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Can I ask would your Year 7 daughter wear these school shoes?


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Dd is a size 1G. Very high instep, pronates so needs supportive shoes. Our fab local shoe shop where the assistants really know about good shoes and stock all brands only had two pairs in her size, these ones & a similar pair in patent leather.




We're having 2nd thoughts as they are a bit babyish.

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Mine would not have worn those (she would have sniffed at the decoration)......but bizarrely did wear the Startrite shoes below in Year 7 & 8, before progressing to the DM shoes (same shape, just a much cooler brand) for the rest of her schooling!!






Probably not the answer you wanted....sorry!!

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Don't think my 11 year old would wear them willingly. Know I'm going to have a battle in the next few weeks when I take her for school shoes, and she wants ballet type pumps for starting high school and I don't! When I started vocational school, Start-rite came to the school and fitted us at the start of every term, it certainly stopped any worrying over the style of shoes!

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We have just had a very fraught shopping trip for school shoes, I really wish they could be fitted at school it is so difficult to keep within the "guidelines" and please a young teenager. We ended up with a pair from Camper, but had to cross London to find the last pair in her size :( . Sorry Picturesinthefirelight my dd wouldn't wear the above for the reasons already mentioned but if your dd is happy with them why not?

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My DD going into Year 6 and have always struggled to get a pair to fit with wide feet but slim heel.....NO startrite/ecco/hush puppies to fit ended up with a similar clarks pair and two days out of my life in shoe shops!!

I have drummed it into her it is how they fit..... if you want to dance you have to take care of your feet....Think the Dr Martens are the way to go. Where can you get them fitted??

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I was thinking the plainer pair underneath.....was it called samba....may be okay if she's not happy with the decoration etc.


They look like a years 5-7 shoe to me depending on how "grown up" your daughter is of course. But probably not for year 8!!


You never know if she was the only one wearing them she might start a trend!! But seriously is she happy with them and worried what others may think or is she not that happy with them herself? At least the plainer ones which look a very similar shoe will probably not invite any comment.

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My daughter wore the plain Mary Janes in year seven at the Hammond as the school insisted on good supporting shoes for their dancers, therefor all the children had to wear sensible shoes. However the year after she moved to Tring where you could wear any shoe, that is where it became difficult. We compromised with a plain pair of Clarked shoes with a Velcro strap, these shoes were very plain and quite light so they didn't stand out.

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I sympathise with you as my DS also had a G fitting. We only had one choice of shoes for him, also Startrite.


Looking at the Startrite styles online available for your daughter why not order several of those and see what they are like at home before returning any.


I would expect that the shoes you have can be returned to the shop as long as the bottoms are not marked and you have the receipt & card you paid with.


With Clarks online, you can order online and get delivered to your designated store where you can then go to try on with no pressure to buy and no postage costs either. Can't see this option with Startrite though but maybe it's there if you know where to look.


Good luck.

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My DD would wear them without the decorations, albeit a bit grudgingly, even now. (She is 15, going into year 11) but would have been extremely unhappy about the decorations. In all honesty, I do think they are a bit too babyish for a secondary school pupil.

I do sympathise, its so hard to find the balance between a good supportive shoe and something that looks age appropriate. If you have a non standard foot size it is even harder.

Have you looked at any european brands? Geox is my favoured brand for school shoes and ricosta are good too. My DD has a high arch and instep and has found them good, though she is a fairly standard width.

Another brand possibly worth trying is Skechers. I have a pair of plain mary janes from their children's range that I wear for work and they are very supportive of my horribly over pronating feet.

Hope you find something - it drives me crazy that there seems to be nothing between shoes that look like they are aimed at 7/8 year olds and the so called ballerina styles that most teenagers seem to slop around in these days.

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It's Hammond she's going to Tulip


The shop sells all the major European brands and pushes them to many of its customers but they know dds feet and recommend start rite as bring suitable for her. Looking around us whilst we were in there other kids were having Geox, Lelli Kelli, Camper etc.


I don't want up order & fit them myself as the staff really do know what they are talking about


The plain ones are on the sheet the school sent out so I think she'd be happy with those.

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We had to wear lace up or buckle up school shoes and I hated them - they were so heavy on my feet. So my mother bought me a pair of brown leather slip-on shoes with a look of mocassins about them. I adored them. The teacher of course told me off, but I managed to persuade her to allow me to wear them until I outgrew them. Sly little me then went out anad bought the same shoe in the next size, so I managed to keep wearing them. The funny thing is that nowadays my feet are always in lace-up clunky sports shoes!

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My DD used to have those shoes ( has to wear startrite) but she say's there to babyish now (only 9 years old) but she loves the startrite brogues and they fit the same as the shoe for her. We have to have them fitted at the shop too. Does your shop have any she could try.

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Hi Picturesinthefirelight

I have just shown them my dd and she said she would have worn them in yr7.

In fact last year she had a whacking big bow on the front of hers.

They do have shoe checks and it is very difficult to find shoes they like without any heel.

In fact both my dds said "nobody cares what each others shoes look like" .

Having previously worked in a children's shoe shop startrite are an excellent shoe that last really well.

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My lovely petite 4ft 5 inch 11 year old daughter has size 7 feet, very difficult to find school shoes as the styles all seems a bit too grown up. Have told her that feet need to slow down because at the moment they are making promises her body may not be able to keep!!

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Those are exactly the type of shoes that most schools - from 3 year olds in kindergarten (I am guessing) to Secondary - where I live that is the school uniform requirement! I am a student but when I was 11 of course I would have wore them, especially as it was the school uniform! I think that something important to learn or have learnt is economy is not always good, and even when it is you can't always have what you want. I have seen children not far from England selling flowers - do they want to sell flowers? Maybe. But, likelily it is due to living and parents. If they don't maybe they can't survive, or get beaten by parents, or both. So it is what they must do to survive.


Your DD is very lucky to have shoes, so she shouldn't need to give a second thought!

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Having previously worked in a children's shoe shop startrite are an excellent shoe that last really well.


Actually, in my first year at uni (and hence on a restricted budget) I spotted a pair of court shoes in Start-Rite that were virtually identical to adult ones in Russell & Bromley, but about half the price owing to lack of VAT etc.  They were brilliant.  Until very recently, I think I still had them as my emergency pair in the office, and that would be after, well, let's just say several decades ...


BTW, I would have given my eye teeth, as an early teenager, to be able to get S-R in a size H.  That was what the sales assistant told me I needed, but she said they never made anything wider than a G in those days.

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I'm a bit late but my dd would have really balked at Start Rite at Secondary School. She would however have worn Skechers like this: http://t.schuh.co.uk/item.aspx?icode=1913677020


Now because she has custom orthotics which are the very devil to fit in shoes, her school lets her wear leather laceup ankle boots (sort of Victorian style) in the winter (out of school she wears floral DM boots) and hi-tops in the summer.


To her non-orthotic wearing friends, brogues were most popular in Year 7.

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This sort of thing is a nice plain school shoe. Quite pricey brand but the shoes seem good quality. Due to having size 7 feet DD had these below which although ballet pump style are much better made with support than most similar. She will be in Y10. Although the OPs shoes are quite sweet, I agree they might be a tad babyish for secondary unless most girls wear similar. Oh and got talking to the assistant in the shoe shop who turned out to be a ballet dancer and gave us a discount on the school shoes and recommended a pointe shoe fitter near my mum's. Hurrah!



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