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Everything posted by Pixiewoo

  1. Oooo I saw this yesterday! Hardly ever put TV on for the children. I was cringing a bit but decided 'teacher' was probably 'just'an actress. As a childminder, i used to get very fed up with the inaccurate portrayal of a childminder in another childrens programme (granny murray) and have been told 'it's not real' by the programme makers, which doesn't help give parents a true idea. I just Googled ... the little girl and dad are really father & daughter, mum is played by an aunt and voiced by big sister.
  2. DD started in a duet with a friend which meant they had someone else to share the excitement and nerves with (and I had another mum to share costume dilemmas with!) They both then started solos.
  3. Wow. Wonderful news. I'm so pleased for you and your DD.
  4. Dd has wide feet and narrow ankles. I used to find capezio daisy were the best, until we discovered (and were allowed) split sole, cross over elastic. I've found these fit much better and show dds foot nicely. I like so danca 260 ( i think it is ) dds current shoe is a split sole bloch neoform (leather toes and neophrene heel) which comes in a wide fitting and single elastic. Looks stunning on, but is expensive ( we got 'caught' by dance shop :0 ( ) won't be getting them again, at least, not whilst dds feet grow so fast.
  5. oops! i got 11/14 ... AND i pressed the wrong answer on one of them!!! bizarrely, although i like chocolate, not many of the the chocolate bars i actually do eat were listed! mmmmm star bars ;0)
  6. my (non)DS is doing 9 - math, English X2, double science (covers physics/biology/chemistry but equals 2 GCSEs), geography, French, music and DT - this will give him the 'E bacc'. School say that they don't NEED any more to go to choose A levels and they would rather they got good results with 9, than 'fair' results with more. Some children are doing an extra out of school such as Latin, or different languages.
  7. I would talk to the school too. feeling sad for you and your dd too.
  8. in the past DD did a couple of courses with this company, she really enjoyed them and liked the teachers.
  9. NOPE, i still don't understand a single word, in fact, i understand even less than i did before!
  10. i do not understand a single word anyone is saying !!!!
  11. I've got to work that far in advance as i provide holiday childcare! Some parents are already wanting to book the whole of 2017 holidays! I throw enough spanners in the works with DDs dancing random days/short notice (esp for festivals) so i try to give as much notice when i can! And lol ... you are looking ahead and being organised. I already know that one particular parent will ring me on the Monday of half term having 'forgotten' to arrange her childcare!
  12. Didn't need a prescription. I got 'for cats and dogs less than 4kg' dose.
  13. ☺ DD did York and loved it. She is desperate to return next year, and thank you; now i know dates i can plan OUR summer holiday! (It was on my 'to do' list )
  14. DD needs a touch of foundation under the stage lights, those without look like death warmed up! DD does her own, and thanks to festivals, like huddsbslletmum, isn't bothered about makeup although, if she does put some on, it's very discrete!
  15. I was using Frontline bought from Amazon ... no fleas. .. vet persuaded me to use Broadline. .. within 3days both cats infested. YUCK! My friend is a head vet nurse and she recommended we use Advantage; bought it on Amazon and after i had combed, combed and combed again for several days, put the drops on .... problem solved. She also recommended Indorex flea spray as something to spray in house. Said it was badically the same as the vets sell, but cheaper. Again, bought from Amazon. Apparently single spray lasts 6mths... instantly stopped any more fleas being in the house.
  16. My DD uses a panstik for foundation as we found the tubes of foundation were hard to get an even coverage! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Max-Factor-Pan-Stik-Foundation/dp/B001GNBVSU/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1473678904&sr=1-1&keywords=medium+pan+stick then just whatever cheap eyeliner/mascara we find when we go shopping, as she seems to lose these! We also have a 'pressed powder' thing that I brush over the foundation if it looks too dark, and also a bronzing one, if the lights are harsh. DD ( now 11 ) tends to do all her own makeup. ( YAY! )
  17. My cats ALWAYS come in at lunchtime .. we had vet appt but i didnt mention it nor get the box out. Lunch time comes, my boy cat wanders in..... i call female cat ... not a sign .... an hour later STILL no sign, i ended up taking just one cat for annual jabs! Female cat finally sauntered in about 10pm! (And wasn't let out the next day until she had visited the vet!) I swear she had read the calendar!
  18. People who think that because i live in a 'tourist' area, it is ok to park across my driveway even though my car is on the drive AND there is a lowered curb all the way down the road! Or yesterday, the people parking with such inconsideration down the road ... rather than parking all on one side, they chose to park on alternate sides, so you have to zigzag down the road, and heaven help a fire engine or ambulance needing to get anywhere. I did smile at one of the constant tractors that also use the road squuezing past with a bit of muck from the trailer falling out onto a car. Lucky the tractor didn't bump into the cars, as I've seen that before! Oh, and a farmer friend who has just been asked if he could stop combining (harvest) as it was spoiling the picnickers view and was rather noisy. He politely asked them to get out of his field and private land to find somewhere else to picnic! ... yes, they'd set up IN the wheatfield !!!
  19. I do love my job, but i have a secret hankering to work at the local theme park and zoo! Either with the animals ( I'm tempted by education dept, but they have to deal with spiders/snakes/bugs etc to share with visitors and that is the only group of animals that i WOULDN'T (COULDN'T ) work with !! ) or even manning rides etc. I am a frequent visitor and everyone genuinely seems to enjoy working there.
  20. You must live near me! I particuarly like groups of cyclists several abreast when going up or down hills on a bend, with hedges either side! And yes, random lorries on country lanes, or a particular joy in spring is the tourist who stops their car in the middle of the narrow road, to take photographs of the lambs on or by the road, then zooming off, just missing said lambs by mm :0(
  21. Our old dance school had a couple of 'retired mums' whose DDs no longer danced, who still came along and helped with events etc! I think one learnt how to sew tutus etc, and is still firmly involved in dancing, just not with her own child! LOL, it was my friends dance school, and I used to go and chaperone etc BEFORE I even had my own children, and before they were too small to join in!
  22. I have a white Lycra tutu with turquoise and aqua netting for sale. it has some turquoise sequins sewn around the neckline, but these are easily removed. size 2, and worn 3 times! £15.00 plus postage please pm/email me for photo. Thanks
  23. I have a pair of size 4.5 RV split sole, lace up Jazz shoes, black unworn! cost £27.40 new. £12.00 plus postage a black leotard with lace top and short sleeves. says size 140, which should be age 7-8, but it is small. New ( as was too small, and then I forgot I had it! ) £6.00 plus postage I can't see how to attach photos, so please message me if you are interested. I'm guessing postage would be £2.80 for small parcel. Thanks
  24. My DD has become great friends with some girls we only meet at festivals, and was delighted to bump into some of them on a recent shopping trip ( I don't recognise them at all, to have them described to me as 'the girl who does the Alice Character and has a green tutu and the girl who does a tap in a song and dance' ... then I knew who they were!)
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