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Everything posted by toursenlair

  1. Vienna State Ballet is doing the Lacotte (Taglioni) version in May and June Slovak National Theatre Ballet in January and March in Bratislava (Bournonville version) Royal Danish Ballet is doing their new production (Hubbe after Bournonville) in February in Copenhagen New York City Ballet is doing Bournonville version in New York in May.
  2. I find the whole idea of not allowing men to get bouquets bizarre. Why not? I know in Stuttgart when I wanted flowers to be presented on stage, the administration did say that if I wanted to give flowers to the lead man I also had to provide flowers for the ballerina (which was fine by me). If you're throwing flowers, you can throw at whoever you like. Angela, it seems to me the last time I was in Stuttgart there were fewer flowers thrown though. Is this correct? One time here in Toronto I was ordering a bouquet for Robert Tewsley for a Nutcracker Prince performance. The florist was quite bemused when I started specifying what I wanted. I hadn't explained that it was for a dancer. "I want it to look good with what he's wearing". "What he's wearing?????" "Yes. It's.... scarlet. And yellow." "??????" No doubt she thought my man had very weird taste in clothes.
  3. because was in english.what if it had been in swiss german. or mandarin. one of balllet's greatest assets is its wordlessness
  4. I also wept buckets the first time I saw it. I was so drained I could barely say, let alone shout, "Bravo!" at the end. But I wanted to see it again immediately! I think his use of Chopin's music (AND his use of "no music") is AMAZING. Definitely not too much in one evening. Now whenever I hear the music for the black pas de deux I start to choke up.
  5. In any case, I don't think you can accuse John Neumeier of having something against music, considering he provides us with about 3 hours of Chopin in Lady of the Camellias!
  6. I love Neumeier's Camellias and have never been bothered by the silent opening. Maybe the absence of music symbolizes the absence of Marguerite, since she's just died. The lack of music contributes to the sense of emptiness that is portrayed by all her possessions being divvied up and carted off. Neumeier is a creative artist. Creative artists can do whatever they like to express their vision. They aren't required to follow convention if they don't want to. Doing something different than usual makes us think, as it did you: WHY did he do that? Neumeier's Seagull starts with the curtain up and the lead character making an origami seagull while the audience is still coming into the theatre and taking their seats. I've always interpreted that as representing the artist who works away at his creation while no one is paying attention and then, lo and behold, we have an artistic creation (when the house lights go down and the music starts). But someone else could have a different interpretation. Whatever it is, the unusual beginning made us engage more in the ballet.
  7. has just been released in the UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bussell-Darceys-Ballerina-Heroines-Ballerinas/dp/B00NP4TWRU/ref=sr_1_2?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1416589677&sr=1-2&keywords=darcey+bussell
  8. grr, why do they wait so long to announce their season?? The last week of March/beginning of April would be great to organize a trip to London, but now I'm committed to Vienna and Prague instead (I know, I know, cry me a river, but still, it would be better to know what all one's options are).
  9. You shouldn't have to do any tagging. I use blogger for both my websites, and when I put a hard return in, it creates a paragraph break. If you write your post in Word first and then paste it over, you may have some problems.
  10. it's being published by Dance Europe: http://www.danceeurope.net/store/xander-parish-russian-prince
  11. Marie Agnes Gillot at Paris Opera Ballet also. http://www.dancemagazine.com/issues/July-2012/The-Bold--The-Beautiful
  12. Well, um, that's what happens when encyclopedias aren't edited by professional editors. You get whatever the various people who contributed could think of, from their point of view.
  13. Would it be possible to get back to London by train after an evening performance in Milton Keynes? I know there are trains, I just need to know whether one would get back before midnight!
  14. I'm going to post this here as it seems as good a place as any. Would just like to report that I met Andrew Tomlinson at a National Ballet of Canada event tonight; he has been taken into the company as an apprentice and will be dancing one of the beggars in Manon in November. Quite a charming young man. About time we had someone from Yorkshire in our company!
  15. what is the running time including intermission? I'm wondering if it's possible to get back to London from Milton Keynes by train at a reasonable hour after a performance. (I know there are trains, but just wonder what time I would be leaving MK) I emailed New Adventures to ask this question and didn't get a reply.
  16. Opera de Paris just tweeted this: unclear whether they mean just the defile or the whole thing: "Un problème technique chez @Culturebox a empêché la diffusion en direct du Défilé du corps de Ballet.1000 EXCUSES. On l'espère un replay."
  17. I don't see how it is possible to make a rape scene that is easy to watch if it is depicting a rape. And I don't think sexual violence is gratuitous in Manon. It's part of the story, depicting a society where men had that level of control over women and could sexually exploit and degrade them at will.
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