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Everything posted by shygirlsmum

  1. It turned out that DD did not receive great training at her first dance school. It took me a while to "get it" I naively thought that it wouldn't matter as I wouldn't choose dancing as a career for my DD anyway. DD was 10 by the time it was apparent that my feelings didn't come into it DD was passionate and wanted better training. We have been at new dance school for almost 18months and DD has never looked back. At old school DD got very high distinctions but looking back they studied exclusively for exams for about 9 months and the remainder of the year for the annual show. There was no free work and subsequently DD didn't pick up choreography as well as kids from other schools (we found this out at festival workshop). Our new dance teacher has had to correct a few bad habits but feels that we moved at the right time. DD's friend from the first dance class had gained an associate place but was assessed out after a year - feedback was that she didn't pick up well and they felt that her teacher wouldn't help her to progress. Perhaps a call to the associate scheme you are interested in would help you find the right teacher.
  2. Awww.....I'm dreading the day DD won't let me sew ribbons on anymore. I'm lot allowed to touch hair anymore (apart from festivals and only then if it's a solo) my roll is now limited to driver, masseuse and banker. I love that she is now so self sufficient and growing in confidence but she is growing up and I'm not sure I like it ???? It's been a running joke for a while that any ballet success is down to my outstanding bun styling, the dancing is incidental ????
  3. BadBallerina your dedication is amazing I'm sure this attitude will serve you well in the future. I would be incredibly proud if my DD has anything like your work ethic. Good luck ????
  4. I'm sorry I can't help with your question but didn't want to read and run. I would like to say that I would be just as concerned as you if my child was not fulfilling their academic potential. Perhaps you could indicate where you live and where you are willing to travel too for classes should you decide full time training is not working for your family. There are many helpful contributors on this forum who I'm sure will be along to help you soon, good luck.
  5. Awww... I'm sorry for your DD. Well done to your dis. I'm so looking forward to watching on the last day as DD's friend did the SS last year and her mum raved about how amazing the older dancers were (especially the boys). You are going to have to help me out as I have pondered for a while and still have no clue as to what dis stands for ????
  6. lol, good plan. How old is your DD kiwimum6? My DD has just turned 12.
  7. DD attended the audition in York. She really enjoyed the audition and is delighted to have been offered week 2.
  8. Well done to your DD. Thats a shame for the other children, perhaps physio assessment highlighted something that made them unsuitable for RB training as suggested in an earlier post.
  9. Thank you, it's just sinking in really, I really didn't expect her to get a place. Just read through this whole thread and I now appreciate just how well she has done. I envisioned much bigger classes to hear that there are only about 16 in a class really puts things into perspective.
  10. Well done to your DD snowflake, we will be at Newcastle. DD will be year 8 in September xx
  11. I know this is an old thread but just wanted to post that DD has been offered a Mids assoc place she was on the waiting list ????????????
  12. That a great performance, very professional looking. Well done to your DD.
  13. I always find it amusing when the parent makes out that they have no interest in their child dancing and that dance is such an inconvenience then their child drops into conversation that their"non-pushy" parent has had them practice every spare minute and they have even argued over practice. Then you also see them butt kissing at the studio bring pressies for the teacher.
  14. I would have taken DD's passion more seriously and found better training earlier, we moved dance school a year ago and quickly found out that previous school was seriously lacking. Looking back I was so naive, I thought that if the talent was there any teacher would nurture it, I see just how foolish I was now!!! We didn't know anything about associates or summer schools etc until joining this forum.
  15. Aww Proudmum, I'm sorry to hear that. Your DD sounds like a really determined young lady, I sincerely hope she doesn't let this knock her down. We are waiting for MIDs but won't hold out breath, I know the competition is fierce. Xx
  16. It is sad that discrimination is very much part of everyday life it would be nice to see it eradicated in our lifetime. My daughters friend is doubting her sexuality at the moment (aged 13) I have no problems with this girl but also have no idea how to support her either, other than to encourage my daughter to be a good friend. My daughter has discussed her friends dilemma with me and I have been very impressed by how open minded she is. I do think times are changing albeit slowly. I'm not very knowledgeable about ballet or dance in general but this article reminded me of a group of dancers with learning difficulties who entered got to dance, I remember being moved to tears by the passion those dancers showed on stage it was truly humbling. I'm glad there was someone willing to teach people who do not fit the mold as they were beautiful to watch.
  17. I had terrible skin from age 12/13 I went on the pill at 13 but it never really helped. I tried everything on the market at the time and found that products like clearasil made things worse. I am still prone to breakouts but things have improved over time I now use clean & clear face wash and I love it, I wish I had access to it in my teens.
  18. Thank you very much for the advice. It really is a beautiful tutu, quite heavily decorated.... so i'm guessing that is where the weight comes from. I would never have thought about letting her practice in it but that makes perfect sense. I do love tutu shopping, if I won the lottery I would have lots
  19. We are shopping for a new tutu, DD tried on a second hand one last week and loved it. My only reservation is that it feels quite heavy. It is a beautiful one, well made with a panelled bodice and stiff pancake skirt. It could be that I am not used to the quality but others I have looked at have been much lighter. DD doesn't think that the weight would be an issue but I am concerned that a heavy tutu would be a hindrance. What would be your thoughts?
  20. Thanks for that 2dancersmum, that helps lots. Xx
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