to the 3 students ( or is it. 4. ? ) , and to all their teachers . Hurrah for Tring !! I'm hopeful that these MDS will maybe benefit some forum members !! Well they will certainly benefit someone !! X I expect I shall be deemed to have gone ' off topic ' so please feel free to move this to the section called ' in praise of Tring Park School !!!! ' x
  10. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I think Tring allow a few 6 th form to keep their MDS right through . My DS was afforded this privilege . I think Elmhurst sixth form are on Dadas . Therefore there are fewer MDS released to lower school at Tring . Please step in someone who may know better than me x
  11. Well it may seem odd - but after 5 years of vocational training - it's getting harder to say goodbye after an exeat . Neither he nor I regret a single moment , and I echo those who have said that the school has helped to fashion a well rounded , confident , independent and hard working individual . Yet the tears flow more readily these days ( on my part !!! ) . The easier it is for him , the harder for me . A complete reversal of those year 7 days . Strange . Harwel I'm with you !!!
  12. My DS interview at ENB only lasted about 5 minutes . A year ago he was less confident , at only 15 - and there was nothing that phased him - he took it all in his stride . It was really just a chat .No trick questions . Congratulations on getting to finals anyway xx
  13. Hi there Macnatt . Might be able to help you here . Pm me with your phone number if you don't mind , and I will call you . X
  14. From past experience of DS and previous pupils - it seems physio is good - however there is little to be gained from speculating . I suppose one can deduce that they wouldn't give someone a physio if not interested in them . I'm sure someone will know someone who got an MDS without having had a physio . Anyway all the best SwaybackSapphire x
  15. I wish you all every success at the funding final , as this is a truly wonderful school . I had a pupil a couple of years ago who got through to the physio stage , and didn't get an MDS at the time. - but was offered one in the July. ! So don't give up on it happening at the last minute x
  16. How about a nice scrapbook to put pics of her friends in - or a cd of the music of the ballet she is performing in. A new make up bag ? A small mirror - a picture frame - a silver charm . Not very original I know , but I'm not sure how old your dd is .
  17. I have heard of the Allenova school and Janine Greville - which I think do festivals - Allenova is RAD . I can't personally recommend them but might be worth a look x
  18. My DS started doing 3 A levels and has dropped to 2 . They also have to do their Dance diploma which is quite a bit of work . DS friend is doing 4 A levels . Some don't do any A levels but do extra dance classes . The A level choices are excellent . Well to be honest everything about Tring is excellent . In my humble opinion . If you want to chat about anything - send me a pm and I will call you , or you can call me .
  19. About 55 in 6 .1 and about 35 of them on dance course . These are split into F 1 and F 2 for dance , so presumably about 17 in each class . Academics differ of course according to A level choices .
  20. Hello Nikki welcome to the forum . I will ask my DS x
  21. Oh I'm so sorry swanprincess I was rooting for you , as were most of the forum I'm guessing . Have also sent you pm . X
  22. Mine is residential in Yorkshire - very reasonably priced ! £275 residential 6 days - performance at the end , and groups of no more than 16 . Lots of forum girls signed up already - they enjoyed it last year . A mix of voc and non voc students. Very friendly and excellent teaching x
  23. I am sad to hear your story . I am wondering if your DDs own dance teacher would be the best person to talk to ? She will obviously know her very well , and could probably suggest where to go from here . If she has a yes for one of the big four schools , then that is great ! If you think about how many hundreds of children audition , and how few places there are ( are we talking 12 - 18 girls in each school at year 7 ? ) then perhaps your DD will realise that actually she has done tremendously well . Physiques change , performance develops and technique strengthens with time . She might have only just missed out on a place this year . Have a good chat to your local teacher , and to her JA teacher , and hopefully onwards and upwards . Good luck and try to stay positive - you only need one Yes after all , but all the best for the funding final .
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