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Everything posted by toursenlair

  1. I am pretty sure the May 27-30 2015 booking dates are for the 2016 gala. Janet, you will have to try in May 2016 for the 2017 gala.
  2. waaahhh Alex Jones is leaving? <<starts looking at Zurich Ballet schedule again>>
  3. With the Stuttgart Ballet having announced its season today, I have now completed my list of possible ballet trips for 2016. Please see below. For more info, visit http://toursenlair.blogspot.ca/ or message me. January 28 - February 1 Florida (West Palm Beach and Sarasota) Miami City Ballet: La Source (Balanchine), Barber Violin Concerto (Martins), In the Upper Room (Tharp) Sarasota Ballet: Emeralds (Balanchine), new Graziano, TBA February 2 - 4 San Francisco San Francisco Ballet: 7 for Eight (Tomasson), Magrittomania (Possokhov), Pas/Parts (Forsythe) Continuum© (Wheeldon), Liam Scarlett World Premiere, Rubies (Balanchine) February 27 - March 4 Washington DC Mariinsky Ballet: Raymonda Washington Ballet: PRISM (Lopez Ochoa), State of Wonder (Webre), In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated (Forsythe) New York City Ballet: Ash(Martins), After the Rain pas de deux (Wheeldon), New Peck, The Infernal Machine (Martins), Tschaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 2 (Balanchine) La Sylphide (Bournonville), Bournonville Divertissements April 1 - 13 Paris and Amsterdam Paris Opera Ballet Seven Sonatas (Ratmansky), Duo Concertant (Balanchine), Other Dances (Robbins), In Creases (Peck) Romeo and Juliet (Nureyev) Dutch National Ballet Apollo, Stravinsky Violin Concerto, Tarantella, Theme and Variations (all Balanchine) Metaforen, Two, Two, Gold Variations, Adagio Hammerklavier (all van Manen) April 13 - 20 Berlin and Dresden Staatsballett Berlin Multiplicity, Forms of Silence and Emptiness (Duato) Romeo and Juliet (Cranko) Giselle Dresden Semperoper Ballet Sleeping Beauty April 29 - May 10 Prague and Vienna (day trip to Bratislava) Czech National Ballet La Bayadère Valmont Vienna State Ballet Mayerling (MacMillan) Marie Antoinette (de Bana) Hamburg Ballet Shakespeare Dances (Neumeier) Slovak National Theatre Ballet The Sleeping Beauty May 12 - 15, 2016, 4 days New York New York City Ballet: Ballo della Regina, Kammermusik No. 2, Vienna Waltzes (all Balanchine) Dances at a gathering, West Side Story Suite (both Robbins) American Ballet Theatre: TBA May 21 - 23 (Victoria Day Weekend) Boston Boston Ballet Swan Lake New Armitage, New Yanowsky, Belong pas de deux (Vesak), Resonance (Martinez) June 11-20, 10 days South of France (Toulouse and Bordeaux) Ballet of the Opéra National de Bordeaux Messiah (Wainrot) Ballet of the Théatre du Capitole Toulouse Paquita grand pas (Petipa), Firebird (Béjart) July 15 - 25, 11 days Stuttgart Dancers of the Korean National Ballet, Czech National Ballet, Ballett Zürich, Ballet du Rhin, Augsburg Ballett, Ballett im Revier and Gauthier Dance Mixed Program Stuttgart Ballet Mixed Program (excerpts from Stuttgart Ballet world premieres of the last 20 years) the second detail (Forsythe), new Goecke, Beethoven's Seventh Symphony (Scholz) Romeo and Juliet (Cranko) The Taming of the Shrew (Cranko) Onegin (Cranko) John Cranko School Gala Stuttgart Ballet Gala
  4. Berlin State Ballet has just cancelled another performance: // Due to a strike by the dancers, today’s performance of "Sleeping Beauty" at 7.30pm at Deutsche Oper Berlin will be canceled. The Staatsballett Berlin regrets the cancelation of the performance. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation. All tickets will be reimbursed. This is several times this has happened, isn't that so, Angela? Does anyone know what the issue is and whether there's any likelihood of it being solved?
  5. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/life-video/video-balancing-work-and-family-and-injury-with-canadas-premier-ballet-couple/article24703971/ I hope this isn't behind a paywall for y'all.
  6. no it doesn't, Ian. As I said with this NYCB review, when I tried to access it from the Links page, NYT told me I'd exceeded my free access, and then when I tried it from twitter 2 minutes later I could read the whole thing.
  7. here's a tip for the New York Times. You can get past the paywall if you go via twitter. For instance, today's links included one to Alastair Macaulay's review of NYCB's Balanchine program. Clicking on it, I couldn't get past the paywall. But then I went to Twitter @nytimesarts and scrolled through the recent tweets till I found the one with a link to this article, and was able to read it. NYTimes has a policy of making articles available that are linked to (by NYT) via facebook and twitter. And I think if I were to share the URL of that article, which includes something saying that it was accessed via twitter, then other people could also read it. I'm not suggesting the Links editors go through these gymnastics, they have enough work on their hands as it is. Here's the link, someone try it and see if it works: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/11/arts/dance/review-serving-4-helpings-of-balanchine-with-thunderbolts-and-tornadoes.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&smid=nytimesarts
  8. a trip to Italy in July might be nice.... July 3, 4, and 5 SOIRÉE ROLAND PETIT con Eleonora Abbagnato Étoile de l’Opéra di Parigi Luigi Bonino Direttore Artistico del repertorio di Roland Petit Stéphane Bullion Étoile de l’Opéra di Parigi Claudio Coviello Primo ballerino del Teatro alla Scala Mathieu Ganio Étoile de l’Opéra di Parigi Nicoletta Manni Prima ballerina del Teatro alla Scala Alessandro Riga Primo ballerino della Compagnia Nazionale di Danza di Madrid Marian Walter Primo ballerino étoile del Balletto dell’Opera di Berlino Iana Salenko Prima ballerina étoile del Balletto dell’Opera di Berlino Maria Yakovleva Prima ballerina assoluta dell’Opera di Vienna coreografie dal repertorio di Roland Petit programma a cura di Daniele Cipriani Entertainment con la consulenza di Luigi Bonino luci Jean-Michel Dèsiré maître e direttore di scena Luigi Neri produzione di Daniele Cipriani Entertainment THAIS DA MA PAVLOVA (1986) musica Jules Massenet costumi Luisa Spinatelli danzano Iana Salenko e Marian Walter NOTRE DAME DE PARIS (1965) musica Maurice Jarre costumi Yves Saint Laurent danzano Nicoletta Manni e Claudio Coviello GYMNOPEDIE DA MA PAVLOVA (1988) musica Eric Satie costumi Luisa Spinatelli danzano Maria Yakovleva e Alessandro Riga CARMEN - PAS DE DEUX (1949) musica Georges Bizet costumi Antoni Clavé danzano Eleonora Abbagnato e Mathieu Ganio LE JEUNE HOMME ET LA MORT (1946) libretto Jean Cocteau musica Johann Sebastian Bach elementi scenici Georges Wakhévitch costumi Christian Berard / Barbara Karinska danzano Eleonora Abbagnato e Stéphane Bullion IL PIPISTRELLO - PAS DE DEUX (1979) musica Johann Strauss Jr. costumi Franca Squarciapino danzano Iana Salenko e Marian Walter ARLESIENNE - PAS DE DEUX (1974) musica Georges Bizet costumi Christine Laurent danzano Maria Yakovleva e Alessandro Riga LE COMBAT DES ANGES "PROUST, OU LES INTERMITTENCES DU COEUR" (1974) musica Gabriel Fauré costumi Christine Laurent danzano Stéphane Bullion (Morel) e Mathieu Ganio (Saint Loup) CHEEK TO CHEEK (1977) musica Irving Berlin costumi Yves Saint Laurent danzano Eleonora Abbagnato e Luigi Bonino DÉFILÉ FINALE musica Irving Berlin danzano tutti gli artisti July 9, 10, 11 BALLET DU CAPITOLE DE TOULOUSE direzione artistica Kader Belarbi DANS LES PAS DE NOUREEV SLEEPING BEAUTY GRAND PDD ROMÉO ET JULIETTE PAS DE DEUX DAL I ATTO LE LAC DES CYGNES PAS DE TROIS DEL CIGNO NERO - III ATTO LA BAYADERE LE ROYAUME DES OMBRES - III ATTO DON QUICHOTTE III ATTO http://www.festivaldispoleto.com/2015/infobiglietteria.asp?lang=
  9. here's a teeny tiny moan about Fille (which is a ballet I love to bits). It drives me crazy when Lise picks up the sickles BY THE BLADES. Wouldn't those things be super sharp if you were about to go off harvesting with them??? Also shouldn't people give more of an impression that wheat sheaves are actually heavy. I know the prop ones are probably made of styrofoam, but the things they're representing aren't.
  10. Vienna State Ballet are performing Adagio Hammerklavier this month and next (and repeating it next season as well, so clearly not exclusive to DNB.
  11. Looking forward to meeting those who will be there. I will be carrying a black San Francisco Ballet shoulder bag (seems more appropriate than wearing a red carnation).
  12. Alas no, Janet, I will not make it out to MK. I'm just dashing through London on my way home from Stuttgart.
  13. I think the urge to bone up on Austro-Hungary comes AFTER watching Mayerling. Who the heck are all those women anyway? PS I love Mayerling.
  14. Re the 25 Nutcrackers, that's pretty standard for North American companies, and indeed many do more. I believe Boston does 42 (at least they used to) and NYCB does something in that order too. It pays the bills for the rest of the season.
  15. You're very welcome happymoocow. I'm so glad that worked out for you.
  16. Here I am in Prague and I just picked up a brochure for a nameless ballet company that does endless Swan Lakes for the tourist trade. Their synopsis of the plot includes this: "Odette tells them in despair about Siegfried's betrayal. On the lake is beginning a storm. The prince is rushing out to the bank." Well ya know, a girl/swan likes her guy to have money...
  17. the photograph in the subscription brochure is actually from the National Ballet of Canada, Greta Hodgkinson and Guillaume Cote (misidentified as Jason Reilly!!)
  18. dates of the Gala Roberto Bolle and Friends summer tour, which will start from The Music Center in Los Angeles (July 10 and 12) before landing in Italy on the following dates: JULY: 18 - 19 Teatro Lirico - Cagliari 22 Arena di Verona 25 Teatro Grande degli Scavi - Pompei 27 Terme di Caracalla - Rome 29 - 30 Teatro Ariston - Sanremo SEPTEMBER: 18 - 19 - 20 Teatro Bellini - Catania Produced by Artedanza srl. For the shows in Cagliari, Pompei, Sanremo and Catania tickets pre-sale will start next week. All info on www.robertobolle.com and www.ticketone.it
  19. Hannah Fischer - National Ballet of Canada Carlo di Lanno - San Francisco Ballet Yuri Yanowsky (choreography) - Boston Ballet
  20. my mistake, she wasn't still a sujet, she was promoted in November, effective Jan 1 of this year, to premiere danseuse. But she didn't stay there long!
  21. some of the group I took to Montreal to see POB in Paquita in October went to an extra performance and saw Hecquet (the whole group saw Albisson's performance). This is what one (a ballet teacher) had to say: Paquita was danced by a sujet Laura Hecquet, who was absolutely brilliant and completed the entire performance without so much as a drop of sweat or any indication at all of how taxing the technical elements were. Her balances in the pas de deux were spectacular! (Not even a hint of a wobble). I've never, ever, seen such balances. So it would seem she leapt straight from sujet to Etoile.
  22. Laura Hecquet, after tonight's performance of Swan Lake.
  23. Well, here's an interesting statement from Jann Parry's review in Dancetabs: "Carl Orff, Bintley and his designer, Philip Prowse, know how to work on an audience’s sensibilities, stunning most of its members into compliant enjoyment." So, wait. She makes this sound like a BAD thing. How dare they, composer, designer, choreographer, create something enjoyable? Shocking that they should be such professionals that they know how to communicate with an audience. (and how does she know that the rest of the audience -- not her, of course -- are "stunned"?)
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