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@alison Yes, they're on ENB's website. https://www.ballet.org.uk/blog-detail/daily-performance-casting-voices/


After the various cast changes on Saturday it's good to see there don't seem to have been any tonight. I hope that will be the same tomorrow night, when I'll be making my second attempt to see Themes & Variations.


Edited by Dawnstar
Added 2nd paragraph.
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@Emeralds Yes, as far as I can tell they are identical to the cast sheets pinned up at the theatre. There is a link to the page from the main Our Voices page but it's at the end of the initial blurb rather than with the casting info section so is probably easy to overlook. (I've just spent rather a lot of time in the last few weeks repeatedly checking the page first for casting info & then for any cast changes so when a new line appeared it stuck out for me!)

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Well what a night! 


overall if this is setting the tone for the direction of ENB I was pretty pleased. It was an ambitious bill (technically with Balanchine, also with the various musical elements and two new choreographers we’ve not really seen in the UK I think) that covered off neoclassical, contemporary ballet as well as the more modern dance (Akram Khan / Bausch) that ENB have dabbled in with success before. It definitely feels like it is continuing Rojo’s vision for the company (no bad thing) and overall whatever personal preferences feels much more exiting and inspiring than any of the repertoire RB has been pushing out the past few years to be frank. 

I love Balanchine and so was very excited to see T&V for the first time. I love Symphony in C and Ballet Imperial (funnily enough I respect Diamonds but it leaves me a little cold). If I’m being honest, I was disappointed with this work. I can’t tell if it was the choreography itself (although I don’t think that was it as I could see flashes of Balanchine brilliance) or the execution. I know Sangeun is new having come with Watkins from Dresden and I’m sorry to say she didn’t really fit in with ENB for me. I found her movements too stiff and lacking in panache for Balanchine, she just seemed very flat and to my untrained eye she seemed to struggle to keep pace with the demanding choreography and timing of the music leaving things looking unfinished/underperformed. Gareth for me also was underwhelming. I’m sad not to see the likes of Frola or others in the role as I think they would have tackled this better. I disliked the peach tone selected for costumes as it just didn’t fit in with the clean white and creams (I would have gone for yellow or ice blue) and I found it odd the four soloists selected had very varying heights. The best thing about this piece was the artists. I’m seeing it tomorrow with Katja and Arrieta and have high hopes. 

People seemed to have not liked Les Noces but it was actually my favourite piece of the night. For context I loved Khan’s Giselle and Bausch’s Rite of Spring and Tanowitz’s Dispatch Duet that I know others also disliked (although hated Creature!) To get the gripes out of the way - I found the English “lyrics” distracting as the odd word/phrase you catch simply does not relate to the plot at all. And I wish they could have turned the lighting up a bit as I felt I was squinting at times. And yes, if I hadn’t read the plot beforehand (what happens after sacrifice) or wasn’t familiar with Bausch’s rite of spring maybe I’d feel differently. But, ignoring aspects of the plot I didn’t see, I actually felt the story was there - the ghost of the sacrificed, the emotions of her family left behind. Bellini and Velicu were great. I really liked the set and the staging of the singers on stage in a corner, dressed in black so we can only see their faces. I liked the use of the cloth(s) and the steps. I found the choreography really interesting. I don’t think it was ballet but if felt engaging and (if you ignored the lyrics) it did work with the music. I also loved hearing this live (previously I’ve only seen the RB version on DVD) although I wish they would have sung in Russian to avoid the disconnect with the words said. (Logistically I appreciate this adds additional cost and isn’t practical.) I felt the dancers really excelled in this and I’m looking forward to seeing it again and getting more from it. Even the annoying woman sat next to

me rustling in her bag  for the entire first part (!) didn’t ruin this for me and held my attention. Also I like that we’re seeing a new (female) choreographer. I think if you go into this with a little context but don’t try to follow every little meaning / detail it does work as a story and on an emotional level. I found the mother’s suicide quite moving actually (in real life I think suicides often probably are more quiet and less dramatic than portrayed on screen). Even if you didn’t like it, massive kudos to Watkins for the programming and the commitment to the music here. I would be curious to see this as part of a triple in future with Ek’s Rite and Bausch’s Rite.


As for Four Last Songs, I didn’t love it but it was a pleasant watch and I appreciated that the choreography felt quite balletic (although certainly not classical) unlike MacGregor etc. Again, I really liked the music and the opera singer was fab. I do think it got a bit repetitive at the end and I wondered if at least one of the four segments should have been pas de deux focussed rather than all group pieces. It’s not something I’d go out of my way to see again specifically, but would happily sit through this on a future mixed bill. 


Overall a very enjoyable evening and sets a good promise for future programming I hope. Despite not loving all works it is probably more inspiring than any new work I’ve seen at the RB over the past 5-6 years (I specially said new so I’m not including Ashton/Balanchine revivals etc already in the rep, rather RB’s new commissions). I do think new commissions is where ENB excels for me - whether it’s bringing innovative choreographers like Khan in, or relative unknowns, or reworking of classics (Rojo’s Raymonda), or established ballet choreographed like Forsythe and Ek, it always feels more inspired and fresh than RB with the same old rotation/variations of MacGregor/Wheeldon/Pite with the odd (non ballet) random like Abraham etc thrown in. Well done to Watkins and the company and I look forward to seeing what more programming he’ll bring in future years! 

As for the Programme yes it’s overpriced/not good value for money all things considered but I do like to have the (short) write ups on the pieces and I almost see it as my “donation” to ENB.


This has reinforced my belief that RB needs to step up its game frankly with more inspiring programming (heritage works mixed with actually good new works) when you have ENB and now Bonelli at Northern Ballet (with the new generations bill) and Acosta at BRB (ok Black Sabbath ballet may not be my cup of tea but at least he’s trying something different) being more creative and innovative. 


(I edited this post as I started with “so a brief review”, which this is not! I got carried away with all the thoughts…)

Edited by JNC
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It's interesting to see how we can have different perspectives of the same performance!

Having seen Emma Hawes lead T&V - albeit at the dress rehearsal - I found Sanguen Lee to give it much more attack and precision in all the right places with plenty of the pizzazz and sparkle you would expect from a principal. She brings something new and much needed to ENB and I feel like her arrival (and some of the other new arrivals, including her partner Gareth Haw) are a positive statement about the standards Aaron S Waktin will expect.


There were some really nice opportunities for soloists here and it was nice to see Angela Wood in particular taking one of these roles - and sparkling too. Perhaps she was trained on Balanchine or perhaps she is benefitting from the new direction at ENB but she seemed to really relish every moment of the performance.


I was sitting in the stalls - Row L - last night and did not find Les Noces quite as impactful as I had last week. One reason for this may well be proximity to the stage vs Row B dress circle. I found the music, particularly the singing, sounded quite different and a little overwhelming in places, where last time I really enjoyed the orchestration of the work. I also understood the narrative this time which made the dancing much more powerful.  I do wonder though if this is just one of those pieces which has more impact the fresher it is. Breanna Foad, Francesca Velicu and Alice Bellini were outstanding. Les Noces' extreme contrast with T&V was a clear statement from the new AD as to the direction he wants to take his new company in - strong classical technique with the ability to smash contemporary works.


Four Voices is not really my cup of tea. It had its moments and it was good to see it showcase Daniel McCormick (a favourite since the year he was a clear cut above all of the other Emerging Dancer competitors) for one, but I found myself trying to remember which song we were up to in a 'when will it end' kind of way. My daughter pointed out that there were a few moments of synchronisation which were slightly off. Definitely preferred this as a second viewing.


Lovely to see Aaron S Watkin sitting in the front section of the stalls (prob about row F) and conversing with his (rather well to do) audience members in the next row during the interval.

Overall, I'm excited to see what will come next for ENB.


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Looking forward to this tonight! 

A complete aside but wonder if ENB could acquire Fille or is this the under the sole ownership of the RB? 
It’s just that as they are an English ballet company it might be possible? 

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23 minutes ago, LinMM said:

Looking forward to this tonight! 

A complete aside but wonder if ENB could acquire Fille or is this the under the sole ownership of the RB? 
It’s just that as they are an English ballet company it might be possible? 


a very polite request that perhaps we can avoid diverting yet another thread to a discussion about Fille? 

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44 minutes ago, LinMM said:

Looking forward to this tonight! 

A complete aside but wonder if ENB could acquire Fille or is this the under the sole ownership of the RB? 
It’s just that as they are an English ballet company it might be possible? 

Many other companies worldwide dance it, and so does BRB. 

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31 minutes ago, PeterS said:


that's interesting. when I was watching Four Last Songs i was reminded of the McGregor's choreography for both Dante Project (act 3) & Woolf Works (Orlando)

Interesting I didn’t get that all. I found Four Last Songs slower than the frenetic jerky movements of Orlando and Dante Project. I actually did enjoy those two pieces as well to note, I generally am mixed on MacGregor and don’t tend to hate his work and can sit through it, but equally it doesn’t particularly inspire me and make me keen to see it again multiple times. The one exception to this is perhaps Act 1 of Woolf Works that I did actually find quite moving. 

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1 hour ago, LinMM said:

Looking forward to this tonight! 

A complete aside but wonder if ENB could acquire Fille or is this the under the sole ownership of the RB? 
It’s just that as they are an English ballet company it might be possible? 

Rights are owned by Jean-Pierre Gasquet, not the RB so could be possible

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2 hours ago, Blossom said:

Lovely to see Aaron S Watkin sitting in the front section of the stalls (prob about row F) and conversing with his (rather well to do) audience members in the next row during the interval.

Overall, I'm excited to see what will come next for ENB.


Aaron Watkin has been noticeably interactive during this run - good for him.


[But @Blossom your comment makes me glad that I go to SW in my jeans 😉 !!!]

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27 minutes ago, capybara said:


Aaron Watkin has been noticeably interactive during this run - good for him.


[But @Blossom your comment makes me glad that I go to SW in my jeans 😉 !!!]

😂 essentially the area in the middle of the stalls seemed to be more ROH types than the usual varied SW audiences.  Hard to put into words. I didn't feel particularly presentable yesterday as practically threw clothes on after a poor night's sleep and headed down straight from work. Was probably channeling a bit of an inferiority complex!

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ENB has tweeted:

Cast change for Thursday's perfs of Balanchine’s Theme and Variations as part of Our Voices at

@Sadlers_Wells: Julia Conway replaces Shiori Kase as Principal Woman in the matinee. Sangeun Lee and Gareth Haw replace Emma Hawes and Aitor Arrieta as Principal Couple in the evening.

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50 minutes ago, Lizbie1 said:

Has anyone noticed timings after the first couple of nights? Has it settled down to comfortably within 2 1/2 hours?


yes - it started about 7.35 last night, ending about 9.55. And last night was a drinkies reception and speeches night as well

As I was about 6mins early for my train connection, it was inevitably 5-6mins late leaving the station....


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13 hours ago, JNC said:

I’m seeing it tomorrow with Katja and Arrieta and have high hopes.


Isn't it Khaniukova & Frola this evening? Or has there been a cast change that I've missed? I hope not, given I forked out for another ticket solely to try for a second time to see them, particularly Frola, in T&V.

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3 hours ago, Dawnstar said:


Isn't it Khaniukova & Frola this evening? Or has there been a cast change that I've missed? I hope not, given I forked out for another ticket solely to try for a second time to see them, particularly Frola, in T&V.

It’s my error yes - it is Frola




Which I am very delighted by! 

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7 hours ago, bridiem said:

ENB has tweeted:

Cast change for Thursday's perfs of Balanchine’s Theme and Variations as part of Our Voices at

@Sadlers_Wells: Julia Conway replaces Shiori Kase as Principal Woman in the matinee. Sangeun Lee and Gareth Haw replace Emma Hawes and Aitor Arrieta as Principal Couple in the evening.


Oh good.  Well, not really, but I was going to ask whether there were any cast changes for tomorrow, since I didn't think I'd be able to make the matinee, so it's at least good to have it confirmed.  The casting on the ENB website hadn't been updated when I looked.

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Can anybody tell me who was there tonight in the last Piece Four Last Songs who was the male dancer to last leave the stage. He had very dark hair and wasn’t sure if it was Aitor Arrieta but might have been Daniel McCormick? Whoever it was caught my eye all the way through the Piece. 
The singer was the real star tonight though such a beautiful voice she really drew me in and so I found myself watching her on several occasions….not that the dancing wasn’t good …I loved this work but definitely my favourite music of the night. 

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2 hours ago, LinMM said:

Can anybody tell me who was there tonight in the last Piece Four Last Songs who was the male dancer to last leave the stage. He had very dark hair and wasn’t sure if it was Aitor Arrieta but might have been Daniel McCormick? Whoever it was caught my eye all the way through the Piece. 
The singer was the real star tonight though such a beautiful voice she really drew me in and so I found myself watching her on several occasions….not that the dancing wasn’t good …I loved this work but definitely my favourite music of the night. 

Daniel McCormick

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42 minutes ago, alison said:

And for that matter, the couple in the third song, the name of which escapes me at the moment.  I was struggling to see with that lighting.

Unless I've got the wrong song (difficult to keep track as the couples interchange so much), it was Ivana Bueno and Lorenzo Trossello in the roles created by Emma Hawes and Aitor Arrieta.

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Aah so that was Ivana Bueno! I was looking through the programme pictures to see who it was and couldn’t decide!!  And Thankyou Irmgard …..I should have known! McCormick has a lovely soft quality.    It’s time to watch an ENB class again which haven’t done for yonks and is a really useful way of getting to know who is who! I hope there will be an opportunity soon. 

I loved it last night ..the whole evening ..even being a tad confused in  Les Noces!! and got to see Mr. Watkin who was in the First Circle …certainly for the last Piece anyway and was chatting away to some people behind him it was almost as if he was one of the dancers! 
A little more later! 

Edited by LinMM
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Very much looking forward to today’s double performance and it’s been very good to read all the posts.

Heading for London and Avanti have clearly improved since they were awarded their contract extension: I heard yesterday that my train had been cancelled rather than when getting to the station. No explanation as to why other than ‘unforeseen circumstances’ and no facility to reserve a seat on trains allegedly running. But the train via Birmingham is new, there’s a power point at every seat, and the quiet coach more than lives up to its name, so I’ve stayed on the train rather than change at Crewe.

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I didn’t see a cast sheet but did read the programme notes and although that did help….at least I understood one of the dancers was a “ghost”  ….but was still confused at times of just who was going where. I think the set needs explaining more! 

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