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Everything posted by alison

  1. Okay, who did I miss? (It's annoying that while they announce the Myrthas we're still left to guess at the Hilarions)
  2. I'm not sure anyone in ENB is technically involved in that, though? I thought it was effectively the students?
  3. I don't really tend to have "favourite" dancers of either gender, more dancers I like in particular roles - although obviously there are some dancers I like (a lot?) better than others. I mean, I very much like Tamara Rojo, but despite that I still wasn't prepared to go and see her in Sleeping Beauty again. So, certain dancers for MacMillan, certain dancers for Ashton, certain dancers for the classics, and so on, and even sub-selections within those classifications .
  4. Well, I always said that I thought Infra would be the easiest of his works to review on something like Newsnight's review show ...
  5. alison

    Room 101

    Not if they're Bags For Life, it isn't, because they would lose out big-time if they had to replace them free of charge on a regular basis. Actually, since the 5p charge legislation came in over here back in the autumn, I think most of the big stores say they give the money to charity, or something, anyway.
  6. Thanks, Amelia. So we wait with bated breath to see whether this is any reflection of casting tomorrow, or whether Osipova *is* dancing and just dropped out of this to concentrate on rehearsing, for example.
  7. I know two teachers who have had major voice-loss problems. If you don't get anywhere with any of the above, I could ask them what they did (both are speaking normally again now) - send me a PM if you need any more help, because I don't always look into DD.
  8. Did they bring him over specially? I think he was one of the ones in the original cast, wasn't he?
  9. You do know she's doing the Giselle live broadcast on April 6th, northstar? (and the repeats, whenever they may be).
  10. Kevin O'Hare's been in charge at the RB for less than 4 years - although wouldn't it have been Monica Mason who took on Francesca Hayward - and others? Where do you get your statistics from, Tabitha? I'm not aware of dancers' heights being regularly reported anywhere.
  11. You get similar complaints with international orchestras - that they are losing whatever it was - strings, woodwind or so on - which made them so distinctive, and becoming homogenised. It's sad to see.
  12. It was screened in the cinemas the other week - there may be some footage on YouTube or somewhere, maybe the Bolshoi site? (and probably some feedback on our Bolshoi Cinema thread). It's very modern, and rather short - have you seen his R&J? That would give you some idea. Having seen it once, I doubt I'll bother going again.
  13. I don't remember noticing any change in prices for matinees from the ROH Summer booking brochure .
  14. I remember emailing someone at ENB a few years ago about something which needed reasonably urgent attention, and not getting a reply for some considerable time. It turned out that the person in question had been away on holiday/sick or something and hadn't put any sort of out-of-office message or set up forwarding to someone else. I would of course hope that emailing protocols would have been improved since then, although it may be that the company setup means that there aren't obvious alternative people to forward emails to. And of course emails do get lost. Yes, Outlook, I'm still waiting for that code you were supposed to be sending me "immediately" an hour or so ago so I could get back into my email account ...
  15. From the ... rather unusual, shall we say ... viewing point I had, I'm not sure I'd agree with you on apportioning blame.
  16. Welcome, Texan. So, what happens? Does she not get married, marry someone else, ...? Fonty, that Quote function has a nasty habit of disappearing, I'm afraid. I've complained about it numerous times. If it's not the Quote function, then it's the formatting which goes, or something else.
  17. Well, from my experiences so far, I have to say this is not a cast I would avoid buying if it were on DVD
  18. If they're passing a branch of Jigsaw, fans of Ed may like to pick up a copy of their spring/summer "Style and Truth" brochure, which includes an interview with Ed plus him modelling some of the men's range.
  19. alison

    Room 101

    I thought the idea was to mark bags as biodegradable, specifically so you didn't put things away in them for years and then find they'd rotted ...
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